Supreme Chef

Chapter 1983 The Earliest Divine Text [Part [-]]

Chapter 1983 The Earliest Divine Text [Part [-]]

The original divine script, a total of [-], is the general outline of wordless heavenly scriptures.And the later one hundred and eight thousand divine scripts all evolved from these one hundred and eight divine scripts.

This is a secret that few people know, but it is not a secret to people like Bai Yixian who inherit the mystery.

It is said that the original divine script has never been seen in its entirety.In the Wordless Heavenly Book, it is not even displayed anymore.And no one knows their whereabouts, but there are rumors that the 36 Tiangang Shenwen should be in the Shanshui Academy.

Today Lin Mu and the others saw 72 Disha divine scripts. If they can master them, they will go to the Shanshui Academy and get 36 Tiangang divine scripts.

You have obtained the general outline of one hundred and eight thousand divine texts, and the hope is greater than the supreme scriptures composed of divine texts.

Such a scene made everyone's eyes warm.The divine text itself represents the supreme truth of heaven and earth.And it is also related to the general outline of the strongest scriptures in the world, it is no wonder that everyone can calm down.


Before Lin Mu and Bai Yixian could wake up from the shock, a big battle broke out here.

Someone fought for the most advantageous position.Lin Shu and Bai Yixian also saw it when they came. In the center of this huge square, there is a high platform, which is the closest place to the divine text.

Obviously, if you can comprehend it there, you will definitely have a greater chance of success.

Faced with such a huge opportunity, who would care about face, it's already a mess.

"Brother Lin, do we want to get involved?" Bai Yixian asked.

Just as Bai Yixian was speaking, the little gods and the others also arrived.

As soon as the little gods came out, the place suddenly became quiet.After all, Tiangong is very powerful, except for a few people who can compete with Tiangong, other people are not opponents of Tiangong at all.

"Senior brothers, please!"

Someone in Tiangong immediately stood up and cleared the field in a pretentious manner.

"It's really shameless, I have seen it today." Bai Yixian began to admire their shameless ability.

"I think Tiangong hasn't reached the point where it can cover the sky with one hand, right?" A young scribe came out, showing the elegance of a literati from the beginning to the end.

"This is the big brother of Shanshui Academy, not weaker than the little gods." Bai Yixian explained to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded, and also saw Mr. Jiuyaoxing standing beside the elder brother.

Obviously Jiuyao Xingjun has a great relationship with Shanshui Academy, and from the standpoint.Jiuyao Xingjun is not a follower, but an equal existence.

"Brother Wen is right, but the size of this table is limited. I think it's better to gather everyone together and discuss how to distribute it. This can also prevent everyone from hurting their peace because of this matter." The little god in the Tiangong Open your mouth and say.

In a sense, Little Heavenly God is the spokesperson of Tiangong.Although the Zhan family's little God of War is not weak, but after all, the little God of Heaven is the first in the Tiangong, and the person who has reached this point should be the little God of God who came first.

Brother Wen from Shanshui Academy nodded when he heard Xiao Tianshen's proposal, and said, "That's very good."

After a pause, Brother Wen from Shanshui Academy said loudly, "Since everyone is here, don't hide them."

As Brother Wen's voice fell, many young men who were as terrifying as heaven and earth came out from all directions.

72 The appearance of the Disha divine script has attracted the attention of all the young lords.

Not only Shanshui Academy, but also Nanshan Beast Gate, Qiankun Academy, Tiangong, and the most powerful ancient dynasty and the best of the ancient family, all came out.

Lin Mu took a glance and saw that there were not too many people, exactly 36 people.If distributed evenly, exactly two for one person.

But to Lin Mu's surprise, he didn't see anyone from the Supreme Academy.

"Brother Lin, I don't think you need to look for it anymore. The Supreme Academy, the nominal leader now is you, Brother Lin." Seeing what Lin Mu was looking for, Bai Yixian also said.

"Me? Could it be that the Supreme Academy doesn't have a Supreme who is half-step Immortal Emperor?" Lin Mu was also a little surprised by Bai Yixian's words.

Because Lin Mu has seen the Supreme Academy, and there are still many people from Xuezang who have not appeared, so why did he become himself.

Bai Yixian said: "In the past, the Supreme Academy has always been used as a delivery party for geniuses. It is true that there are many geniuses and young Supremes, but they do not belong to the Supreme Academy. Moreover, the Supreme Academy paid a very huge price in ancient times. Although The building on the top floor is protected, but the middle part is a bit out of touch. This is also the reason why the Supreme Academy has been suppressed all these years. But now that you have appeared, Lin Mu, the Supreme Academy has a leader of the younger generation."

After listening to Bai Yixian's words, Lin Mu also understood, and Lin Mu didn't expect that the position of the Supreme Academy was so embarrassing.

"Why didn't the people from the Supreme Academy come? Are all the people from the Supreme Academy dead?" The people in Tiangong had already seen Lin Shu, but they still said this, obviously trying to find fault on purpose.

In fact, there were quite a few people from the Supreme Academy present, but most of them were defeated by Lin Mu.Even if Lin Mu didn't stand up, they were naturally too embarrassed to stand up.

"Brother Lin, aren't you going to stand up?" Bai Yixian asked.

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "I don't have this plan, nor do I have this hobby. If they want to show their faces, let them show their faces. I just want to get my own benefits, and I really don't care about these false names."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Bai Yixian also smiled slightly, and said, "Brother Lin is really realistic, indeed these false names are useless. But brother Lin, don't you think about the feelings of the two deans? As far as I know, the two deans , is very kind to Brother Lin."

Lin Mudao: "There are many ways to help the Supreme Academy to rise, and this method is not necessarily necessary. It has no practical significance. The real strength does not depend on this."

Behind Lin Mu's words, there was no cover-up or sound transmission.So many people have heard it.

The people in Tiangong naturally heard it too, but such an answer obviously aroused their enthusiasm for ridicule.

"It seems that the Supreme Academy has really declined, and there is not even a real decent disciple."

"The past glory, I think it's all blown out."

"I think so. What kind of brilliance can be created like this. Even a decent person can't stand up. It's a shame. It's better to leave early. This place is not suitable for the weak."


This kind of ridicule came and went, but Lin Mu acted as if he hadn't heard it, and others could say whatever they wanted. Lin Mu just stared at the 72 Disha divine script in the sky and studied it carefully.

"Who said there is no one in my Supreme Academy!" Tiandao finally couldn't bear the ridicule, and stood up angrily.

"Isn't this a member of the Tian family? I heard that you failed miserably in the Supreme Academy? Can you represent the Supreme Academy?" Tiandao had just stepped forward when his scars were uncovered.

(End of this chapter)

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