Supreme Chef

Chapter 1986 The Strongest Divine Mantra

Chapter 1986 The Strongest Divine Mantra

Shenwen has been accompanied by various mysteries since ancient times.

Regarding its origin, some say it is in the Wordless Heavenly Book, and some say it was automatically generated by the Dao of Heaven.

And everyone is saying that divine writing can form the strongest exercise.

But now Lin Mu has some understanding in his heart.Shenwen should be the strongest exercise that can be formed, but this exercise itself does not have any mystery.Rather, it can integrate all methods.

To put it simply, Shenwen is a fusion agent.No matter what kind of cultivation method enters, the divine text can integrate it.Then mix, and finally form the strongest law.It can absorb and fuse infinitely.

This kind of method can be said to be useless and tasteless for people with low cultivation bases.But for a person like Lin Mu, who has multiple heaven-defying skills in his hands.This is the supreme skill.

Especially for Lin Mu, what he needs now is this kind of exercise.

The light of divine script sprinkled all over Lin Shu's body, as if Lin Shu was bathed in the light of the heavens.

The witchcraft and yin and yang qi in the chest are undergoing a peaceful fusion.Although the scene looked horrific, Lin Mu didn't feel much pain.

And this kind of integration, the benefit brought to Lin Mu is not only a clear understanding of the way forward.

At the same time, it is still integrating many combat skills of Lin Shu, so that these combat skills can achieve the most perfect integration with the Taoism mastered by Lin Shu, and exert the greatest power.

And it's not just a perfect fusion, it's still evolving by itself, changing towards the most perfect direction.

For example, Yan Lang, under the aggregation of divine texts.A series of inexplicable fusions took place between Chaos Divine Fire, Fire Dao, and Flame Wave under the promotion of divine script.

In the end, a brand-new method, a brand-new flame wave was formed.The new flame wave is even stronger, at least five times more powerful than before.

Of course, this is only one of the changes, and all other combat skills have changed.And it's all going in a better direction.

Shenwen is really the strongest skill for Lin Mu.Lin Mu really never imagined that the divine text would bring such unexpected benefits to Lin Mu.

Lin Shu is completely immersed in his own world, but the outside world has turned upside down.

With the deepening of Lin Mu's cultivation, all the divine script and all the light here were absorbed by Lin Mu alone.

Others have no way to cultivate at all, even the little gods and others who occupy the best position can only stare blankly at this moment.

If Lin Mu hadn't finished training, they wouldn't even think about training.

The little gods and the others looked at the trees and gritted their teeth.Lin Mu is so hateful, this is tantamount to slapping them all in the face.

Lin Mu voluntarily gave up the fight and did not fight with them.But now, he has taken over everything by himself.And now all of them can only watch Lin Mu practice alone.All of them have become spectators.

No matter how hard they try, they can't compete with the trees, because they can't compete at all.

But not everyone gritted their teeth with hatred.

The blood spirit dragon was very excited.

"The boss is still powerful, so they all can only watch." Blood Linglong whispered somewhere.

Soon everyone could no longer wait calmly, because a vortex appeared above Lin Shu's head.It is actually attracting, 72 Disha Divine Runes, as if he wants to inhale 72 Disha Divine Runes into his body.

If they are really attracted by the trees, then they really have no hope.They didn't even understand one level, if they were absorbed by Lin Shu in this way, wouldn't they be wasting their time in vain.

Lin Shu must not be allowed to succeed!
The trees must be stopped!
This is the voice in everyone's heart, Lin Shu must be blocked, otherwise they will really be playing in vain.


Someone secretly made a move, trying to stop Lin Shu.

However, such an attack was crushed by the storm formed by the divine text before it could approach.

Seeing such a scene, Xue Linglong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.Then the blood spirit dragon jumped out directly, saying: "Being sneaked like a villain, if you have the ability to stand up, I will play with you guys!"

"It's just a new disciple, dare to be so rampant, it's just looking for death." Zhengchou had no reason to do it, and the blood spirit dragon stood up by himself, which was simply an opportunity.

"What are you talking about, believe it or not, I will trample you to death with one paw!" Blood Spirit Dragon said, pointing at the person who spoke.

"You... you bastard, I will kill you today!"

Being humiliated by a fairy beast like this, no one can bear it, but he just mentioned the beast, which is simply courting death.

Xue Linglong looked at him with pitiful eyes and shook his head helplessly.

Obviously he also understood something, but it was too late.

Before he could open his mouth to explain, a palm had already pinched him, directly crushing him completely.

The one who made the move was the senior brother of the Nanshan Beast Sect and also the leader of the Nanshan Beast Sect.

With the blood of the divine beast White Tiger, the most taboo thing is that others call them beasts.For this reason, the number of people who died at his hands may have been eight thousand if not ten thousand.

So no matter who it is, they will be very careful when facing him, and will not easily mention the word 'beast'.

But obviously this person was so enraged by the blood spirit dragon that he forgot such a taboo.

As for the senior brother of Nanshan Beast Sect, after finishing all this, he was also very calm.As if nothing happened just now.

"Senior brother is mighty, we are the most noble bloodline, whoever dares to say that we are 'beasts' will seek death!" Blood Spirit Dragon is obviously not afraid of big things, and he also began to encourage everyone.

As for the Blood Spirit Dragon, the whole Nanshan Beast Sect attached great importance to it.After all, a pure-blooded dragon has long since disappeared.

The elders of the Nanshan Beast Sect even believed that the Blood Spirit Dragon was the hope for the rise of the Nanshan Beast Sect in the future, the hope for the future rise of the Divine Beast Clan.

Therefore, the senior brother of the Nanshan Beast Sect would not criticize Xue Linglong for such nonsense.

"We must not let Lin Mu succeed, otherwise, with so many of us, wouldn't we all become his wedding dresses?"

The key to this turmoil is not the blood spirit dragon at all, but the trees.

"You have the ability to grab it yourself. What is your intention to deceive people like this? Are you trying to put everyone in an unkind and unrighteous situation? I really doubt that you are the leader of that world with such sinister intentions. The spies sent here want us to fight among ourselves." In terms of verbal skills, apart from Wu De and Lin Mu, they can compete with the Blood Spirit Dragon.The remaining people are really no match for the Blood Spirit Dragon.

Being criticized by Xue Linglong, the person who spoke was also choked completely speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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