Supreme Chef

Chapter 1993 Unstoppable Fate

Chapter 1993 Unstoppable Fate

Facing the roar of the Deputy Palace Master of Tiangong, Hongdao directly chose to remain silent.For things that involve brainstorming, it is enough to come from a good way. For things like this kind of hands-on, Gu Gong is more suitable.

As expected, Gu Gong lived up to his expectations, stood up directly, and responded forcefully to Tian Gong's questioning.

"Right and wrong, isn't it clear enough? It is clear that your Tiangong disciples provoked first, and Lin Mu just responded. How come according to your theory, all the treasures in the world should belong to your Tiangong? When did your Tiangong , so domineering. Do we still need to report to your Tiangong for what we have obtained with our own strength?" Gu Gong is very strong, and he doesn't show any affection at all.

The deputy palace lord of Tiangong also turned pale with anger when he heard Gu Gong's words.However, Gu Gong had no way to refute what he said.

"I think Lin Mu did a good job. He was ridden up to his neck. He didn't know how to resist. He didn't have the courage that my generation should have. If he is such a coward, when the real crisis comes, he will be the first to escape. The person who is the most important person cannot be entrusted with important tasks at all." The deputy head of the Nanshan Beast Sect said quietly.

This one from the Nanshan Beast Sect has the bloodline of the Golden Divine Beast Lion King.He has a fiery temper, and he admires Lin Mu's temperament of happiness and hatred.What's more, there is also the blood spirit dragon, so it goes without saying that such a level is inside, it must be standing in the forest.

Having received the support from the Nanshan Beast Sect, Hongdao bowed his hands in gratitude.

Moreover, the opening of Gu Gong and the old lion of Nanshan gatekeeper also made the scene one-sided, leaning towards the forest.

After all, what the old lion and Gu Gong said is right, Tiangong can't be too domineering, right?

Facing the one-sided pressure, the Deputy Palace Mistress of Tiangong couldn't continue to talk too much.After all, the current world is different from ancient times, not because Tiangong occupies the absolute overlord position.

In the valley, the battle between Lin Shu and the little god has completely heated up.

Although the fate of the little god cannot cut off Lin Mu's past life and future, it has caused huge troubles with Lin Mu's present life.

Faxiang had been cut to pieces and was on the verge of collapse.


Finally, Lin Mu's Faxiang collapsed, and Lin Shu was also beaten upside down and flew out.

It was also the first time for Lin Mu to be blown up.It can be seen that the little god's strength is really not in vain.

Seeing this, Xue Linglong was about to go up to help, but was stopped by Senior Brother Bai Hu.

"It's useless for you to go up, this kind of battle is not something you can participate in. Lin Mu won't be defeated so easily." Senior Brother Bai Hu said to Xue Linglong.

Xue Linglong heard Senior Brother Baihu's words, and quickly explained: "Brother, you misunderstood, I am not going up to help. I am going up to rob, and that little god is sure to lose. I will go to occupy a good position first. After the boss beats him to pieces, I can be the first to rob him, and don't let that fat man take the lead."

Senior Brother Bai Hu was also speechless when he heard Xue Linglong's words.What a weird thing.

The people in Tiangong were all about to get angry when they heard what the blood spirit dragon said.This blood spirit dragon is simply insulting Tiangong.

Xue Linglong looked at the people in the Tiangong who were eager to fight, and hid directly behind his senior brother, as if you had the ability to bite me.

Facing this senior brother Baihu who looks like a woman, if there is no God of War and the others, they really dare not provoke him.As Senior Brother Bai Hu said just now, masters of this level are not something they can provoke.

"Today, I just smashed your broken plate, so that you don't even have anyone to eat." Lin Mu was also furious at being beaten, and was about to smash the plate.

Fate turns and drives everything. Everything in the world has its own unique destiny.

Not just people, every plant, every tree, every mountain and every rock has its own destiny.Directly manipulating fate is equivalent to dominating a person's life.

The roulette wheel of fate appeared behind the little god's head.Like a round of divine sun, the densely packed text and mysterious graphics on it made everyone amazed.


The little celestial god has a solemn appearance, raises his hand a little, and the fate rolls down, affecting thousands of principles.

Lin Shu was also fearless, raising his hand and covering it with a palm.Countless chains of Taoism, chains of order, slanted down.

Lin Mu practiced all kinds of methods at the same time, and his body formed his own way of heaven. The last thing he was afraid of was such an attack.

Thousands of principles collided in the void, causing an unimaginable explosion, everything was withering, even the laws were withering.It's really terrifying to the limit, it's indescribable.

Only fate still circulates, continues to move forward, never stops, and wants to kill the trees.

"Turn me around!"

In Lin Shu's hand, a long whip appeared.All of a sudden, he was drawn directly on the roulette wheel of fate.


With a crisp sound, the wheel of fortune spun rapidly like a spinning top.

" is this possible!"

Lin Mu's actions once again caused an uproar.Everyone couldn't believe what they saw.

It is unimaginable that there are people who can shake fate.

But if you look closely, you will understand why.

The whip in Lin Mu's hand was no ordinary whip.If you look carefully at the whip in Lin Mu's hand, you will find it.This whip is simply, period after period, fragments of time.

Everything in the world, even fate and reincarnation, is also under the control of time.Using time to slap fate, it can naturally be easily shaken.

Lin Shu waved the whip in his hand continuously, spinning the wheel of fate at high speed.

And every time the whip falls, it will leave a clear mark on it.Traces are the imprint of time, which cannot be erased at all.

The little god's face changed suddenly, and he wanted to stop it and take back his destiny roulette.But there is no way to break through the blockade of time.

The little god sacrificed his domain of destiny to fight against the invasion of time.

However, Lin Mu also sacrificed his own domain. At this time, Lin Mu's domain has almost become a world of its own, with the imprint of the Three Thousand Dao in it.



There was a fierce collision between the two domains, which directly affected the operation of the heaven and the earth, so that everything was affected by this, and many things were directly destroyed.Even the shadow of the long river of time faintly appeared above the void.

"Break it for me!"

Lin Mu's other hand also transformed into a long whip of time, the two hands moved together, and the two long whips waved at the same time.


Pulling towards the time wheel from two different directions, after a moment of stillness, the time wheel directly shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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