Supreme Chef

Chapter 1994 was used

Chapter 1994 was used
The fate roulette was directly smashed by the trees. This is definitely a big event, which made everyone stop breathing.

For such a thing to happen, the little god used the strongest means, claiming to be undefeated.But the final result is still like this, completely unimaginable.


With the shattering of the wheel of fate, the domain of the little god also collapsed, and the whole person spat out three mouthfuls of blood continuously.

However, all the fragments of the destiny roulette floated towards the little god.

These roulette wheels of fate were further shattered around the little god.Then all the fragments were absorbed by the little god.Moreover, the body of the little god gradually faded away.In the end, it turned into a dazzling seed, which is the Dao Seed.

It is definitely the top Dao species, but it is impossible to judge what it is.But with the entry of the wheel of fate, some mysterious traces were engraved in that seed.

Seeing this, some people in Tiangong suddenly realized.

This is not the real body of the Little Heavenly God at all, but the Dao Seed of the Little Heavenly God.

As for why this is so, it is entirely possible that the little god did it on purpose.Controlling reputation is indeed a way against the heavens.

But it is also a great limitation, limiting one's future and one's own destiny.Contaminated too much cause and effect, affecting future achievements.

I'm afraid this is also the real reason why the little god didn't take a step.

But this time, he got a chance.Got a chance to smash the wheel of fate, and was smashed by time.It will not leave any cause and effect and traces, and at the same time, it can imprint the roulette into the Dao Seed and preserve it perfectly.

Apparently, the little god took advantage of the trees and really regarded the trees as a stepping stone on his way forward.

It turned out that the little god had already laid out the layout, and the trees were completely utilized.It's just a stepping stone, the little god is truly perfect now, and when the Dao Seed and the real body converge and merge, they can hit the strongest Immortal Emperor.

Even the people in Tiangong did not expect such an ending.

Lin Mu is extremely depressed. You must know that such things usually happen to him.

I have many times, using others to sharpen myself.In the end, he broke through by himself and regarded others as stepping stones.

But being used by others is really the first time.This made Lin Shu feel as uncomfortable and disgusted as eating a fly.

It feels like there is a fishbone stuck in my throat, and it can't go up or down, which is very unacceptable.

"I want to leave just like that. I'll help you break through and leave nothing behind. Is that what you said?" Seeing the Dao Seed of the Little Heavenly God, he wanted to leave through the void.Lin Mu also made a decisive move, and he was already at a disadvantage.If there is still nothing left, then Lin Shu will really suffer a lot.

Lin Mu has never done a loss-making business.

"Boss, I'll help you too." The blood spirit dragon roared, and then directly transformed into a mighty dragon, sealing off a piece of heaven and earth.

"This kind of house robbery, how can I be missing, count me in." Wu De laughed strangely, and directly used the Qiankun seal to suppress all principles.

With the attack of Xue Linglong and Wu De, the Dao Seed incarnated by the little god has no way to break through.

People in Tiangong were all angry when they saw Wu De and Xue Linglong being so shameless.

He directly attacked Xue Linglong and Wu De, Senior Brother Baihu from Nanshan Beast Sect, and Senior Senior Brother from Qiankun Academy.Seeing such a scene, it is really not easy to shoot.

After all, no matter where you go to reason about this kind of thing, it seems to be your fault.Being attacked like this, at least there is some truth to be said.

Therefore, both of them chose to remain silent, and let Xue Linglong and Wu De go about their business.

But Xue Linglong and Wu De don't care about what is reasonable or not.Both of them are masters of 'seeking profit and forgetting righteousness'.As for things like reason, the two of them are even more unreasonable people who can disturb three points.

Of course, the strength of the two has once again made great progress.

With the help of Xue Linglong and Wu De, this part of the world was completely sealed off.

Even if the little god wants to escape, it will take a while before it is possible.

The trees are directly wrapped in chaotic fire, and when they attack the Dao Seed, they must let the little god leave something behind.

It was the first time that the little heavenly god was robbed in such an open and aboveboard manner since he practiced, which made him very annoyed.

"Are you looking for your own death?" the little god asked coldly.

Lin Mu said: "It's not your concern whether it's a dead end or not. I only know that if you don't leave something behind today? Today's road will be your dead end."

The little god sneered, and said, "Do you think this can trap me?"

In Lin Mu's hand, there were more than a dozen whips that transformed into time and Tao.

Lin Mu shook the whip in his hand, and said: "I'm not sure if I can keep you, but you can imagine it. If these whips in my hand were to hit you, what kind of ending would it be? You ?Even if you don’t die, I’m afraid it will leave some unforgettable marks on you, right?”

"What do you want?" Hearing Lin Mu's threat, the little Tianshen also asked through gritted teeth.

Lin Mu smiled slightly and said, "It's not what I want, but what you can give me. I can ask for anything you can give me. I've never been picky about my food."

The Dao Seed of the Little Heavenly God was silent for a while, and then a large pile of top-level materials and immortal medicines appeared in front of Lin Mu.

If any of these things are taken out, they are top-notch and will cause everyone to compete for them.

However, Lin Mu was obviously not particularly satisfied with these.

Lin Mu glanced at it and said, "Do you think that you are worth such a little value?"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, everyone had an urge to pinch Lin Mu to death.

This is still a bit of value, there is a whole plant of the half holy medicine, is this still a bit of value?

Lin Mu said: "Don't be angry, you also saw that there are three of us. And I have been fighting with you for so long, and I even helped you practice. Why don't you give hard money and an appearance fee. As long as you Yes, I promise to let you go."

Such an open and aboveboard robbery not only made the little god want to go berserk.On the other side of the Tiangong, they have completely gone berserk, and everyone will make another move to help the little god break the blockade of Wu De and the blood spirit dragon.

But if you want to tear the blockade between the two, it really won't be done overnight.

In the end, the little god still chose to compromise.The Dao Seed trembled again, and then a large pile of top genius treasures fell out of the Dao Seed.

Lin Mu looked at the Dao Seed that was the same as the treasure chest, and he was also a little jealous.

"If you want to attack my Dao Seed, I advise you to give up the idea. Tiangong will not look at you and attack me." The little god said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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