Supreme Chef

Chapter 1985 Possibility of Fusion

Chapter 1985 Possibility of Fusion

Lin Mu didn't bother to talk to the little god at all, and directly answered his question with his own actions.

Seeing Lin Mu leave, the people of Supreme Academy could only be speechless.

But no one dared to ridicule, Lin Mu was right.Taunting also requires strength, and they obviously don't have the strength to mock the Supreme Academy.

If Lin Mu was upset again, it would not be as simple as bleeding.

After all, Lin Mu's strength lies here.Even the little gods can't do anything to the trees, so what can they do.

However, they still had some doubts about Lin Mu's departure.

With Lin Shu's strength, he can definitely occupy a place.But he chose to give up, which reveals an incomprehensible weirdness everywhere.

Lin Mu returned to Bai Yixian's side, Bai Yixian said: "Brother Lin, are you really ready to give up the fight?"

Lin Mu said, "Who said that?"

Bai Yixian said: "Then you want to give up such a favorable position?"

Lin Mu smiled slightly, and said: "The competition doesn't depend on the position, it just needs to be able to comprehend it. What do you care about the position or not?"

Bai Yixian looked at Lin Mu and knew that Lin Mu must have a plan in his stomach.Otherwise, with Lin Mu's character, how could he not compete with them.

The platform is large enough for more than 100 people to go up.There are now 36 people who have come forward, and they all know each other very well, and they know that if they really fight to the death.It may not be a few days or nights, and a winner can be determined.

So they chose to negotiate and finally reached an agreement.In addition to their 36 people, each person can also bring two people up.

This is the best solution, without bloodshed or sacrifice.

In the end, one hundred and eight people went up to the stone platform.In addition to these one hundred and eight people, there are still some vacancies on Shitai.The Supreme Academy also occupied a place. Of course, in addition to the strong people in the Supreme Academy, the deterrence of trees also played a certain role.

On the stone platform, Lin Mu saw many acquaintances.

Jiuyao Xingjun, Gu Jian, Wu De and Xue Linglong are all on the stone platform.

It can be seen that strong people are strong no matter in that era or in that sect, and they will be cultivated emphatically.

Bai Yixian was also invited, but the origin of the sect that invited Bai Yixian was somewhat mysterious, and Lin Mu had never heard of it before.

"Brother Lin wishes you success, our covenant has not ended." Bai Yixian said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I know."

Bai Yixian also left, and Lin Mu was completely alone.

But being alone is the most convenient for Lin Mu.

Everyone has begun to comprehend, not only the people on the stone platform, but also those who have not climbed the stone platform.

No one will be depressed because they didn't go up to Shitai.After all, this is the divine scriptures of the primordial earth evil of the supreme principle of heaven and earth.It doesn't mean that a good location will definitely get more insights.

Don't you see, many people realize the Tao all at once.There is no good location, no good resources, etc.

Of course, these are the self-comforting words of the weak, because when the enlightenment begins, the superiority and inferiority are immediately revealed.Those who sit on the stone platform do have a greater advantage to comprehend the divine scriptures.I thought there was an inexplicable formation on the stone platform, which could speed up understanding.

All the divine texts gathered towards the stone platform, and the bright light of perception, like mercury pouring down the ground, covered the entire stone platform.

This made those who did not get on the stone platform very jealous and jealous.

Of course, Lin Mu is an exception. Lin Mu has no feeling about this.

Lin Mu also sat cross-legged on the ground, but Lin Mu didn't try to communicate and comprehend, but practiced directly, and he was still running "Witch God Body Refining Technique" and "Taishang Yin-Yang Jue" at the same time.

Because when Lin Mu entered here, he had already discovered that the profound meanings of the 72 Absolute Beginning Disha Divine Glyphs are similar to the profound meanings of the two major exercises he is practicing now.

So Lin Mu had to find an inconspicuous place to verify his thoughts.

Therefore, Lin Mu did not choose to go to the stone platform, but chose to hide among the crowd.

However, Lin Mu still made a mistake. When he performed the "Witch God Body Refining Technique" and "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue" at the same time, it still caused a huge commotion.

When the two kinds of exercises started to work at the same time, all the divine writings were attracted.

They all broke free from the control of the stone platform, and endless brilliance gathered on Lin Shu's body.

This was not what Lin Mu had envisioned before, but now that it has happened, Lin Mu can only bear it.

Such a shocking change naturally attracted everyone's attention.

When the little gods and the others saw that it was Lin Shu, they fought with them again, and when they fought alone, they surpassed more than 100 of them.

The little gods and the others all have a feeling of being teased.They felt that Lin Mu did it on purpose, just to use this humiliating way to slap them in the face severely.

But on this point, they really misunderstood Lin Mu.Lin Mu really never thought about it like this, it was completely beyond Lin Mu's expectation.Not in Lin Shu's expectation.

But things are already like this, even if you want to recover this face, you have to wait until you fully understand it.

The little gods and the rest worked hard to comprehend, and competed with Lin Shu for the brilliance of the gods scattered on the 72 ground.

Lin Mu is in a mysterious state at this time, and he doesn't have much perception of the outside world, and he doesn't know what's going on outside.

Lin Shu's body was currently undergoing a very mysterious change.

The volcano on his chest, stimulated by the divine text, continuously spewed out scorching hot witch energy.And under the guidance of "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue".The yin and yang qi in the whole body have also been mobilized.Driven by the trees, a circulation is formed in the body.

The energies of two completely different attributes finally gathered in the chest.

But at this time, under the light of the profound meaning of the Disha divine script, the boundary between the two has become more and more blurred, as if they are about to merge into one.

Lin Shu had already enlightened in the middle of the stone wall before.If you want to continue your own path, you must first solve the problem of integrating the two exercises in your body.

Otherwise, if the two cultivation methods conflict at that time, it will be very ugly for him to fall.

However, it is not a simple matter to integrate the two top skills.It is very difficult and cannot be done overnight.

But just a few days later, Lin Mu had already found a way.Use Taichu Shenwen as a fusion agent between the two, as a lubricant between the two, and finally achieve your desired goal.

And at this moment, a kind of enlightenment also rose in Lin Mu's mind.A clear understanding of the divine text.

(End of this chapter)

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