Supreme Chef

Chapter 2097 The only way

Chapter 2097 The Only Way

The continuous attacks also caused cracks to appear on the protective cover above the teleportation array.

Seeing such a crack, Xue Linglong was really frightened.This one is really too brave, even this eternal teleportation array can be destroyed, which is too scary.

But fortunately, this is all coming to an end.Because the teleportation array has already started.Lin Mu and Xue Linglong are finally about to enter the teleportation array.

Entering the teleportation array, the blood spirit dragon finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The channel of the teleportation array is a few points thicker than the boundary wall, and it is impossible to be breached at all.

But Xue Linglong still didn't relax much in his breath, and then his heart was raised in his throat.

"Boss, what do you see that fuzzy nebula outside?" Blood Spirit Dragon pointed to the nebula following the teleportation array and said.

Lin Mu looked at the nebula, his eyes widened.

Because this cluster of nebula is nothing else, but the old monster who has been guarding the stars.

This old monster is so strong that it can even catch up with the speed of the teleportation array.And it's still completely, relying on your own speed and ability.And the terrifying level of that immortal energy, I'm afraid it won't be exhausted after flying like this for decades.

"Boss, this old monster, what kind of monster is it? If this continues, can we still get rid of him?" The Blood Spirit Dragon also trembled.

In fact, it's not just the Blood Spirit Dragon, who was also a little dumbfounded looking at the old monster outside.

This is simply inhuman. To be able to chase all the way like this is something humans can do.

"We must get rid of him." Lin Mu said in a deep voice.

"En." Xue Linglong and Wu De nodded at the same time.

"You two follow me, let's get rid of him. Can he stay with us, or with us?" Lin Mu said.

"Yes! Just let them follow me, this old monster won't die from exhaustion." Blood Spirit Dragon also said in line.

Lin Mu wrapped the Blood Spirit Dragon and Wu De with the domain clamp, and then used the ultimate speed to move forward at extreme speed.

The speed of the teleportation array, plus the limit speed of the trees.With such a speed, the old monster was thrown away at once.

"Boy, there are still two tricks. Since you guys want to play, then I will accompany you to have a good time." Among Xingyun, there was also a strange smile.

The old monster doubled its speed again, and unexpectedly shortened a large distance all of a sudden.

But this is the limit, and if it exceeds the limit, even the old monster will not have this possibility.

"It's a good thing that this old monster has a limit, or else he wouldn't have been chased to death by this old monster." Seeing this old monster, Blood Spirit Dragon was relieved to see that the old monster got closer, but there was still a long way to go. .

But Lin Mu couldn't relax, Lin Mu wrapped Xue Linglong and Wu De, and rushed all the way along the space passage.

What was supposed to be a one-year journey was abruptly shortened to half a year.

Then after reaching the next level, Lin Mu and Xue Linglong didn't dare to stay at all, they immediately looked for the next exit, and then continued to gallop.

Almost at the same time that Lin Mu and the others entered the teleportation array, the old monster also reached this level.

Moreover, the speed at which the old monster recovered was such that Lin Mu and the others didn't know what to say.

The old monster's body was like a bottomless black hole.For the immortal essence above the entire star, that is simply swallowing.

In a few breaths, the immortal essence of this incomparably huge star will be at least three layers thinner.

Compared to Lin Shu's abnormal recovery speed, this one is simply a monstrous existence.It's just too scary, and it's too exaggerated at the same time.

Fortunately, Lin Mu also has half an hour to recover, otherwise, if the pursuit speed is followed, the old monster will not be consumed by then, and Lin Mu himself will be consumed.

After half an hour, Lin Mu continued on the road.And the old monster followed suit.

It is still such a monstrous tracking speed, that speed is unbelievable.

Moreover, Lin Mu could tell that this old monster probably didn't know any speed rules.It is purely relying on its own speed, and then chasing the sum of the speed of the teleportation array and the trees.

The two sides just fled and the other chased.

Continuously pursued more than ten stars and countless star fields.Lin Mu still didn't get rid of the old monster, but was approached by the old monster a lot.

Compared with this kind of old monster who has lived for an unknown amount of time, the trees are indeed too young.

"This old monster is really too persistent. Isn't it the Dao Jing, is he the most reluctant to be so poor?" Xue Linglong said.

The "Da Dao Jing" is the most supreme scripture in the world that traverses the long river of time.Even the people from the other side will fight with jealousy.

So, not to mention the dozen or so stars, even if there are dozens or hundreds, this old monster will be the poorest.

Because it involves the biggest secret in the world - eternal life.

So if you want this old monster to give up, unless you hand over the Dao Jing, don't even think about it, it is simply impossible.

"It's definitely not possible for Lin Mu to go on like this. This old monster can persist, but your body may not be able to bear it. And the road ahead will be more difficult for us. The time we find the teleportation array will be shorter and shorter." The slower it is. At that time, I'm afraid we still won't be able to escape the pursuit of this old monster." Wu De said worriedly.

How could Lin Mu not understand such a truth, but now there is no other way but to run for his life.Now I can only escape for a while, just escape for a while.

As for how to deal with this old monster, anyway, Lin Mu has nothing to do now.

"We all understand this truth, but that old monster is the most reluctant to give up on us now. We have to find a way to get rid of him." Xue Linglong said angrily.

Wu De also began to think quickly about how to deal with this old monster.If such old monsters were not resolved, they would not be able to escape at all.

"There is a way." Not to mention, Wu De really came up with a way.

"What way?" Xue Linglong asked impatiently.

Wu De, said: "According to the information I have read about the Starry Sky Ancient Road, the No. 80 level in the front is a bit weird. There, no one can display his true strength. There is a limit to strength, is it A kind of test. Maybe there is our opportunity.”

Xue Linglong's eyes lit up when he heard Wu De's words, and said, "How can you limit your cultivation?"

Wu De recalled it seriously, and said: "According to what I know, it should be the early stage of the Immortal Emperor. But it is not sure whether it is, after all, I have never been there."

"The early stage of the Immortal Emperor! Such an old monster is restricted to the early stage of the Immortal Emperor. For us, there is still no way out." The blood spirit dragon looked outside, and said the old monster who was a little closer.

Hearing Xue Linglong's words, Wu De spread his hands and said, "This is the best way I can think of. At least when we get there, we still have a chance to fight. If it's other places, we probably won't have any The chances of winning. Can we still escape all the way to the last star like this?"

After a pause, Wu De continued: "If that's the case, there is almost no difference in the result whether we go or not. And with our cultivation base, I am afraid that we will be crushed to death without getting close."

After listening to Wu De's words, Lin Mu said: "Wu De is right, there is our only chance, we will go there now."

(End of this chapter)

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