Supreme Chef

Chapter 1984 Laughing requires strength

Chapter 1984 Laughing requires strength
When Tiandao heard this, his face immediately became gloomy.

As the five major families of the Supreme Academy, the Tian family also has a long and terrifying history.It is even longer than the history of some supreme families.It is even said that some old antiques in their family have even served as masters for Supreme.

But just after he stood up, he was absolutely unbearable to be insulted like this.


No questioning, no nonsense, Tian Dao directly attacked.

Although Tiandao's strength is not as good as Lin Mu's, it is still much stronger than ordinary disciples.

Tiandao made a move here, preparing to directly kill the people on Tiangong's side.However, the person who spoke at Tiangong obviously knew that he was no match for Heavenly Dao, so he hid directly behind the little Heavenly God.

As the spokesperson of Tiangong, Little Heavenly God will naturally take the initiative.And in this case, if he made a move, no one could say anything at all.After all, God, as I said just now, represents the Supreme Academy.

And Xiao Tianshen represents Tiangong, and no one can say anything about the war between the two spokespersons.

Tian Dao is much stronger than ordinary disciples, but it is still a little worse when facing the little god who has become a half-step immortal emperor.

With just one touch, the little Tianshen shattered Tiandao's attack, and then he pressed down with his palm, and was about to capture Tiandao.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Mu couldn't help sighing, and the next moment Lin Mu's body disappeared in place.

When Lin Shu appeared again the next moment, he had already blocked the way of heaven.


Lin Mu punched without reservation, directly meeting the palm of the little god.

The sky and the earth shook, and everyone felt unsteady on their feet.

Both Lin Shu and the little god trembled and staggered.

The people in Tiangong knew who Lin Mu was, and they were not surprised.But other people don't know where the forest trees come from and where they are sacred.

But Lin Mu blocked the little heavenly god and even drew with the little heavenly god, but they actually saw it with their own eyes.

"When did the Supreme Academy have such a master who can compete with the little god. His cultivation base should be a bit behind the little god. How did he do it? Is it really the genius hidden in the Supreme Academy? ?”


Regarding such questioning, one after another, they all want to find out about Lin Mu's news.

Soon the news was known by everyone. After all, Lin Mu was still a bit too famous. It was not so difficult to investigate the history of Lin Mu.

"He is Lin Shu. He really has something extraordinary. He really has something extraordinary."

The appearance of Lin Mu focused all the attention on the Supreme Academy and on Lin Mu.

But this is the last thing Lin Mu wants to see, nor does he want to happen.Since they are going to shoot Sap, and they have made an agreement with Xue Linglong and Wu De, it is the best policy not to expose themselves.

But Gu Gong and Hong Dao are really kind to themselves.Let Lin Mu watch helplessly, the future hope of the Supreme Academy, such a tragic death, Lin Mu really can't do it.So Lin Mu made a move and blocked the little god's attack.

"If you don't have the strength, don't stand up. Can you make a living by fighting for a position?" After Lin Mu forced the little god to retreat, he turned his head directly, and gave Tiandao a slap in the face.

This also made Tiandao's face turn blue and red.But Lin Mu is his savior after all, of course the key point is that he can't beat Lin Mu.

In case Lin Mu gets upset and takes him out and beats him severely, what will happen to him in the future.This is in front of the whole fairy world, and the face of the fellows. If he is beaten severely, Tiandao really doesn't have to come out to do activities in the future.

If Tiandao didn't speak, Lin Mu would feel dull.Don't go as far as to make things difficult.

After all, this is a contradiction among the people, and outside they all represent the Supreme Academy.In this case, it is really not suitable for internal strife.It's not a good thing for outsiders to watch, and family ugliness should not be exposed.

"Okay, since we all know, let's join in the fun." Lin Mu said to the people of the Supreme Academy.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, although these people were dissatisfied in their hearts, they still carried out silently.

After all, Lin Mu is the one with the highest cultivation level in the Supreme Academy. Now that even Lin Mu has said that, what else can they say.

"That's right, this kind of place is not the place you should come to at all, you should leave here obediently, don't be ashamed here." The people in Tiangong didn't expect that Lin Mu would not help them get ahead, but instead They drove away, and immediately regained their spirits.

Lin Mu discerned the direction of the other party's speech, and punched it out with a strong punch.

Lin Mu's punch was very sudden, but it was full of speed and strength.

The little god wanted to stop him, but his speed was half a beat slower.

The storm directly enveloped the speaker.When the storm dissipated the next moment, there was only a bone left and everything was lost.

Seeing that Lin Mu is so powerful, the people in Tiangong have updated their understanding of Lin Mu, and at the same time have more comprehensive information.

"Sarcasm also requires strength. If you don't have strength, I think his taunting is not up to standard. If you don't anger me, you will fall first. Is he here for a day trip?" Lin Mu asked very meanly.

Lin Mu's words were so hurtful that everyone in Tiangong gritted their teeth.Especially the person who was talking to him, the related family, looked at the tree and wished he could eat the tree raw.

The little god also felt his face was hot, and killed the people from Tiangong in front of him.

And in a sense, the person who spoke provocatively just now is his spokesperson.

But being killed by Lin Mu just like that, it puts his own face somewhere.

"It seems that the Supreme Academy is preparing to join such a competition, and I welcome it very much." The little god stared at Lin Shu, and there was also an emotional change in his eyes.

Obviously, what Lin Mu did had a huge impact on his prestige.

Lin Mu looked at the little god and said, "Do you not understand human language? I have told you just now that I will not participate in this kind of meaningless competition. If you want to fight, I will fight to the death of you." Well. I'd rather see you fighting among yourself."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he turned around and left without dragging his feet.

Little Tianshen didn't expect that Lin Mu was so generous, and he directly waved his big hand, shattering a lot of space, and wanted to see if there was any hidden weapon of Lin Mu in the shattered space.

But along the way, they collected a lot of all kinds of strange and fierce items.

"Are you sure?" Little Heavenly God wanted to confirm, and asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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