Supreme Chef

Chapter 1989 Fighting against the Little God [Part [-]]

Chapter 1989 Fighting against the Little God [Part [-]]

Xiao Tianshen frowned, not because of the change in the momentum of Lin Mu's moves, but because he found that the confrontation time between Lin Mu and the Qinglong of the Heavenly Dao seemed to be longer than before.

Although it was only for a short period of time, almost negligible, it gave the little god a very bad feeling.

Lin Mu got up from the ground and wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth again.Feeling that my body is strong and crazy, it seems to have become better again.In my own body, the integration of the three parties seems to be going on more.

Under such oppression, Lin Mu's potential was obviously stimulated to the greatest extent, helping Lin Mu accelerate the completion of this integration.

Getting up from the ground, Lin Mu still punched indomitably.But this time, the momentum was directly shocking.

That huge force tore apart everything, the stars fell, and the galaxy collapsed.This was so shocking that everyone felt a sense of fear from the bottom of their hearts.

This kind of fear is even worse than the kind of awe that the way of heaven has in everyone's heart.

It comes from the depths of the soul, giving birth to an irresistible thought.

The little god frowned even deeper, and he knew that his thoughts had come true.The trees are indeed constantly getting stronger.


This time, Lin Mu's fist still hit the dragon's head.But this time, the trees were not immediately bounced off.

Instead, it was the Azure Dragon of Heavenly Dao, roaring angrily.

Obviously Lin Mu's punch hurt it.

It is really unimaginable and unimaginable that even Tiandao can punch a painful punch.


Qinglong roared in pain, and directly swung its tail, sweeping at Lin Mu's body.


Lin Shu was sent flying again, his body flew sideways, and he vomited blood from his mouth.

But at this moment, when he was flying upside down in mid-air, a kind of enlightenment rose in Lin Mu's heart.

This kind of enlightenment is similar to an epiphany, just for a moment, Lin Mu's thoughts are completely understood.

The three energies in the chest, witchcraft, yin and yang, and divine script are completely blended together.

Everything is as if the universe is reborn, as if the world was opened up.Everything became chaotic and fuzzy, and Lin Mu felt neither sad nor happy.

There is no clear dividing line between witchcraft and yin and yang.With the help of divine text, the two blended together.Completed the metamorphosis and formed a new life.

All the breath in Lin Mu's body retracted at this moment, shrinking into his body.

At this moment, Lin Mu completely became an ordinary person, without any energy fluctuations, everything was so ordinary.Even breathing is so weak that it can be ignored.

But this was just the beginning, the next moment the volcano began to erupt violently, and the Tai Chi Yin Yang Pill began to spin crazily.At the same time, the divine language also burst into the brightest light.

The words that represent the supreme meaning are engraved into the flesh and blood of the forest bit by bit.

Under the fusion of divine texts, the witch energy erupted from the volcano entered the Tai Chi Yin Yang Pill, and the Yin and Yang Qi in the Tai Chi Yin Yang Pill also entered the volcano.

The two blend with each other, attract and merge with each other.

Ultimately all in all, tell the spin.The volcano moved from the chest to the dantian of the forest, and the Tai Chi Yin Yang Pill was also suspended above the volcano.

The boundary between the two is completely blurred, forming a new circulation system.

But at this moment, all changes also stopped.I thought that the radiance of the inner divine text was completely consumed.The energy of the divine text itself has also been exhausted.The words are completely inscribed into Lin Shu's body.In the flesh and blood.

Lin Mu knew that in order to fully integrate, it was not enough to rely solely on the 72 Disha divine script.You also need to get 36 Tiangang divine texts.Only with the cooperation of the two can the Tai Chi and the volcano in Lin Shu's body be truly integrated.

The fusion of Tai Chi Yin Yang Pill and Volcano came to an end, but the fusion of Lin Shu's internal principles, order and combat skills has just begun.

The corresponding combat skills are completely integrated with the required principles and order.Then it is evolving, evolving into the most perfect state, evolving into the strongest attack ability.

For Lin Shu, this is definitely a radical change.


The next moment, the dormant imperial energy in Lin Shu's body was completely activated by some kind of stimulation.

Fortunately, it didn't rush out of Lin Mu's body, but exploded in Lin Mu's body.

It was baptizing Lin Shu's whole body, all the hidden wounds healed in an instant, and his cultivation base also successfully broke through a small step.

However, there is still a gap between the real Immortal Emperor and no real breakthrough.

It is also an existence that has achieved half-step Immortal Sovereign, alongside the little gods.

Of course, this is also Lin Mu's intention. If Lin Mu wants to break through the Immortal Emperor now, it is not a difficult thing for Lin Mu.

But the Immortal Emperor is the first step in proving the Tao, and Lin Mu must proceed cautiously.The talents of the little gods are no worse than Lin Mu.

The resources they have mastered are even more unimaginable for Lin Mu.But even they are very careful to move forward. What capital does Lin Mu have to surpass and break through all at once.

But even so, Lin Mu really possessed the strength to challenge the Immortal Emperor.

The half-step Immortal Emperor is also an Immortal Emperor, and there is almost no difference from the Immortal Emperor, except that he has not taken a step.

All this is very long to say, but in fact all of this happened in the blink of an eye.

Before Lin Mu's body landed, all of this had already been completed.

After Lin Shu's body fell to the ground, the current Lin Shu was completely different from the one just now.

Now this can be said to be a brand new tree.The breakthrough in both cultivation and strength gave Lin Mu the confidence and determination to fight against the world's enemies.

Everyone looked at Lin Shu who had completed the breakthrough in an instant, all feeling dumbfounded.

How did this tree do it, how did it break through after being hit?
Is this Lin Mu's unique technique?Or is it really effective and a breakthrough, but they haven't tried it before?

But in the end, this ridiculously stupid idea was rejected by everyone.Because if this method is effective, there probably won't be so many immortals in this world.

Lin Mu looked at the little angel with a very dark face on the opposite side, and said, "Do you think I should thank you properly? Or should I kill you first, and then thank you?"

The little god said: "When you die, I will erect a monument for you. You are a respectable opponent."

Lin Mu said: "Although you are close, you can still be regarded as a respectable opponent. If you die, I will ask your family to take your body away.


The words have already been said for this sake, so naturally there is nothing more to say.The imprint on the hand of the little god changed again and again, and the Heavenly Dao Qinglong was affected by this, and roared in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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