Supreme Chef

Chapter 1988 Fighting against the Little God [Part [-]]

Chapter 1988 Fighting against the Little God [Part [-]]

The little god was really angered by the trees, the little god shot with all his strength, and the countless chains of order were crushed down, easily piercing through everything.

Facing the attack of the little god, Lin Mu also responded strongly.He raised his hand and punched directly, violently.

This is the Wu Sheng Fist after fusion, completely changed beyond recognition, without vast fluctuations.There is no destructive golden storm, but it is obviously more powerful.

The real avenue is simple, using the simplest way to turn decay into magic.


When the fists and the chains collided head-on, all the chains of order snapped and then shattered.

Silently, everything is going on in silence.

But the shock it brought to everyone was indescribable.

Lin Mu's strength has obviously improved by more than one level compared to before.


The increase in Lin Mu's strength will naturally make people think of divine writing.

Because Lin Mu's strength has improved so significantly after he came into contact with divine writing.

This made everyone more envious of Shenwen, and at the same time more resentful towards Lin Shu.

"Now the divine text is in Lin Mu's body, kill Lin Mu and share the divine text!" Someone spoke, and a consensus was quickly reached, and everyone decided to act together and share the divine text.

"It's really shameless. I finally met someone who is even more shameless than that fat man." Xue Linglong yelled angrily.

"They didn't dare to fight. That guy is very proud. He won't allow others to intervene in his battle." Brother Baihu from Nanshan Beast Sect said quietly.

He was right. Although such a consensus was reached, no one actually took action.To intervene in the battle between Lin Mu and the little god, obviously the same thing happened before, but it should be killed by the little god.

Therefore, although they shouted happily, none of them actually did it.

Seeing such a situation, Xue Linglong also breathed a sigh of relief for Lin Mu.

Otherwise, so many people would rush up in a swarm.I'm afraid Lin Mu really can't get any good fruit to eat.

After all, there are too many people, and they are all masters.No matter how strong Lin Mu is, it is impossible for him to face so many opponents against the sky.

What's more, Lin Mu's physical condition at this time does not allow Lin Mu to face so many opponents.

In the chest, a difficult fusion is going on, and every fusion is a tribulation for Lin Shu.

Lin Mu and Xiao Tianshen launched the fiercest attack in mid-air.The two used their own methods, and the little god used a powerful way, which was completely different from the way of heaven in the current world.

Possessing the power to crush all rules, Lin Shu dared not use the dormant imperial energy in his body easily.But Lin Mu also has a way to use the record after the previous fusion to launch a fierce counterattack.

The two of them had blown up the place completely, and the people below looked at everything in front of them, they were all shocked and couldn't say a word.

Of course, the strength of the little gods is one aspect. They were most shocked by Lin Shu's strength and Lin Shu's terrifying growth rate.

It didn't take long before Lin Mu already had the strength to compete with the little god.And now, Lin Mu obviously didn't take that crucial step.If you step out, it's really unimaginable, maybe the little gods won't be Lin Mu's opponent.

The little god was also very shocked. He never expected that Lin Mu's strength had already reached such a level.

If you continue to give the trees time to grow, I'm afraid it will be really scary.

However, the little Heavenly God was able to obtain the title of Heavenly God in the Tiangong, so it was not for nothing.

The little god made seals with both hands, and a green dragon appeared on the bronze tripod of the little god.

"The blue sky transforms into form!"

Seeing the blue dragon above the head of the little god, everyone's expressions couldn't help but change.

It is said that the way of heaven is invisible, but there is still the strongest law in this world, which can transform the way of heaven into form.

The family of the little gods mastered such a method.

One can imagine the power of the transformation of the law of heaven.


A roar, a sound wave visible to the naked eye, destroyed everything.

Even Lin Shu couldn't bear such a storm, and was overturned directly, with a lot of blood gushing out of his mouth.

Stabilizing his figure, Lin Mu also reached out to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Although he vomited blood, Lin Shu felt better.

The feeling of stagnation in his chest has eased a lot.At the same time, the speed of fusion seems to have accelerated a bit.

"It seems that every breakthrough has to pay a huge price. If this continues, I will doubt whether I have a tendency to self-torture." Lin Mu also thought very depressed in his heart.

Along the way, every breakthrough I made was not smooth.Or to be precise, it was quite difficult.

For that breakthrough, if he just faced the perverted thunder calamity, it would have been the happiest for Lin Mu.

Being besieged by people is almost commonplace, and this time should be no exception.


When the green dragon moved, it stirred up the thunder in the sky, as if the sky was about to be pulled down, this is truly earth-shattering.

The little Tianshen showed such strength, even the War God and others who are also in Tiangong, were very shocked.Apparently, they didn't expect that the little god had come so far in these years.


Lin Mu didn't retreat, and once again blasted out a Wusheng fist, which was still as usual.


The fist hit the top of Qinglong's head, making a muffled sound, easily shattering the thunder and stirring up the wind and cloud.

However, Lin Mu didn't entangle with Qinglong for long, and was bounced away again, still coughing up blood, and his breath weakened a bit.

Of course, in this way, Lin Shu feels a little better, and at the same time feels that the speed of fusion has also accelerated.

Getting up from the ground, Lin Mu still wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then Lin Mu threw out another powerful punch.

This time it was still the Wusheng Fist, but this time there were some obvious differences, and the momentum seemed to be much larger than before.

This seems to be a retrogression, and everyone thinks that this is the fall of Lin Shu's cultivation base after being beaten.

But only Lin Mu himself knows best, this is the change after the new integration.

Look at the mountains as mountains, and see the water as water.This is the first realm of Tao.

In other words, Lin Mu has just mastered the realm of Wu Shengquan.

Looking at mountains is not mountains, but looking at water is water.This is the second realm.

That is to say, the forest trees, the state of simplicity and unpretentiousness just shown.

Look at mountains or mountains, look at water or water.This is the third realm.

At this level, no matter whether it is a direct attack or a huge momentum.What you see is the source, what you launch is the fundamental attack.Nothing less than moves, nothing less than momentum.Everything comes out as you like, but the power contained in it is unimaginably huge.

This is the essence of real combat skills, Lin Shu is now on this road.


Lin Shu and Qinglong collided again, and Lin Shu was still bounced away, but the little god frowned involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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