Supreme Chef

Chapter 1990 Fighting against the Little God [Part [-]]

Chapter 1990 Fighting against the Little God [Part [-]]

The green dragon roared, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the wind and waves that destroyed the sky and the earth easily tore apart everything, made everything blurry, and then shattered.

In the face of such a violent storm, the trees did not move at all, and were not affected in the slightest.

The supreme green dragon, surrounded by the majesty of heaven and earth, rushed towards the forest in mighty force, intending to shatter and tear the forest apart.

Facing the powerful Qinglong, Lin Mu threw out a direct punch.

Lin Mu's punch was calm at first, and then he began to induce all kinds of magic, and then formed order, and finally destroyed the world.

This is a static change process, which is very shocking.This seems to represent the prosperity and decline of heaven and earth, and it also seems to represent the life of a person, which contains the highest philosophy.

This is a real strength, a punch of real glory.

The fists of Qinglong and Lin Mu met, and the storm formed directly destroyed everything. No matter what kind of surprise or extraordinary, they were all destroyed under the attack of the two.

It is inevitable that this ancient ruin will suffer.The guardian formation was unable to resist at all, and was directly crushed.

All the people, no matter who they are, retreat to a safe area.

After all, such a storm is too powerful. Although they can guarantee that they will not be injured, they are not willing to waste their energy to resist.

Lin Mu and Qinglong stalemate in mid-air, and finally Qinglong let out a wail, and was directly sent flying by Lin Shu's powerful impact.

The Heavenly Dao Azure Dragon was knocked into the air by the trees, which once again caused a huge commotion.How much strength is needed to sweep away the incarnation of Heavenly Dao.This is really against the sky, too powerful.

Everyone looked at the trees with fear in their eyes.

The little god's face was even more ugly.

Just now, Lin Mu could only be knocked into the air by himself continuously, and he didn't even have the ability to resist. Now he reversed and knocked his Heavenly Dao Azure Dragon into the air.


Under the control of the little god, the Heavenly Dao Qinglong once again rushed towards the forest.

This time Qinglong opened his mouth, and an infinite chain of order slanted down. This is the real order of heaven, representing the supreme authority, and absolutely does not allow anyone to challenge it.

However, Lin Mu has always acted against the sky, and he responded simply and directly to such attacks.

Lin Mu directly rounded his fist and charged into the boundless order.

With every swing of the punch, Lin Shu will shatter countless chains of order.The continuous strong response, the chain of order, was also defeated by Lin Shu.The constant breakdowns, the constant smiles, until the best ones are gone.

Looking at such a scene, the little Tianshen also had a gloomy expression on his face.

To be honest, this was a bit of a slap in the face. When I first entered, I had a high profile, high above the ground, and didn't put the trees in my eyes.He even said that Lin Mu was not worthy to compete with him at all.

But what about now?
Now Lin Mu is not only talking to himself most powerfully, but also completely suppressing himself.

Such a contrast, if it wasn't a slap in the face, the little god didn't know how to explain the slap in the face.Do you have to wait for Lin Mu to slap his mouth on his face?

If that's the case, then the little god is not far from death.

Seeing that the order of Qinglong is about to be completely disintegrated by Lin Shu.The little god's face also darkened, he gritted his steel teeth, and his body turned into a stream of light, entering the Heavenly Dao Azure Dragon.

The little heavenly god is preparing to join the battle in real body and combine with the blue dragon of heaven.

Seeing such a scene, everyone's expressions changed again.

To be able to force the little god to such an extent.Even if Lin Mu didn't win, he was already proud enough.

Of course, Lin Mu's pursuit is not just a little bit.

Lin Mu was even more excited when he saw the little god participating in the battle.For this kind of character, it is the best cornerstone to test one's own strength, Lin Mu is worried about how to hone his newly broken cultivation base.The little angel himself, took the initiative to deliver it to the door.


From Lin Mu's mouth, there was an inexplicable roar.This roar is absolutely earth-shattering, capable of covering up the Dao of Heaven.

This is the treasure opened by the Wushuang Holy Physique after the Witch God Physique.

Although Wu does not practice the law, every action he makes affects the law.Whether it is walking, talking, etc., it will affect the law.Every move is for the law, this is the most powerful place of the witch.


The roar of the trees resonated with the world.All were affected, and some were unstable.Even some people with low cultivation had their eardrums punctured directly.


Lin Mu let out a low growl again, all the energy in his body was burning.The witch's dharma appeared, standing up to the sky and dominating everything in the world.

And if someone who has seen the forest tree method is here, they will definitely find the difference in the forest tree method.

In the past, Dharma images were used as a means of attack entirely through brute force.Not to mention the means of attack, how simple it is.The power alone cannot be fully exerted.

But at this time, there have been some changes in the law.In the context, there is a Tao that circulates, and there is an order that is entangled.

A witch god who has mastered the supreme law of heaven and earth, such a terrible thing, just thinking about it will make people feel creepy.

Someone once reasoned that if the witch god among the ancient ancestors had mastered the supreme law of heaven and earth.Even if it is Supreme, it is not a problem.

Of course, this kind of reasoning can only be reasoning.Because witchcraft, immortality, and the way of heaven are simply incompatible.

This is also the reason why Lin Mu couldn't use the Immortal Way method when he used the witch's method in the past.

But after possessing the divine text of the beginning, this problem was solved.At the same time, it also paved the way for the trees.


The hands of Faxiang Lin Mu directly grasped the horns of the Heavenly Dao Azure Dragon.Let the Heavenly Dao Qinglong be unable to move at all.

The little god gave a cold snort, and kicked the green dragon horizontally, driving the green dragon's tail, and directly hit the ribs of Lin Mufaxiang.

The speed of the little Tianshen's kick was too fast, and Lin Mu had no time to resist.


The dharma image was swept by the tail of the dragon, and his skin was torn apart immediately, and endless witchcraft and the rules of heaven and earth poured out.

At the same time, Lin Mu was also swept away.

But when Lin Mu was in the air, he also kicked out directly, and at the same time drove Faxiang's kick.


Lin Mu's kick directly hit Qinglong's chin, and the Tiandao Qinglong's jaw was completely shattered in an instant.

The originally majestic Qinglong suddenly turned into a chinless Qinglong with an incomparably ferocious appearance.

The little god was also furious, he punched the tree frantically, vowing to smash the image of the tree into mud.

However, it was impossible for Lin Mu to be beaten straight, and Lin Mu also fought back with the strongest posture.

A heavenly green dragon, a majestic Dharma image.The two sides were entangled in mid-air, and the collision that occurred was extremely terrifying.It really seems that the end has come to this world.

It made everyone feel terrified, and even some people with weak cultivations chose to stay away, unable to bear that kind of momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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