Supreme Chef

Chapter 2098 Scary Old Monster

Chapter 2098 Scary Old Monster
There is no other way, although the Immortal Emperor's early stage is also dangerous.But for Lin Mu and the others, that was the only chance.Otherwise, if they continue to escape like this, Lin Mu and the others will definitely not be able to escape.

After all, the old monster's recovery speed was not a little bit faster than Chu Feng's.Moreover, such endless consumption did not help Chu Feng's cultivation and body at all.

Now that the target was determined, Lin Mu also fled faster.

There are only a few stars, and it will pass if you persist.

Finally reached the No.80 level, the three Lin Mu just came out of the space passage, and felt the difference in the rules of the world here.

This is a kind of natural suppression. It doesn't mean that you can resist this kind of suppression if you have a deep cultivation.

And Lin Mu sensed that people's cultivation is indeed limited to the early stage of Immortal Emperor here.It didn't bring any surprises to Lin Mu and the others. If they could be limited to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, then Lin Mu and the others would not have to be afraid at all.With the combination of three trees, in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, it is absolutely invincible.

Not to mention that this kind of old monster is restricted to the Immortal Emperor, even if the Supreme is restricted to the Immortal Emperor's realm, Chu Feng feels that he has the strength to fight.

But in the early stages of the Immortal Emperor, this might be a bit difficult.

"Boss, recover first. Wu De and I will dig two big pits to see if we can trap that old monster first. If not, the three of us will definitely not be his opponents." Xue Linglong said.

"it is good!"

Lin Mu agreed, and immediately began to recover with his legs crossed. As for Wu De and Xue Linglong, they went to dig a hole.

For the two of them, digging holes is what they are best at, but whether they can fool this old monster that has lived for a long time is an uncertain thing.

But Lin Mu is not in the mood to take care of these now.The old monster will soon catch up, so for Lin Mu, the most important thing now is to recover his strength first.

Although the speed of Lin Shu's recovery cannot be compared with that of the old monster.But among the same level, even compared with the existences like those old monsters, it is considered the fastest.

Countless vortices appeared around Lin Shu's body.

Lin Mu is really recovering his lost immortal energy with full firepower, all acupuncture points and particles are all open.At the same time, absorb the immortal essence from outside, so that you can recover quickly.

In less than half an hour, the old monster chased after him.

Seeing Lin Mu sitting cross-legged and resting on the spot, the old monster was about to make a move when he suddenly felt a shock all over his body, and then the cultivation base on his body faded away like running water.

"No wonder you stopped. It turned out that you found such a place. Why, are you going to fight me to the death here? But it seems that you don't have the qualifications. Let alone the early stage of the Immortal Emperor, even if you are in the same realm as you , the old man wants to kill you all easily." The old monster in the nebula said.

After a pause, the old monster said: "The other two are probably setting up traps. It seems that you are well prepared, but for me, everything you set up is useless."

After finishing speaking, the old monster suddenly waved his hand, and the next moment a violent wave of energy blew up on this peaceful planet.

Immediately, a series of chain reactions occurred, the space was continuously crushed, all the scenery turned into steam, and then blurred.



Blood Linglong and Wu De spurted blood at the same time, and then retreated from the void.

"The two little guys are hiding very deeply and the arrangement is very subtle, but it's still useless. I advise you three, it's better not to struggle. In this way, you can suffer less." The old monster said to Lin Mu three Said.

Xue Linglong and Wu De were pale and did not speak.

The old monster saw that the three of them seemed to be willing to die rather than surrender, and they walked towards the tree, and then walked over.


But just as he took a step, a bigger energy storm began to bite him back.

And this backlash also has a chain reaction.

And this kind of chain reaction is even bigger, and at the same time, the scope is wider. The vast scope directly drowns everything, including the nebula where the old monster is.

And at this time, the Blood Spirit Dragon wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and finally spoke, saying: "Old monster, this time I see that you are not dead yet. I know you are powerful, Master Long. Don't you think you have to make multiple preparations?"

It turned out that Wu De and Xue Linglong had known this old monster for a long time, it was not easy.Be sure to discover that they are furnished.

So the two summed up, and finally set up this serial set.

This kind of blind and arrogant old monster, after discovering the first set, will definitely think that this is the end.So they won't care about whether there will be any conspiracy.

So he will definitely fall into the second trap set by Xue Linglong and Wu De.

And as expected by the bleeding spirit dragon, he really fell into the second trap of the two, and now he is also suffering the consequences of his blind arrogance.And the second trap, Wu De and Xue Linglong, was well seasoned.

You must know that this is dealing with old monsters, which is different from ordinary characters.If it wasn't for enough material, it wouldn't be able to hurt this old monster at all.


A big khaki hand suddenly protruded from the energy storm, and directly grabbed Wu De and Xue Linglong.

Wu De and Xue Linglong, seeing this situation, this old monster can still attack the two of them.

This one frightened the two of them, and now they have almost no ability to fight back. If this is photographed, they will undoubtedly die.

Fortunately, Lin Mu's reaction was fast enough, he directly used the domain to cover Wu De, and then pulled him to his side.

Wu De and Xue Linglong were still in shock, and they also saw that the old monster broke through the energy storm and escaped from the energy storm.

"Oh my god, this old monster is too terrifying. Boss, why don't we run away." Xue Linglong said tremblingly.

"Escape! Do you still have a chance to escape? But you have successfully angered me, so you must pay the price." The old monster looked at Lin Mu and said.

In fact, the old monster himself also paid some price. Wu De and Xue Linglong made a lot of material, and it's not that it didn't work at all.

It can be seen from the dim nebula around him.It took him a lot of effort to resist this energy storm, and his strength was definitely damaged.


Lin Mu directly chose to make a move. Since he couldn't escape, he should act first.

Don't give this old monster any chance to breathe.The old monster was chasing after him all the way.It has already cost a lot, and it cost a lot just now.It is the best choice to take the initiative to attack now and not give him a chance to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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