Supreme Chef

Chapter 2119 1 Step 1 Hell

Chapter 2119 One Step One Hell
With a flash of light, there are three trees, and the world is absolutely spinning for a while.

The teleportation distance this time is definitely much farther than any previous one.And it's not just a star and a half away, at least several times the distance before.

The only feeling I have with Lin Mu is that I have come to another world. It seems that the previous level is a world, but here is a completely different world.

Before the three trees could stand still, a gust of wind swept over them.

The speed of the gang wind was extremely fast, and the three Lin Mu had already been swept into the gang wind before they had time to react.

Although Gangfeng is small in size, it is very powerful.

Rao Yiyi, who was a step closer to the Wushen body, had been cut out several times.

Even if the three of Lin Mu teamed up, it took a lot of effort to escape from this gale.

Although they escaped, the bodies of the three were covered with fine wounds, which made them very embarrassed.

"What kind of broken place is this? Before I could stand firmly, I almost fell into a big somersault." Xue Linglong said very unluckily.

It is indeed bad enough to have a bad start.

But this also reminded the three of them.This place is completely different from before.Here is another world, a completely different journey.

This is the real starting point, the beginning of the real sprint.If you take any wrong step here, the price you pay may be the price of your life.

Level 91 is smaller than Level [-].But here, Lin Mu and the others didn't dare to use their divine sense to investigate easily.

Because this place is too dangerous, if one fails, it is very likely that the sea of ​​consciousness will be seriously injured.

There are three here, and we can only grope forward step by step.The most spiritual consciousness, keep it ten feet in front of you.

This place is indeed different from the previous ones. Any slight disturbance here may be fatal.

They didn't know the trees along the way, how many times they were in danger.Fortunately, there are no living creatures at this level.They are all natural dangers, relatively speaking, they are relatively easy to pass.

But even so, when the three found another teleportation formation, they were still in a mess, and there was almost no good place for them.


It wasn't until they stood on the teleportation array that the three breathed a sigh of relief.

"One step at a time here, it's really not blown out. It's thanks to us, the skin is thicker, if the skin is softer, we will all be crushed here." Xue Linglong thought of the experience just now , still lingering fear.

"Persevere, I don't know what's going on below. Walking on such a road, I'm really looking for guilt." Wu De also sat on the ground with no image at all, panting heavily.

Lin Mu said: "Don't waste time, hurry up and recover. We don't know what is waiting for us next."


The blood spirit dragon had just started to practice, and his face couldn't help but become a little suspicious.

The blood spirit dragon tried to operate again, but the expression on his face changed from surprise to ecstasy.

"Boss, try running the method of body training quickly." Xue Linglong said ecstatically.

Hearing the words of the blood spirit dragon, Wu De also began to use the essence of "The Book of Immortality".

"How to improve so fast, it is equivalent to entering the country after years of hard training." Wu De was also very pleasantly surprised.

Lin Mu also tried, although he entered the country very quickly.However, the speed of forest trees entering the country was not as fast as that of Xue Linglong and Wu De.

After all, Lin Mu is already a god body, and he is already comparable to a witch god who has just advanced.This in itself is already very against the sky, and it is understandable to enter the country a little slower.

However, such an entry is still enough to surprise Lin Mu.

You must know that it is very difficult to improve a little with the physical strength of Lin Shu.It is very difficult to have such a fast speed now.

"I see, this level is to help us refine our bodies." Xue Linglong said in surprise.

Wu De slapped Xue Linglong, and said: "You don't need to say, fools already know it. But I really didn't expect that this benefit is so huge, and it is still so obvious. Although this is hell, as long as the speed If we pass through hell, we will be greeted by heaven.”

Practice all the way to the next level.Lin Mu's three physical bodies have undergone tremendous changes.

Even for Wu De and Xue Linglong, this is already a huge change.

Wu De had just started training his body, and it was understandable that he had undergone tremendous changes.

As for the Blood Spirit Dragon, the ancient mythical beast, the strongest part is in the body, and it is reasonable that the Blood Spirit Dragon's new "Immortal Scripture" has undergone tremendous changes.

However, Lin Mu was able to make such a huge progress, which was really beyond Lin Mu's expectation.

Lin Mu's current physical strength is almost equal to that of the middle stage of the witch god.Ordinary peak immortal emperors are no match for Lin Mu in terms of body and strength.

If it was Lin Mu now, and he went back to deal with the Yasha in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor, Lin Mu believed that even without the help of Xue Linglong and Wu De, he should be able to completely defeat the Yasha in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor.

Blood Spirit Dragon opened his eyes, eyes full of excitement, and said: "Boss, I have entered the growth stage now. And I think that even the gods and beasts that have generally entered the mature stage should not be my opponent. The distance from the peak, we It’s just one step away now.”

The infancy and growth period of divine beasts are relatively the shortest two periods.The maturity period is the longest, and it is also the period when the beast is the strongest.

"No matter what kind of test this level is, I can accept it calmly now. Let the storm come more violently." Having obtained huge benefits, the Blood Spirit Dragon couldn't wait to continue to meet the challenge, and then get more rewards Good thing.

Just after the Blood Spirit Dragon finished roaring, a huge storm really came.

Dark clouds covered the sky, a violent wind blew up, and there was a violent heavy rain, from far to near.

The blood spirit dragon stared at the heavy rain that was about to fall in front of them, the long eyes widened, and said: "Boss, do you think it is really rain that is falling over there?"

Wu De also squinted his eyes and watched carefully.

After looking at it for a while, Wu De's complexion suddenly changed, and he said, "Rain of spiritual consciousness! It turned out to be rain of spiritual consciousness. Let's quickly find a place to shelter from the rain. If we can't avoid it, it will be difficult for us to be drenched by such a rain of spiritual consciousness. I'm afraid we won't be able to keep our sea of ​​consciousness."

Seeing the approaching rain of consciousness, the Blood Spirit Dragon became a little anxious, and said, "Looking at the thousands of miles in the Gobi, you think there can be shelter for us from the rain."

"This level is for training the consciousness, so we can only accept the test, so prepare yourself." Lin Mu said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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