Supreme Chef

Chapter 2070

Chapter 2070
The demon ape guarded the edge of the Wuchi, but now the little gods and the others dared not go deep.

After all, no one can know the temper of this devil ape.If this devil ape is not happy, a slap may kill them all.

The demon ape has obviously opened up his mind, looking at the vague figure in the middle of the pool, the demon ape wanted to try to shake it a few times.

But in the end the Demon Ape still held back, because the Demon Ape knew best about Suan Ni's strength.

The strength of the cooperation of the two suanni is still higher than their own.If it was him, he would not be a match for the two Suan Ni at all.

So neither of the two suannis is the opponent of the person in the middle of the pool, so he should calm down a little, anyway, Lin Mu and the others will come out sooner or later.

The little gods and the others felt a little bit of hatred at this time.After Lin Mu and the others entered, they didn't see any danger, so they went in if they knew it earlier.In this way, they can seize the "Immortal Sutra".

But now, they can only watch from above.

In fact, it's not that they didn't try to enter, it's just that when they move, the demon ape will show hostility.

Because the devil ape doesn't know what their relationship is with the trees, so anyone who wants to enter the Wuchi.They will all be considered by the demon ape as people who are going to enter the Wuchi to help Lin Shu.

After several attempts, it was impossible to enter, and the little angels had to give up.

On the other hand, the forest trees that entered the witch pond followed the vortex all the way down.Anyway, they have already come in now, and going out is a dead end, so why not keep looking down.

Following the vortex, Lin Mu and the others quickly saw a cave that was covered by a witch energy that was so thick that it couldn't be dispelled.

The Blood Spirit Dragon raised his head and glanced upwards, smacking his tongue, and said: "Boss, this place is deep enough. According to our speed just now, it must be tens of thousands of feet."

Lin Mu didn't expect that a small pond with a radius of less than tens of miles could be so deep.

"The scriptures came from here. It seems that most of the "Immortal Sutra" is here." Wu De looked at the entrance of the cave, and his eyes glowed.


However, Wu De couldn't get through the witch energy at all, and was directly thrown out by the mist.

"If you don't let me in, I won't believe it." Wu De also lost his temper, and directly prepared to use the Qian Kun seal to open the way.

But it was still ineffective, even the Qiankun Seal could not blast away that layer of witch energy.

And because of the Qiankunyin's attack, the place here became very unstable, as if they were going to swallow the trees.


Lin Mu swelled up the witch energy in his whole body, using his own witch energy to merge with those witch energy.After accepting the witchcraft of Lin Shu, the place stabilized.

After the place stabilized, Lin Mu also released his witch energy, wrapping the three blood spirit dragons in his own witch energy.

"I'll take you to follow me closely." Lin Mu said to the three Blood Spirit Dragons.

This was Lin Mu's confidence in daring to enter here at that time, and he was the witch god body.Even if outsiders are excluded here, it should not exclude oneself.

In fact, it was indeed as Lin Mu said.It is true that there is no exclusion of trees here, and there is no restriction for trees to enter here. On the contrary, it seems that trees are very willing to accept trees here.



Lin Mu entered inside smoothly, but the three of Xue Linglong and the others were blocked outside again.

Lin Mu glanced back, pondered for a moment, and said, "It's not a real witch body, so I can't enter it. Wait for me outside."

The Blood Spirit Dragon waved his fist outside, saying: "Boss, you must bring out the "Immortal Sutra"!"

Lin Mu nodded, and strode deeper into the cave.

The cave that the tree entered was not deep, and soon the tree came to an end.

The end of the cave is not quite what Lin Mu thought, it looks like a huge beehive.On the wall, there are one after another beehive-like nests.

And at the bottom of the lair, there is a muddy pool.

The things in the pool looked exactly like mud, without any difference.

But this mud has no peculiar smell, on the contrary, it has a strange fragrance.

This strange fragrance made Lin Shu feel as if all the pores in his body were relaxing.I feel that the pores of my whole body are as refreshing as eating ginseng fruit.

"This should be the real Wuchi, where the witch came out." Lin Mu said very comfortably standing in the pool.

But Lin Mu didn't really enter, because what Lin Mu needed was not this, but the "Book of Immortality".The purpose of Lin Mu's coming here is to find the "Book of Immortality".


Just when Lin Shu was about to search thoroughly, a voice suddenly came from the hive.


When Lin Mu heard this voice, he immediately became nervous.

Just as the trees were searching, bubbles began to bubble out of the muddy Wuchi pool.Then a person flew out from Wuchi.

It is said to be human because it has a human form.However, Lin Mu could tell that this was no longer a human being, but just a wisp of remnant soul, or a small piece of consciousness.

"I really didn't expect that I, Di Jiang, have been waiting here for so many years, and I have already given up. I would still meet someone with a witch god body coming here." The humanoid creature said.

"Senior, are...Dijiang!" Facing this man, Lin Mu stuttered.

Who Di Jiang is, others don't know, but Lin Mu knows quite well.

The fierce man in front of him is the head of the twelve witch gods.The witch god who is born with space and speed, and there are various signs that this fierce man may have set foot in the ancestor witch.And it was rumored that he might be the only surviving twelve witch gods.

But now, he stood in front of Lin Mu with such a posture, it was really hard for Lin Mu not to be shocked.

Di Jiang looked at Lin Mu's shocked expression, and said: "It seems that you should know me, but I don't know you yet. Let me see you, little guy, what kind of fate you have."

After Dijiang finished speaking, Lin Mu felt that the space, speed and time under his feet were all softened together, everything was flowing backwards, everything was retreating.


Seeing Dijiang's methods, Lin Mu was really speechless.

This is directly using space and speed to bring Lin Shu into the long river of time. There is no need for Lin Shu's consent at all, and there is no intention to ask Lin Mu for his opinion.


But as time went backwards, Di Jiang's brows could not help but wrinkle.

"Have you studied the Dao Jing?"

Dijiang looked down at the trees.

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "No. I'm just a fellow practitioner of ten thousand dharmas, and I've met Senior Zhu Jiuyin before. Time is the rule, and progress has become the rule of time."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Di Jiang said, "No wonder I can only vaguely speculate about your situation."

Lin Mu was a little shocked when he heard Di Jiang's words, and said, "Senior, can you see my past?"

Di Jiang said: "The past cannot be changed. Although you practice ten thousand dharmas together, and you have the principle of time and Tao in your body. But for this righteous master, these are not difficult."

(End of this chapter)

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