Supreme Chef

Chapter 2125 The Great Dao Begins [Part [-]]

Chapter 2125 The Great Dao Begins [Part [-]]

The tea farmers have moved away, but the ordeal of the three blood spirit dragons has just begun.

The avenue hangs down like a waterfall, directly impacting the three trees.

Such a turbulent avenue, there is honing the avenue, it is simply crushing the avenue.


Under the impact of such a road, the three trees all screamed.

These are the three masters of the Dao Jing. If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would die tragically on the spot.

However, the three of Lin Mu didn't know that the skeleton was also muttering outside at this time.

"I don't remember such a strong Dao impact. What kind of outrageous things did these three people do to deserve such a punishment?"

After watching for a while, the skeleton was also a little further away from Lin Mu, because the skeleton had already determined that Lin Mu and the others were heinous villains.Staying far away from them is relatively safe for me.If they can't pass, then if you vent your anger, you can run faster.

At this time, the Blood Spirit Dragon did have the urge to smash the skeleton into ashes.

It was so dangerous here, why didn't he tell them in advance.

"Don't be distracted, run the "Da Dao Jing"." Lin Mu said sharply.

Xue Linglong didn't dare to be distracted when he heard Lin Mu's words.After all, this is the impact of the Dao, no more difficult than the previous ones.

There may still be a ray of life in the previous ordeal, but if it falls here, then there is no ray of life.

At that time, the Dao will be completely crushed, and they will not even have the possibility of reincarnation.

The blood spirit dragon held onto Yuan Yi, running the "Da Dao Jing" with all his strength, not daring to be distracted in the slightest.

The impact of this avenue is really no joke.Such a terrifying impact almost caused the gate of the avenue that Lin Mu had just built to collapse.

"Boom! Boom!"

This is the sound of Lin Mu gritting his teeth. In order to resist, Lin Mu has really tried his best.


Lin Shu roared again, his eyes turned red.

Wan Dao in Lin Mu's body is completely messed up.The countless particles in the body all became chaotic under the impact.

The Tai Chi Yin Yang Pill was running crazily, but it still couldn't stop anything.

The aura of the avenue is completely messed up.After all, the trees have only just been touched, the gate of the avenue, and the road to the avenue has not really been entered yet.

Such an impact on the avenue is absolutely devastating to Lin Shu.

Lin Mu is still holding on, but he can't hold on for long at all.

"Since you want to break it, I will break it for you!"

Lin Mu also became ruthless in his heart, and directly let the falling Dao Waterfall crazily hit the Dao Gate he had just built.


The Taoist gate was shattered by the impact, and all kinds of avenues rushed into the gate in one go.

Those who are within the gate shall go out, and those without the gate shall enter.This two-phase resistance.Instead, Lin Mu's pain suddenly eased a lot.


At this time, Lin Mu could finally breathe a sigh of relief and reconcile the chaos in his body.

To resolve such a crisis, the key lies in the "Da Dao Jing", which is the real key.

Lin Mu has already mastered it initially, but because he has been wandering at the door of the Taoist gate.Therefore, there has been no way to get into it, so the "Da Dao Jing" has not been able to get any closer.

But now, Lin Mu has this opportunity.

Because of the impact of Dao, Lin Mu could spy on the real Dao.

"There are thousands of trails, but only one great road."

"Tao produces one, one produces three, and three produces all things."


Lin Mu watched the Dao that was evolving within the Taoist gate at this time, and a hint of enlightenment also appeared in his mind.

And with the birth of this enlightenment, the "Da Dao Jing" also changed. One after another, inexplicable scriptures surged out from the Yang Eye and penetrated Lin Mu's body. These scriptures sang in Lin Mu's body.

These scriptures, where they passed, all the ways were chaotic, and all were calmed down.Wherever the scriptures passed, there was a great avenue roaring.The sky and the earth shook, and the avenue also rotated.

This is a real great change. There are thousands of Taoisms in Lin Mu's body, three thousand Taoisms in the fairy world, and tens of thousands of Taoisms in the myriad worlds.

All merged together, and finally became a road, leading to a mysterious distance, no one can guess its end.


Sensing the changes in Lin Shu's body, all the Taoist utensils on the Daocha emerged.One after another, the Taoist artifacts that are astonishing in the past and the present, revolve around the forest.

These Taoist tools set off the trees in an incomparably sacred way, making the trees look as if they were guarded by the avenue.

And this kind of change has reduced the pressure on Xue Linglong and Wu De.

And following such an opportunity, both of them used the "Da Dao Jing" to realize that they belonged to their own Tao, their own Dharma, and their own way.

In short, Xue Linglong and Wu De also obtained unexpected benefits from this.


In the end, all the Taoist instruments roared, and then all turned into golden light, entering Lin Shu's body.

These bare bones have turned into bricks one after another, paved on the road of the avenue, so that the trees can set foot on the avenue more easily.

All changes eventually disappear and come to an end.

All visions, all disappeared.All attacks have also disappeared.Dao tea is still the one foot tall Dao tea, but the Tao utensils on the leaves have disappeared.


Everything disappeared, and Xue Linglong and Wu De were all relieved.

But when Wu De and Xue Linglong opened their eyes, they were already in the teleportation formation.

"Boss, why didn't you take Da Dao Cha away?" Xue Linglong looked at Da Dao Cha swaying in the wind outside, very unwilling.

Lin Mu said: "Not everything is something we can take for ourselves. Dao Tea is here, it is a kind of test for the latecomers. We can't cut off the hope of the latecomers, and even if we bring it with us, Nothing can be changed. Except for the convenience of drinking tea, it is of little use to us."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Xue Linglong was completely relieved.

But there is one thing that still can't let the blood spirit dragon feel relieved.

The Blood Spirit Dragon gritted his teeth, and said: "The worst thing is that skeleton, if I touch it in the future, it will definitely bruise it."

Lin Mu said: "There is indeed something wrong with the skeleton, we were negligent before."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Xue Linglong was also startled suddenly, and said, "It has a problem, so what problem does it have?"

Lin Mu said: "The skeleton said before that he entered the range of Daocha, we have experienced it just now. The kind of training just now is absolutely immortal. But he can leave inexplicably, and he can still keep it. Divine consciousness, isn’t this a problem?”

(End of this chapter)

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