Supreme Chef

Chapter 1987 Fighting against the Little God [Part [-]]

Chapter 1987 Fighting against the Little God [Part [-]]

Xue Linglong's words were very choking, but some people still chose to do it directly.And the person who did it was none other than the spokesperson of Tiangong—Little Tianshen.

With an identity like that of the Little Heavenly God, naturally he wouldn't argue with the Blood Spirit Dragon, it would be demeaning.If he believes in something, he will take action directly. As for reputation or something, he doesn't care at all.Or to be precise, he doesn't care at all.

After all, in the face of absolute strength, any reputation is false.If the Supreme is still alive, no one will have the guts to point at the Supreme and blame the Supreme for the embarrassing things.This is courting death at all, who dares to do this.

The little god also used the same method.

Seeing that the little god made a move, the blood spirit dragon didn't have time to stop it, and the blood spirit dragon couldn't stop it either.

Compared with the little god, the blood spirit dragon still has a certain gap in strength.

But the others were very happy when they saw the little god making a move.


The little god's palm hit the storm, but when it got here, it was difficult for the little god's palm to move forward.

Because of the storm formed by the divine text, the palm of the little god was blocked.And began to fade away, the power contained in the storm of words is unimaginable.


The little god let out a cold snort, and pressed his palm forward forcefully, as if he wanted to crush such a storm of words.

Everything has a limit, and such an unconscious text storm naturally has a limit.

Under the full force of the little god, the text storm was completely crushed.

The 72 Absolute Earth Sha divine scripts spinning in the storm all began to tremble violently, as if they were about to be squeezed out at any moment.

This is a kind of mighty power, a power that can shake the heaven and earth, and a power that can destroy everything.

And the little heavenly god just possesses such power.

Seeing that the palm of the little god is about to crush the storm, all the divine texts will be redistributed.

Such a change is naturally what those who have not obtained the divine text want to see.

However, the Blood Spirit Dragon secretly worried for Lin Mu.

But at this moment, the tree suddenly moved.Lin Mu made a move, but everyone could see that this should be Lin Mu's subconscious attack, not controlled by Lin Mu.


Lin Mu's palm collided with the palm of the little god, making a muffled sound.The sound is like the Honglu bell.However, it has been amplified millions of times, and the sound can already kill Xianjun in seconds.

Lin Mu blocked the little god's attack and forced him to retreat.And this is all under repeated unconscious conditions.

Xiao Tianshen looked at the palm with the mouth of the tiger, his face was a little shocked, and at the same time it was a little ugly.

With the transfer of skills, the injury on the tiger's mouth of the little god of heaven disappeared.

This cannot be seen by outsiders, otherwise, it will shake everyone's confidence and determination.By that time, I am afraid that Tiangong will be destroyed without attack.

So it is not so easy to be a leader, and sometimes you have to swallow your teeth if you break your teeth.

One blow failed, and the little god made another shot.

This shot is to crush the general chain of order and press towards the divine text storm.

Seeing such a scene, Xue Linglong's heart also rose to his throat.

The blood spirit dragon still understands the strength of the little god.If the little god made such a move, the unconscious forest might not be able to resist.


The ocean of order submerged the trees all at once.As expected by the blood spirit dragon, Lin Shu couldn't hold it at all.

The storm shattered in an instant, but all the divine scripts were forced into Lin Shu's body.

However, entering it all at once would definitely be a huge burden on Lin Mu's body.

Regardless of Lin Mu's current body, it is comparable to a witch god.But such a powerful impact still made Lin Mu cough up blood.

And this also allowed Lin Mu to wake up from his cultivation, but he was interrupted to wake up.

At this time, the fusion of the volcano on the chest and the yin and yang energy was forcibly interrupted.As for the evolution of those laws, they were abruptly interrupted.

Lin Mu was really upset that such a thing happened.It was even said that Lin Mu already had the idea of ​​killing someone.Of course, it's not just Lin Shu, it's someone else who turned into someone else. If they were interrupted like this, they would probably have already done it.

Lin Mu looked at the little god who was still making a move, and his expression turned completely cold.

However, Lin Mu didn't make a move immediately, but suppressed the restless 72 Absolute Beginning Divine Mantra immediately.

Under the influence of the little god, the 72 Absolute Beginning Disha divine script was forcibly pressed into Lin Shu's body.

So they are not stable in Lin Mu's body, although in the end Lin Mu's purpose is like this.

But being forced into the body like this is unbearable for Lin Shu now.

The 72 Disha divine scripts scurry around in Lin Mu's body, just like the 72 worlds, the destructive power is astonishing.

That is to say, Lin Mu's body is comparable to that of a witch god. If it were someone else, he would have already fallen by now.


Lin Mu had no way to calm down the divine text in a short time.But Lin Mu knew that by using the opposite method, the divine language could be controlled.

Lin Mu urged "Sorcerer God Body Refining Technique" and "Taishang Yin-Yang Jue", and urged two kinds of exercises at the same time to attract the divine text.

And this method is also effective.Shenwen was really attracted by Lin Mu's running skills.

Divine script, witchcraft, and yin and yang qi all gathered in Lin Shu's chest, undergoing a arduous fusion.

However, this kind of fusion is not a kind of enjoyment for Lin Mu.Because Shenwen is not peaceful, Lin Mu will be very painful in this process.

Of course, the more painful it is, the more Lin Mu will place this account on the head of the little god.

Little Tianshen looked at Lin Shu with shock on his face.

According to the plan of the little god, he forcibly pressed the divine script into Lin Shu's body.Even if Lin Shu didn't explode and die, he would definitely be seriously injured.But no matter what the situation is, it is impossible to be so lively now, and even have the power to fight against himself.

Lin Mu looked at the little god and said, "I have seen despicable people, but I have never seen you so despicable. Since you don't want the bottom line, then I have no bottom line with you."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he directly attacked everyone in the lineage of Xiao Tianshen.

A total of ten people from the Xiaotianshen lineage entered this time, and one died before.Now there are still nine remaining, including the little angel.

But Lin Mu's target is the remaining eight.

They never thought that in front of the little god, Lin Mu would actually hunt down and kill all the elites in the little god's family.

"Looking for death!" Little Tianshen didn't expect that Lin Mu would be such a rascal, with no bottom line, killing his own family in front of his own face.

(End of this chapter)

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