Supreme Chef

Chapter 1982 The Earliest Divine Text [Part [-]]

Chapter 1982 The Earliest Divine Text [Part [-]]

As soon as the Wanfa mill came out, Lin Shu's crisis was immediately resolved.

No matter how sharp the little celestial god's attack is, no matter how terrifying the order the little celestial god uses is.But in the end, all of them were crushed inch by inch by the millstone and returned to their original origin.

Lin Mu's tricks also alerted Xiao Tianshen, God of War and others, making them pay more attention to Lin Mu.

The little god's attack stopped, and Lin Mu also opened the distance between him and the little god.

"It seems that I really need to treat you as an opponent in advance." The little god said to Lin Mu seriously.

Regarding this situation, Lin Mu was really speechless.Does it look like he is really that weak?Even if you have stepped into the realm of the Immortal Emperor with one foot, so what?Is this your arrogant capital?

The little celestial god also seemed to see the disdain in Lin Mu's eyes, and the little celestial god made seals with both hands.Then Lin Mu saw the discoloration of the heaven and the earth, and saw the way of heaven being manipulated.


The supreme way of heaven directly engulfed the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and smashed down on the trees.

With such power, Lin Mu was really unprepared and without any resistance.Lin Mu was directly sent flying out, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, obviously shaken a lot.

Stabilizing his figure, Lin Mu also understood that this was the little god making himself look bad on purpose.To wash away the shame of being forced before yourself, step back.

When everyone saw that the little god had returned to a normal state, they all had a smile on their faces.

Obviously, from their point of view, this is the normal situation.This is the true strength of the Little Heavenly God. It was just a small mistake just now, not the true strength of the Little Heavenly God.

Regarding this point, Lin Mu was really depressed.

Lin Mu also started a real fire, ready to use the dormant imperial energy in his body to teach them and their little god an unforgettable lesson.

But just when Lin Mu was about to make a move, the faces of the little gods suddenly changed, and then they all left and flew in one direction.

"Run away if you can't beat it, don't you want to show your face." Lin Mu shouted at the little angel who had fled far away.

However, the little gods and the others didn't intend to stop, and continued to move forward, disappearing from Lin Shu's sight in an instant.

"It's really shameless. If you can't beat it, you run away. What kind of thing is this?" Lin Mu still muttered indignantly.

Bai Yixian came to Lin Mu's side, and said quietly: "I think the most shameless person is none other than Brother Lin. There is a big opportunity ahead, and they all went to chase the opportunity."

Lin Mu heard Bai Yixian's words and said, "What chance?"

Bai Yixian said: "The earliest divine script that I saw in front of Shimen appeared, where did they all go?"

After hearing Bai Yixian's words, Lin Mu hurriedly said, "Then why are we still standing there, hurry over."

Bai Yixian was a little speechless, but still followed Lin Shu's footsteps.

The two went one after the other, and soon the little gods and the others appeared in Lin Mu's field of vision again.

"Do you know the location?" Lin Mu asked Bai Yixian.

Bai Yixian nodded and said, "I know."

Lin Mu said: "Okay. I'll take you to the front and let them follow us to eat ashes."

Bai Yixian nodded, let go of his guard, and let Lin Mu take him past the little gods and the others.

Lin Mu used his own domain to envelop the Bai Yixian, and then directly used the extreme speed, and at the same time used the power of the thunder, his body directly turned into a thunder.

The speed of being infinitely close to time also caused countless time fragments to appear around Lin Shu and Bai Yixian.

These time fragments, logically speaking, are very dangerous.Any fragment of time may kill Lin Shu and Bai Yixian.However, Lin Mu masters the rules of time, so these fragments of time are not dangerous to Lin Mu.

On the contrary, it was Bai Yixian, who saw such a spectacle for the first time, and was a little fascinated by it.At the same time, it is still trying to deduce those time fragments.

"It's best not to try to deduce it. For you, it's a bit dangerous. Once you get caught, it will be very troublesome, and you may get lost in the long river of time." Lin Mu reminded Bai Yixian.

Bai Yixian woke up suddenly after hearing Lin Mu's words, and then gave up trying to deduce these time fragments.

Maybe it didn't even take a breath, Lin Mu and Bai Yixian had already crossed the heads of the little gods and appeared in front of the little gods.

Seeing Lin Mu and the others suddenly appearing in front of him and the others, the faces of the little angels also changed slightly.

The longer they are in contact with the trees, the more they can discover the extraordinary and the strength of the trees.

No one present could possess such extreme speed.Among other things, this speed alone is enough to ensure that Lin Mu is invincible.After all, can you still run if you can't beat it?If Lin Mu is determined to run, no one will be able to catch up with Lin Mu.

However, the little gods and the others will not compete with Lin Mu for faster speed.

If Lin Mu is willing to be in the front, let Lin Mu be in the front.

Under the guidance of Bai Yixian, the two of them soon reached the front of a small mound.

Even before it got close, Lin Shu could already feel the change in the way of heaven.The air continued to condense, one after another commanding the gods of heaven.

The reason why the divine text is called the divine text is not only because it can command, the way of heaven in the world where Lin Mu and the others live.

It's a universal language, and it's useful no matter where in the world it is.

But why it fell in the fairy world, no one knows.And according to various records, that world's attack on the fairy world may also have something to do with the complete divine text.

In short, the divine text is very mysterious, but also very precious.

This earliest divine text is even more precious and immeasurable.It is basically equivalent to the mother version of the divine text.The great elders of the Shanshui Academy all said that the ancient one hundred and eight thousand divine writings should have evolved from these divine writings.So there is really no way to estimate this value.

Lin Shu and Bai Yixian didn't stop there, they turned around the mound and saw an extremely huge square.

In the sky above the square, there are exactly 72 divine symbols floating. 72 divine characters are like 72 heavens.Every word represents a day.This is really unimaginable. Just a word represents a day and contains a world.

"Is this all the original divine text?" Lin Mu was also completely obsessed, and asked subconsciously.

Bai Yixian was also obsessed at the same time, and also subconsciously replied, "It is said that the earliest divine script is based on the Tiangang Disha. 36 Tiangang, 72 Disha. Obviously this is the 72 Disha divine script."

(End of this chapter)

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