Supreme Chef

Chapter 2118 There is only one chance

Chapter 2118 There is only one chance

Of course, Lin Mu was retreating, and Xue Linglong and Wu De were not idle either.

Xue Linglong and Wu De directly set up a stall, disassembled the essence of "The Book of Immortality" and sold it openly.

This gave the disciples above the ninety level a chance, and they were all envious of the "Immortal Sutra".

But the hot-eyed is hot-eyed, but in Lin Mu's hands, they don't have the guts to snatch it.

But now they have a chance, although they have to pay a little price, and what they get is not the original version, but at least they are given a chance.

Xue Linglong and Wu De, in order to search for the wealth in their hands, it can be said that they will do everything they can.

In short, after Xue Linglong and Wu De, this toss.At least [-]% of the resources they have mastered over the years have all flowed into the hands of Xue Linglong and Wu De.

This time, Xue Linglong and Wu De really got rich, and even made a lot of money.

Lin Mu rested for a whole year at the Ninety Pass, and adjusted his essence, energy, and spirit to the best state.

"Boss, we can go now." Xue Linglong asked.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Let's go."

The news that Lin Mu was going to move on could be said to have shaken the entire Ninety Levels.

They have not been waiting for a year or two at the Ninety Levels.It's one era after another. They have been preparing for it all the time, but no one has really taken a step.

For the road ahead, their hearts are full of awe.

In this era after era, it is not that no one has tried.

But in the end their soul jade slips were all shattered.Among these people, which one is not Hengkong's supreme genius, and which one is not an old monster who suppresses the world.

But in the end they all died on the road.

From ancient times to the present, a total of several people have come to an end.Even if it is Supreme, not everyone has come to an end.

So this road is really too difficult, and at the same time, too thrilling, and at the same time, a little bit too incredible.This makes them, from the deepest part of their hearts, feel afraid of this road.

Lin Mu was ready to go, and everyone came to see him off.

In the end, among the remaining old people in the Shan family, some people boldly stood up.

"Little friend Lin Mu, I wonder if you can leave the soul jade slip and leave some hope for us people." The Shan family said very politely.

Lin Mu was very calm about this, and said: "No problem, if possible, I will leave some guidelines along the way, so that you can relax when you go on the road."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, everyone present was very pleasantly surprised.

The old man of the Shan family even bowed his hands and gave a big gift, saying: "Thank you, Lin Xiaoyou, for your kindness."

Lin Mu said: "It's the end of the world, and we should support each other. If we still tear each other down at this time, then we are really not far from extinction. If this time of the end of the world is truly opened, the entire fairy world, including Here, there will no longer be any safe place. The foreign land will definitely wash everything with crazy blood. At that time, we will not have any chance. I hope you can understand this and don't take any chances .”

Hearing Lin Mu's words, everyone's hearts were shocked.

In fact, some of them are still lucky, thinking that they can continue to escape this life.

The old man of the Shan family was also shocked, and said: "Little friend Lin, is it true?"

With a wave of Lin Mu's hand, a long river of time appeared in front of Lin Mu.

"The law of time!"

Seeing Lin Mu's skill, all the people below were completely shocked.

Lin Mu said: "I can't deduce too far, I can only deduce a little bit, which is not a complete future. If you are determined enough, you can take a look by yourself."

The old man of the Shan family hesitated for a while, and finally stepped into the long river of time.

People outside, outside the long river, didn't know what he saw, but everyone could see the expression on his face, which became more and more solemn, then shocked, then frightened, and finally became a little crazy.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Mu acted decisively and put away Time Changhe.

"wake up!"

Lin Mu shouted loudly like a bell, making everyone feel pain in their eardrums.

And the old man of the Shan family, who had fallen into madness, gradually woke up from his daze when he heard this shout.

The old man from the Shan family saw the trees and was about to speak.But Lin Mu waved his hand and said, "It's good that you know, you don't need to say it."

The old man of the Shan family cupped his hands again and said, "Thank you."

The old man of the Shan family knew that if Lin Mu wanted to deduce these things, he would need to spend more than a star.Lin Mu is willing to deduce this for himself, which is really a great kindness.Although this cannot change anything in the future, it allows them to prepare in advance.After all, the future is constantly changing. As long as they are fully prepared, they may be able to change the future.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I hope you can prepare well, and I will leave more traces."

The old man of the Shan family cupped his hands, then turned to his clansmen, and said, "From now on, everyone will retreat. Ten years later, the person with the highest cultivation will start to set off. Everyone must leave more traces, and be able to walk We will go as far as we go.”

The old man of the Shan family is so solemn and decisive.This made other people realize that what he saw in the long river of time is definitely not a good thing.

If there was any hope at all, he would definitely not be so decisive.

This made them all aware of the danger, and they all issued the same order.

Lin Mu spent so much effort, the purpose is here.

The people who live here, whether in terms of aptitude or cultivation, are all top choices.

After all, all the people who can come here are very difficult.If they can take one step closer, it will have immeasurable benefits and changes for future wars.

That's all Lin Mu can do, not only for them, but also for himself.

After all, there are no eggs under the nest, the fairyland is really gone, and the forest trees have no place to stand.

Everyone watched Lin Shu three enter the teleportation array of Ninety Levels.

And with the flicker of light, Lin Shu also disappeared in the Ninety Levels.

After Lin Mu left, the entire Ninety Levels started to move.All entered, the deepest retreat.

This time they will not have any luck, this time they will try their best and use all their strength to sprint.This time it was no longer a joke, their time was running out, and as for the chance, it was probably only this time.

(End of this chapter)

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