Supreme Chef

Chapter 2117 Final Preparations

Chapter 2117 Final Preparations
After the female fairy finished speaking, she took the selected people and left the Ninety Levels.

The female fairy should be worried that someone would escape midway, so she directly used her domain to trap everyone.

Moreover, the female fairy went around the No.90 level, and captured all the hidden old antiques, and took them away together.Although these people are very resistant.But when they add up, they are not the opponent of the fairy alone.

Now that No.90 is closed here, it is completely empty.

Holding the jade bar in his hand, Lin Mu was also a little dumbfounded.

Originally, Lin Mu thought that if there was no such thing as a bloody storm, at least it would take a lot of effort.

But the result turned out to be like this, and if he had known earlier that this was the ending, what would Lin Mu do with all his energy? He would have just waited for the fairy to come over.

"Boss, quickly take a look, what is this "Immortal Sutra"?" The blood spirit dragon looked at Yutiao with hot eyes.

The people around are all staring.But now they have no backing, and they are not Lin Shu's opponents at all.

So they can only be hot-eyed, and they can't do anything except hot-eyed.

Lin Mu took the jade stick and ran the "Witch God Body Refining Technique" to activate the jade stick, making the "Immortal Sutra" in the jade stick manifest.

But what Lin Mu didn't expect was that just after Lin Mu activated the "Sorcerer God Body Refining Technique", the jade strip directly turned into a streak of black air and entered Lin Mu's body.

The black air went down along the veins of the trees, and directly entered the Yin eye in the Tai Chi Yin Yang Pill.

With the entry of this black air, the volcano in the dark eye also became more solid, and at the same time, the essence of the bubbling black air also changed.

The black air turned into scriptures one after another, falling down from the crater and entering the Tai Chi Yin Yang Pill.

With the incorporation of these scriptures, Lin Mu's "Witch God Body Refining Technique" has also undergone substantial changes.

This is a kind of sublimation change, from art to Taoism.

This is a leap forward, the changes in the "Undead Scripture" also brought about changes in the body.

Lin Mu's body has evolved again under the influence of the Undead Sutra.The strength of the body has become stronger again, of course these are secondary.

What is really important is that the chanting of the "Immortal Sutra" resounded in all the particle worlds in Lin Shu's body.

The sound of these chanting made Lin Mu feel a sense of detachment.

Lin Mu feels that his physical body is no longer in the five elements, he will not fall into reincarnation, and he will not go to hell.

Lin Mu finally understood why the ancient witch god was so powerful.

This is simply irreversible!
Of course, Lin Shu was also vigilant in his heart.Taikoo is already so powerful, but the final result is still disappearing, and it is still over.

It can be seen that the foreign land is more powerful, and the current situation of the foreign land is probably even worse.

Lin Mu must become stronger faster, otherwise, when the foreign land arrives, Lin Mu might not be able to protect himself, let alone protect others.

When Lin Mu opened his eyes, the blood spirit dragon fumbled around the tree and said, "Where is the "Book of Immortality", boss, you lost it?"

Lin Mu spread his palms, and a "Book of Immortality" condensed with witchcraft appeared in Lin Mu's hands.

Lin Mu directly injected the witch energy into the blood spirit dragon's body.

The witch energy entered the blood spirit dragon's body, and the blood spirit dragon's body shook suddenly.

At the next moment, a wave of dragon power that was so huge that it would crush the sky rushed out from the body of the blood spirit dragon.

Feeling this huge dragon power, all the people around have an urge to worship.

As for the strange beasts in the ninety levels, they all prostrated themselves on the ground, bowing in the direction of the Blood Spirit Dragon.

This is a kind of suppression and worship from the depths of the soul, which they cannot resist.

This vision lasted for a full day and night.

When the blood spirit dragon opened his eyes again, he was shocked by the changes in himself.

At this time, the whole body of the Blood Spirit Dragon has turned blood red.There is no part of the whole body that is not blood red.

Especially the three reverse scales on the neck are red as transparent as blood jade.

This is the real blood spirit dragon, this is the emperor among the real dragons, the absolute overlord among the beasts.


The blood spirit dragon's excited dragon chant and roaring roar were like thunder.The heaven and the earth trembled, and the earth was shaken to open an invisible crack.

These cracks are bottomless.

And those strange beasts in the mountains were even more unbearable. They directly bowed their bodies and didn't even dare to lift their heads.

This is the prestige of the king, and they cannot violate it.

These human monks who are close to each other all use their skills to resist the dragon chant.

Lin Mu and Wu De are the best.

"It's all right, just play for a while, come down quickly, don't fly around on it." Wu De said to Xue Linglong.

With a turn of the blood spirit dragon's body, it also turned into a chubby and cute look.

With eyes full of excitement, Xue Linglong came to Lin Mu and said, "Boss, I feel that I will definitely be able to surpass the sages. When the time comes, Boss, the two of us will go galloping in foreign lands together to see who can stop our invincible combination. "

Lin Mu said: "You can definitely surpass your parents. Because as far as I know, Shenlong only has one reverse scale, but you have three."

Xue Linglong was taken aback when he heard Lin Mu's words, and said, "Do I have three pieces? Why don't I know?"

Wu De said: "I also doubt it, how can you have three reverse scales. You are not mutated, are you?"

Dragons have inverse scales and they will die if touched, which means that every dragon has only one inverse scale, once it is touched, even a dragon will die.

However, the Blood Spirit Dragon has three pieces, which is really unusual.Moreover, Lin Mu had seen it just now, and the three reverse scales of the blood spirit dragon seemed very extraordinary, representing three dimensions of time.

This seems to be somewhat similar to the coffin of the future, but it is not exactly the same.In short, the three reverse scales of the blood spirit dragon are really extraordinary, and must have a special meaning.It's just that Xue Linglong doesn't know it now, and it's even more impossible for Lin Mu and the others to know.

"This is some of the essence I have summarized. It will not affect your reincarnation scriptures, but it should help you train your body." Lin Mu handed the "Immortal Sutra" he had summarized to Wu De and said.

Of course, Wu De will not be polite to this.

The "Book of Immortality" has been obtained, and the next thing Lin Mu has to do is the final sprint.

The end is near, Lin Shu can't give up, and he will never give up.

And Lin Mu is also very curious, what is the end point, it is worthy of the female fairy's warning to him.

However, if you want to launch the final sprint, you must adjust your cultivation base to the most perfect state, and at the same time, all aspects of your body must also reach the best state and conditions.Otherwise, the following eighteen levels, known as the eighteen levels of hell, may fall in each level, and they are dead and cannot die again.

The ninety level is relatively the safest level, so Lin Mu also decided to retreat here, adjust his physical state, adjust his essence, energy, and spirit to the best state, and then make a final analysis of the final test. Checkpoint, launch the final sprint.The remaining levels must be completed in one go, and there is absolutely no turning back.

(End of this chapter)

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