Supreme Chef

Chapter 1981 I Don't Think You Are Deserving

Chapter 1981 I Don't Think You Are Deserving
After moving his body, Lin Mu immediately started to do it.

A punch blasted out, directly forming a star explosion.The sun and the moon fell, and the storm swept the sky and the earth, everything was eclipsed and finally destroyed.


With a sweeping punch, five or six people instantly turned into skeletons before they could dodge.

Seeing the power of Lin Mu's punch, Bai Yixian felt a little lonely.I have been fighting them for so long just now, and none of them fell.With just one punch from Lin Mu, five or six people fell.

From this point of view, the gap between the two is really getting bigger and bigger.Lin Mu moved forward and left himself far behind.

However, this feeling of loss was only for a moment, and it did not affect Bai Yixian's original heart.

After all, those who can become the strongest will not be hit by such trivial matters at all.

He killed five or six people with one punch, and the rest of them were completely terrified and understood that they were no match for Lin Mu at all.The gap between the two is definitely not a star and a half, but the gap between the sky and the earth.

Everyone fled in all directions, wanting to leave.But why is Lin Mu so easy to get along with, how could Lin Mu be the one who suffers.

Lin Mu used the speed rule to catch up with three or four people in a row, and sent them all to the west with one punch.

However, the rest of them still fled quickly, hiding behind the little gods and the others, seeking their protection.

Before they took the initiative to attack Lin Mu and were killed by Lin Mu, the little gods had nothing to say.

But now that they are hiding behind him, he and others naturally can't just watch.

"Why are you preparing to be as shameless as them?" Lin Mu said to them coldly without being polite at all.

"Before you killed it, you killed it, but now they are behind us." Xiaotianshen said on behalf of Tiangong.

After Lin Mu listened to it, he sneered and said, "So, you are ready to take over the cause and effect for him?"

"Although you have improved a lot, you are still not my opponent. I am full of expectations for an opponent like you, so I don't want to hit you too early. You go, when you become stronger, I will give you a It's a fair chance to fight." The little god said to Lin Mu very calmly.

This Lin Mu really couldn't bear it anymore, he was indeed a little weaker in strength before.He just said that, now that he has achieved the divine body, he is still so arrogant, I really can't bear it.

"Whether I am your opponent or you are my opponent, you will only know after you have fought." Lin Mu said.

The little god, said: "Since you want to experiment, I will help you."

After saying that, the little god suddenly made a move, and the ordinary ones can't be ordinary ones.

There is no sun, moon and stars, no light blooming.But it made the hairs of the trees stand upside down.


Lin Mu stirred up the witch energy all over his body, and then turned around to block, resisting the attack of the little god.

That ordinary palm that could no longer be ordinary collided with Lin Mu's arm, but it exploded like the beginning of the universe.Lin Mu's body shook violently, and his arms felt as if they were about to break.

But even so, Lin Mu still didn't retreat a step.The space under his feet was shattered, and Lin Shu's feet did not escape.

"So-so, it seems to be nothing more than that." Lin Mu stretched his numb arms and said relaxedly.

The little god looked at Lin Mu's body, and his eyes couldn't help but brighten up.Apparently, the little god never thought that Lin Mu would be able to hit him with such a palm.

"That's right, being able to take my palm, the progress is beyond my expectations. But it's still a little bit worse, and it still needs to be sharpened before it can become my opponent." Xiao Tianshen commented in this way.

Such an attitude would really piss Lin Shu off.I've never seen someone so not arrogant, Lin Mu walked all the way, no matter who the opponent was, they were all invincible at the same level, pushing and sweeping all the way.He has never met an opponent, but now he is despised by the little god one after another.

"Since you are so confident, then give me a try too." Lin Mu snorted coldly, and then punched directly.

The same punch without any fireworks blasted out.

At the beginning, the little god didn't pay much attention to it, but when the fist came close to his body, the little god's expression changed drastically.

The little heavenly god superimposed his palms and stood in front of him.

However, after such a punch, the little god was still staggered, although he tried his best to hold back, but in the end he couldn't resist and took half a step back.

But don't look at it as only half a step, but the impact it brings is unimaginably large.

"The little god was beaten back by Lin Shu!"

"Is what I saw real? The little god was forced by the tree to take half a step back!"

"This must be fake, how could the little god be forced to retreat by Lin Shu!"


Everyone can't believe it, and they don't want to believe it.Little Tianshen is a symbol of Tiangong, how could he be forced to take half a step back by the trees.

However, Lin Mu didn't care about the tsunami-like doubts at all, and was even a little complacent and enjoying it.

"Are you blind? You can't see, is he forced to retreat?" Lin Mu said to everyone.

In this case, everyone was silent.

They are not blind, they watched with their own eyes, the undefeated myth in their minds, was forcefully forced back half a step by the trees.

The little Tianshen also had an ugly expression, and he didn't expect that Lin Mu could force him back.

Because the strength that Lin Mu showed just now is very strong.But in the eyes of the little god, there is still a lot of difference from him.

But the punch just now really made the little god unable to resist.

"Now I feel that you have the qualifications to challenge me." The little god's tone was cold, obviously he was angry.

And his so-called challenge was obviously that he was going to kill Lin Shu.

Lin Mu curled his lips after hearing what the little god said, and said: "You said that I have the qualifications to challenge you, but I still think you are not qualified to challenge me? I really thought I was something, and it was fine if I didn't want to be as knowledgeable as you before. It turns out that you are fat and you are panting."


This time, the little god didn't talk nonsense with Lin Mu, and directly attacked Lin Mu.The chains of order, like the Milky Way leaking from the palm of the little god, came straight to the forest.

This was an attack that surpassed heaven and earth, but it was suppressed by the little heavenly god with a secret method.

Facing such an attack, Lin Mu didn't dare to easily use the dormant imperial energy in his body.Because if one is not done well, if you hurt yourself again, it's really not fun.

Especially in this kind of place, it is even more not fun.There are too many people here who want Lin Shu's life. If he is injured at such a time, Lin Shu will really be torn to pieces.

But although he can't use his imperial energy, Lin Mu still has a way to deal with it.

As soon as the Wanfa Mill came out, it directly suppressed Wan Gu.Every turn of the millstone will crush the way of heaven, no matter what kind of attack, it will be attracted by the millstone.

(End of this chapter)

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