Supreme Chef

Chapter 1992 Destiny

Chapter 1992 Destiny
Go together!

How arrogant this is, and how ironic it is at the same time.

These people who were awarded the title of god before did not pay attention to trees at all.Whether it is the little god, or the god of war, none of them regard Lin Shu as an opponent.

They think that even if Lin Mu can become their opponent, it will be a hundred years, or even a thousand, or ten thousand years later.

But how long has passed, not even a year.Lin Mu can already challenge them like this, which is really a big irony and a joke.


Because of his anger, the little god directly shot with anger.

The little god used his strongest method, fate appeared, and touched the law of time.

Destiny has always been that mysterious one.Unable to cooperate, unable to guess.Even the family of fortune tellers can't figure out a person's fate clearly.

But everyone didn't think of it.The little heavenly god actually comprehended the mystery and turned it into his own method.

This is what is truly terrifying. A person who controls the fate of himself and others is tantamount to controlling the life and death of the other party.

This is an inexplicable way, indescribable and unpredictable.

It is related to time, different from reincarnation.

"Fate cut, cut off the previous life!"

The little god's eyes were full of divine light, and he slashed his arm downwards, and the roulette of fate, like a steel knife, crushed downwards.To completely cut off Lin Shu's past life.

This is to directly modify the fate, to get rid of everything, to cut off the past life and the future, to completely isolate the present life, and to kill it easily in the end.

However, Lin Mu believed that such a heaven-defying method would be useful if used on others.But if it is used on himself, it is considered unlucky for the little god, and he chose the wrong target.

Because Lin Mu himself doesn't know what his previous life was like.Lin Mu only knows what he is like in this life. As for the past life and future, even the Sansheng Stone doesn't show it, so it is even more impossible for Lin Mu to know.

Although there is no previous life to kill, the powerful impact still made Lin Mu cough up blood.

The theory of fate is not so easy to escape.

Although Lin Shu was vomiting blood, the little god was still dissatisfied, to be precise, very dissatisfied.

Because in the eyes of the little god, Lin Shu shouldn't be at all now, vomiting blood is so simple.Even if Lin Shu didn't die, he probably didn't have the strength to fight anymore.How is it possible, it is completely unreasonable to still stand well.Moreover, the little heavenly god also discovered that the tree he cut just now seemed to have nothing in the past to be cut off by him.

This is a bit weird, the little god doesn't believe that this kind of thing will happen, and if he makes another move, he still wants to cut off the past of the forest.

But still nothing was cut off, and this time Lin Shu didn't even vomit blood.

The little god really frowned. This was the first time he had encountered such a thing. Such a strange person made the little god feel a lot of uneasiness in his heart.

"Cut off the future!" The little god roared again, and the wheel of fortune pressed down again.

But this time, it was the same as cutting off the past, except that Lin Mu vomited a little blood, there was no change.

"A person who has no past and no future, how can he do it!" Continuously using tricks, the little god also understood what happened to Lin Mu.

For a person who has neither the afterlife nor the present life, this is really the first time that the Little Heavenly God has met.

"Without the past and the future, I will cut off your present life!" Although Lin Mu reveals the strangeness, but it will not make the little god lose confidence. He wants to cut off Lin Shu's present life, and directly kill Lin Shu in this life, in the current world .

But obviously the little god was wrong again, Lin Mu was always confident that he was invincible in this world.Never rely on the past and the future, only believe in your own life.

So when the roulette wheel of fate bombards the trees.The forest trees that had been restricted before could suddenly move their hands.

"I am the most invincible existence in this life. I don't need to rely on the accumulation of the past, and I don't need to rely on the hope of the next life. Only in this life, I will try my best and exhaust everything. Make myself stronger." Lin Mu said shockingly, saying It reveals the root and true meaning of self-cultivation.


Lin Shu's palm grasped the wheel of fate.


However, Lin Mu didn't expect that there were times when he underestimated and lost sight.

This roulette wheel of fate is really not something that one can control and master at will.

As soon as he caught it, he gave himself a blow.

Faxiang's arm was directly and completely shattered, and his real body also received a huge impact, and his face turned pale for a while, as if recovering from a serious illness.

Lin Mu quickly let go and returned the Disk of Destiny to his master.

"Cut your life!"

The little heavenly god roared again, unleashing the strongest attack power, the wheel of fortune spun and crushed towards the forest.

At this time, the elders and dean of the elder brother's sect who were outside all felt the fate of the little god.

"Using fate, who made him work so hard!" The deputy palace master in the Tiangong frowned, not knowing what happened.

For the little gods, Tiangong attaches great importance to them.Absolutely not allowed, something went wrong.But now, he found that he was forced to use the wheel of fortune, which was definitely not a trivial matter.

The deputy palace lord in the Tiangong was very eager to enter and check the situation.But there is a formation here, which makes it impossible for him to enter.Can only be outside, in a hurry.

Finally he waited for a disciple who came out of it.

The deputy palace master of Tiangong grabbed the disciple and began to inquire about the situation of the little god.

Faced with such agitation, the deputy master of the Tiangong Palace who wanted to eat himself, this disciple did not dare to hide it, and told the outsiders all the things he knew about what happened inside.

He heard that there were actually 72 Absolute Beginning Disha Divine Runes in it, and it was still complete.Even if they are in a high position and have the supreme power, they can't calm down.

Because the impact of this matter is too far-reaching, and at the same time, the impact is too great.Especially for Shanshui Academy, the elders of Shanshui Academy, etc., have already made up their minds to invite Lin Mu to sit in Shanshui Academy no matter what.

Even if you pay some price, you must invite Lin Mu to go. It is best to let Lin Mu silently write out the 72 Earth Sha divine scripts he got.

In this way, the Shanshui Academy can add up to [-] too many supernatural characters, and can fulfill the long-cherished wish of the Shanshui Academy to rise.

But the deputy palace master of the Tiangong, hearing that Lin Mu had torn up the Heavenly Dao Azure Dragon of the Little Heavenly God, and was still confronting the Little Heavenly God head-to-head, excitedly went directly to the two vice-principals of the Supreme Academy.

Hong Dao and Gu Gong naturally heard what the disciple who came out said, but neither of them thought that Lin Mu was at fault this time.

(End of this chapter)

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