Supreme Chef

Chapter 1995 Crisis

Chapter 1995 Crisis
Lin Mu licked his lips after hearing what the little god said, and said, "I'm not interested in your Dao Seed. But I'm very interested in the things in your Dao Seed."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he grabbed it with his big hands and directly controlled the Dao Seed of the Little Heavenly God with the Law of Ten Thousand Daos.

Imprisoned by trees, the Dao Seed could not move at all.And trees are, very straightforward.Shake the Dao Seed frantically, and get some things you need from the Dao Seed.

Although it was only his own Dao Seed, being robbed like this still made the little Heavenly God go berserk.However, it is useless to go berserk. In his current situation, even if he goes berserk, it is difficult to cause any trouble to Lin Mu.


"Boss is almost done, Wu De and I can't stand it anymore." Xue Linglong said to Lin Mu via voice transmission.

Tiangong was already crazy because of Lin Shu's actions.Even God of War, they are already ready to attack Blood Spirit Dragon and Wu De.

No matter what kind of contradictions they have internally, after they come out, everyone is one.One is prosperous, one is damaged, and the other is damaged. The God of War and the others will never, just watch the little god in distress like this.

Lin Mu also knew that if he continued to play, he might really cause a big mess.

Letting go of the Dao Seed of the Little Heavenly God, Lin Mu also let Wu De and Xue Linglong withdraw.

Lin Mu was still a little dissatisfied when he saw that he had given twice as many genius treasures as Xiao Tianshen himself.

In any case, he is the one being used. No matter how he compensates, Lin Mu feels that he has lost money.

It is unimaginable that a person with the level of the Little Heavenly God would need unimaginable resources if he wanted to take that step.

Even if it was ten times more, Lin Shu didn't think it was too much.

The Dao Seed of the Little Heavenly God returned to the camp of Tiangong, and under the protection of the Little Heavenly God's family, he completed a Nirvana evolution and re-formed.

However, the re-formed little god is very unstable, and obviously needs to go back immediately to join the real body for retreat.

But even so, the little god looked at Lin Mu, almost bursting into flames.

Lin Mudao: "What do you look at, I've lost a lot, and I didn't complain? Do you still want to complain?"

What Lin Mu said.But this fact sounds very harsh.And for Tiangong, it is definitely an insult.

"Boss, don't pay attention to them, let's share the spoils together." Blood Spirit Dragon leaned over and said eagerly at the pile of genius treasures.

Lin Mu was not stingy with Xue Linglong and Wu De, Lin Mu was never stingy with his own people.

Lin Mu picked out all the things that the blood spirit dragon could use, and handed them directly to the blood spirit dragon.

As for the rest, Lin Mujian threw the semi-holy medicine directly to Wu De.

Lin Mu still had some holy medicine juice in his hands, and in the chaotic world, he also picked a few plants, which almost became the immortal medicine of the existence of half holy medicine.

Therefore, there is no shortage of trees for the semi-holy medicine.On the other hand, Wu De, who often robs tombs and is chased away by people, needs this kind of semi-holy medicine by his side.

"I'm not stingy either. I took this from Qiankun Academy, an old antique's tomb. It can train the soul. It might be useful to you." Wu De took out a jade slip and handed it directly to Lin Mu.

The elder brother of Qiankun Academy frowned fiercely when he saw Wu De's movements.

They defended against Wu De like that, but Wu De succeeded in the end.

With Wu De's behavior, he could have been expelled from Qiankun Academy long ago.

However, there is an old antique that even the elders and vice presidents are very afraid of and respect, and they are very optimistic about Wu De, which makes Wu De so unscrupulous.

"Boss, this is the blood of the real phoenix that I obtained. It is said that it is also the emperor of the divine phoenix." The blood spirit dragon said very vaguely, but Lin Mu knew that the evidence was not obtained by seeking, maybe it was the blood spirit dragon again Shun out.

This can be seen from the beating expression on Senior Brother Bai Hu's face.

But Senior Brother Baihu is also helpless, even the head of the sect and the elders dote on the blood spirit dragon, what can he do.Besides, the Blood Spirit Dragon just stole a little phoenix blood, it didn't move the whole blood pool away.

Brother Baihu comforted himself like this, but when he saw the little blood that the blood spirit dragon took out, he wanted to slap himself hard.

Is this a bit of blood? Half of the pool was stolen by the Blood Spirit Dragon.The Nanshan Beast Sect is just such a blood pool of the emperor-level divine phoenix, if it is gone, it will be gone.This Blood Spirit Dragon was too ruthless, and stole half of the pool directly.

Lin Mu naturally would not refuse such a gift.

But when outsiders watched, the three of them made such a blatant transaction, all of them were envious.

Not to mention the chapters of Qiankun Academy on training spiritual consciousness, even the half pool of true phoenix blood is enough to attract countless powerful people to go crazy.

Although Lin Mu accepted it, he understood the rules better than Xue Linglong and Wu De.

Lin Mu faced Nanshan Beast Gate and Qiankun Academy, two directions, and bowed his hands to thank each other.It can be regarded as expressing his attitude.

This also made the people of Nanshan Beast Gate and Qiankun Academy look a lot better.

After all, Lin Mu had given them enough face.

The battle here is absolutely earth-shattering.Of course, it left a deep impression on everyone.I'm afraid it will take a long time for them to digest it.

And the final outcome is enough to subvert their cognition.The status of the tree supreme powerhouse has been completely established.

Of course, the reputation of the little god did not suffer much, on the contrary, it even improved.

Because the little god broke through the last shackles, everyone was looking forward to seeing the little god soaring into the sky.

72 The Divine Mantra of Earth Sha Taichu is the biggest opportunity here.As for the remaining opportunities, although tempting.But a lot of things are in the deepest part, and they cannot get their hands on them.Even if the elders from outside come in, I'm afraid they won't be able to get their hands on it.

It is too dangerous to set foot there, it belongs to the ancient Jedi.Can only watch from a distance.

So after obtaining these, Lin Mu also decided to leave here.In this battle, Lin Mu also had too many things to digest.And this Burial God Realm can't run away, if you want to come here, you will still have a chance in the future.

With the departure of Lin Shu, Tiangong, Qiankun Academy, Shanshui Academy and Nanshan Beast Gate, most of the people followed suit.Only a small number of people are still looking for their own opportunities.

After all, it is very difficult for them to enter here once.

As soon as Lin Mu came out of here, he felt threatened instantly. Someone shot directly at Lin Mu, trying to obliterate Lin Mu.

This attack made Lin Mu unable to resist at all, and his cultivation base was too high, so he had no way to defend.

However, Gu Gong had been prepared for a long time, and when the opponent launched an attack, he made a decisive move.

But Gu Gong made a move, but was blocked by another person, whose cultivation base was not much different from Gu Gong's, and he was not at a disadvantage when facing Gu Gong directly.

In this way, the trees are directly exposed to the attack, which is very dangerous.Hongdao wanted to save him, but it might be too late.

(End of this chapter)

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