Supreme Chef

Chapter 2071 Experience in advance

Chapter 2071 Experience in advance
After listening to Di Jiang's words, Lin Mu was shocked for a long time before he recovered.For a long time, there is no way to deduce or deduce anything about Lin Shu's life experience.

But today Di Jiang actually said that Lin Mu's past can be deduced from the perspective of real experts.

If you do this, it may be a little dangerous for yourself.After all, what the Great God Zhu Jiuyin did back then is still vivid in his mind.

Dijiang has lived for a long time, how could he not know what Lin Mu thinks again.Zhu Jiuyin also spoke, and said: "Don't be too nervous, even if you are a master, you can only have a vague image. And do you really think that it was that easy to make a move in the past?"

Lin Mu was taken aback when he heard Di Jiang's words, and said, "Is there anything else besides cause and effect?"

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Di Jiang said, "Cause and effect? ​​Karma is already the lightest punishment. Since you have seen Zhu Jiuyin, you should have seen his arrangements. You should have seen his methods."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Yes."

Zhu Jiuyin's methods left a deep impression on Lin Mu.For Lin Mu, that was an unimaginable means.

Di Jiang said: "Thinking about it, you should have also participated in that past war. Because of your participation, many people should have been saved from death. But you can see that because of you, any one of them The undead in that war survived."

Hearing Di Jiang's words, Lin Mu's mind couldn't help being shaken.

Lin Mu really didn't think about this question, maybe Lin Mu really ignored it.

Not to mention others, but the strong man who talked to Lin Mu at the beginning, he should not be dead.But now, there is no one more from his lineage.

Di Jiang looked at Lin Mu's expression and said, "Do you understand now?"

After understanding the cause and effect, Lin Mu's mood became even heavier.Because Lin Mu didn't expect that the price would be too great.

That strong man didn't survive, obviously because Zhu Jiuyin used his own clan's life as the price.In exchange for such a victory in the battle.This price is not insignificant.

You must know that the ancient Wu clan at that time had hundreds of millions of people in each tribe.

Zhu Jiuyin is a witch god, and there are tens of thousands of witch tribes under his rule.The number of people is probably in the trillions.

But in order to delay some time for their life, so many people have to sacrifice all of them.

"You don't have to blame yourself too much. Taikoo has already reached the brink of collapse. Few people can survive. I just hope you don't waste it. Our sacrifice is fine. And in the not-too-distant future, there will be some People have returned. I hope you can help them." Di Jiang said.

Lin Mu nodded solemnly, and said, "As long as the juniors are alive, the juniors will never let anyone hurt them."

Di Jiang nodded and said, "It's not in vain that you have obtained the inheritance of the "Immortal Sutra."

After a pause, Di Jiang said: "I know you came to look for the "Book of Immortality", and "Book of Immortality" is indeed here. But only half of the second half, I will pass it on to you later. The rest Half of the time, on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, I will also tell you the location. I don’t have much time, so if you have any questions, just ask now.”

Lin Mu does have a lot of questions to ask, there are too many puzzles about Taikoo Lin Mu, about foreign lands, and about the future, Lin Mu also has a lot of puzzles.

"What's going on here, senior? Is the one above your body?" This is the question that Lin Mu is most concerned about, and it is also the question that Lin Mu wants to know most now.

Di Jiang nodded, and said: "The one above is my body. As for the situation here, you should have seen it. Foreign Land wants to completely destroy this place. If this place is destroyed, the source of witches will also be cut off." It is impossible for a witch to continue to live, and it is impossible for a witch to continue to improve. So I want to protect this place, so I fought out from Taigu and guarded here. But I overestimated my ability, from Taikoo It almost wiped me out. And the people they came were stronger than I thought. So now, I can only exist in this state. And time is running out."

Lin Mu was taken aback when he heard Di Jiang's words.

Taikoo has been completely blocked, this is what Lin Mu knows.Because if you go upstream along the long river of time, you can't see the ancient times.

But Di Jiang was so brave that he fought out from the ancient times.

Di Jiang said: "If you have anything else to ask, hurry up. I feel that some amazing people have come across the border. I still have to save some energy to make some final contributions to you. "

After hearing what Di Jiang said, Lin Mu couldn't help being startled suddenly, and said, "You said that something has changed outside."

Di Jiang said: "Yes. But it is still within the controllable range for the time being. If you have any questions, just ask."

Lin Mu pondered for a moment, and said, "I want to know what happened in Taikoo?"

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Di Jiang said: "You don't need to know, because you are experiencing what happened in the ancient times. And you will experience a situation that is [-] times more tragic than the ancient times. This is Zhu Jiuyin, who is dying. He told me the future he saw before."

Even more tragic than the ancient times!
How tragic that would be, it is simply unimaginable and unpredictable.

"Okay, my time is up. Here is half of the "Immortal Book", and the remaining half of the jade slip is the map inside. I will take you to experience it in advance, the future battle. It is for your protection." My witch clan, the reward for those who return in the future. As for the little monkey above, I will also dismiss it for you." Di Jiang said in a completely relaxed manner.

Obviously, after doing these things, Di Jiang was completely relieved.


Without giving Lin Mu any time to react, Lin Mu felt that he had returned to the surface of the pool.At the same time, Wu De and the others were also brought to the surface of the pool.

"Boss, what's going on here?" The Blood Spirit Dragon came to the surface of the water flickeringly, and was completely stunned in the cloud of chaos.

"Little guy, I didn't expect you to live in this life. It seems that your parents have paid a lot for you. But their sacrifices are correct. Your potential exceeds all your peers." Di Jiang said suddenly .

"Who are you?" Hearing Di Jiang's words, Xue Linglong immediately became nervous.

Di Jiang looked at Xue Linglong and said with a smile: "You are still as naughty as before, no wonder your parents want to stuff you into that egg again."

Hearing Di Jiang's words, all three Blood Spirit Dragons were shocked.

Lin Mu opened his mouth and said, "This is Senior Dijiang, the leader of the witch god!"


Hearing Lin Mu's words, Wu De's three mouths were almost open enough to swallow an egg.

This is too weird, too bizarre, too unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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