Supreme Chef

Chapter 2124 2 Forms

Chapter 2124 Two Forms

Although the skeleton has no body, it does not mean that he has no brain.

Seeing the blood spirit dragon's evil smile, the skeleton already understood the blood spirit dragon's plan.

The skeleton backed away desperately, shaking his head frantically while backing away, and the shaking bones made 'click' and 'click' noises, making people very doubtful whether his bones would be shaken apart.

"I won't go, I won't go. I won't enter there again. If I enter again, I will definitely die." The skeleton said in fear.

Like a bad uncle who seduced a little girl, Blood Spirit Dragon said: "Maybe, if you enter again, you will get your body back? Anyway, you have entered once, so you are safe and sound now?"

The skeleton continued to shake his head frantically, and said: "I think it's good that I am like this now, I don't want to worry about the physical things anymore. If you don't have it, you don't have it, I don't care anymore. Please, please let me go. I live It has been very difficult.”

Lin Mu stopped Xue Linglong and said, "Forget it, he hasn't done anything evil. And what he said is all the truth. Let's go our own way."

"It's your fate, or I have to get you inside and let you lead us." Xue Linglong said.

When the tea farmer heard that he didn't have to lead the way by himself, he was immediately overjoyed. He quickly thanked Lin Mu and told Lin Mu and the others a lot of things that they should pay attention to and be careful about.

But before leaving, Xue Linglong and Wu De ransacked the skeleton.He looted all the remaining Dao Tea in his hands.

But this skeleton really has no attack power.Facing the ransacking by Wu De and the Blood Spirit Dragon, it could only let it go.

Before the three of Lin Mu came to the formation that sealed Daocha, the formation here was not difficult.

It only took half an hour for Lin Shu to open a hole above the formation.

The opening of the cave opened, and the rich tea fragrance rushed over.This is a kind of aroma that makes people smell it, and there is an aroma that almost melts away.

And Lin Mu and the others finally saw the tea tree of Da Dao Tea, which was more than ten feet high.

The tea trees of Avenue Tea are really extraordinary.

Although it is only more than one foot high, it is not tall, but the leaves on it.Every piece is very extraordinary.

They counted the trees carefully, and there are a total of [-] tea leaves on the Great Way Tea.One hundred and eight pieces of tea leaves, each of which carries a Dao artifact that can stun Dao rules.Among the Taoist utensils, the great road is water, and the thousands of trails are tea.The sound of Dao roars, making people feel like they are in the world of Dao.This is so extraordinary, it is beyond shocking, and I don't know how to express it.

It took 3 years to conceive, 3 years to grow, and 3 years to mature.

Only 9 tea leaves can be grown every [-] years in Dao Dao Tea.

And when it matures, it will immediately leave the tea tree and fly to every corner of the universe.

As for whether it can be obtained by others, that is an unknown unknown.

Of course, none of the top ten spiritual roots is simple.The ten spiritual roots are all very mysterious.Every body contains shocking secrets.There are rumors that the secret may be related to longevity.

Whether it is a foreign land or a fairy world, everyone is looking for it.

Right now, in front of Lin Shu and the others, there was such a plant.

After observing the Dao Tea, Lin Mu and the others also focused on the place where the Dao Tea took root.

There is the teleportation array that Lin Mu and the others want to pass through. It seems that if you want to leave here, you really have to pass here.Otherwise, it is impossible to pass.


Since it must pass, there is no other choice but to rush forward.

Just as Lin Shu took a step forward, the scene suddenly changed. The Daocha, which was originally more than ten feet tall, suddenly turned into a huge tea tree standing upright.

"Qiande, didn't you say that this Daocha should be only one foot high?" Xue Linglong looked at the indomitable Daocha in front of him, and felt a very bad feeling.

Wu De looked at the indomitable Daocha in front of him, and also had a very bad feeling.

Wu De said: "What I saw in the ancient books is indeed like that. Could it be that the records in the ancient books are wrong, this is the true appearance of Dao Tea. The ones that have been circulated outside before are the real legends?"

The appearance in front of him also made Wu De confused.I don't know whether what I saw was true or what I heard was true.

Lin Mu stared at Da Dao Tea in front of him for a long time, and then said: "There should be nothing wrong with both. These two forms should be the form of Da Dao Tea. One is viewed from a distance, the other is heard close up. The other is normal. One is the state of attack, the other is the state of attack."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Xue Linglong timidly asked, "Boss, do you think this is a normal state or an offensive state?"


Da Dao Cha responded to Xue Linglong's question with his own actions.

Thousands of avenues, like waterfalls, hang down from the sky.

The impact of the avenue fell, and it directly hit the three trees.

Such a terrifying avenue attack, if one fails, there will be no bones left, and there is no possibility of survival.

There were three trees, and they didn't dare to stand there anymore, and wanted to leave immediately.

But when Lin Mu and the others were about to retreat, they found that there was no way out.There was nothing there anymore, the hole that came in just now had disappeared.And this formation has also undergone substantial changes.

When I came in just now, I could easily break through the formation.At this moment, I can't find any clues. Now this formation has become very advanced, and at the same time very dangerous.

"Boss, we were deceived by that skeleton. That skeleton is really not a good thing." The blood spirit dragon also yelled angrily.

The skeleton could hear the blood spirit dragon's voice outside, and the skeleton trembled when he heard the blood spirit dragon's voice.He really didn't lie to the three blood spirit dragons, he really didn't know that there was such a change.

You must know that when he enters, he is already dead, what does he know.He didn't even know how he got here or how he got out.How is it possible, knowing this formation, what kind of changes will happen.

"Save some strength, this is the tempering of the Dao. If you can't pass without bones, there will be great benefits if you pass. Now, we have no other choice but to move forward." Lin Mu said to the blood spirit dragon.

The Blood Spirit Dragon also knew that there was really no other choice but to move forward.

"Don't let Master Long go out, let Master Long go out, I will crush that bastard to pieces." Xue Linglong threatened through gritted teeth.

The tea farmers who heard the threat moved quickly, saving themselves from being found by Xue Linglong.

(End of this chapter)

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