Supreme Chef

Chapter 2142 Lectra 4 Emperors [Part [-]]

Chapter 2142 Lectra Four Emperors [Part [-]]

Lin Shu used the fastest speed to completely crush Nan Di, turning him into a ball of thunder.

Then the Northern Emperor and the Western Emperor also died tragically under Lin Shu's shadowless knife.

With the tragic death of the four immortal emperors, Lin Mu's thunder tribulation is considered to be over.

But just when Lin Shu was about to breathe a sigh of relief.Suddenly a strong wind blew up, and then Lin Mu felt that there seemed to be something extra in this space.

But what was the excess, Lin Mu couldn't tell.

But the next change shocked Lin Mu.

The four great emperors who were beheaded by Lin Mu before, after a while of squirming, they all came back to life.

Moreover, Lin Mu discovered that the resurrection of the Four Great Emperors this time was completely different from the previous ones.

In the eyes of the Four Great Emperors, there seemed to be something more, but what exactly it was, Lin Mu couldn't say for a while.

"They're back!"

The golden creature spoke in horror.

The golden creature is very likely to be the origin of the world.Spirituality is naturally very sensitive,
When Lin Mu heard what the golden creature said, he also understood.In the eyes of the four resurrected emperors this time, there is something more.

In their eyes, there was a little more agility.

Yes, in the eyes of Lei Ting's creatures, there is actually more agility that can only be seen in the eyes of living people.

This is the biggest difference from before, one is dead and the other is alive.

Although the resurrection, only the real, the strength of the Immortal Emperor's early stage, and the cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor's early stage are left.

However, compared to the peak of the Immortal Emperor just now, Lin Mu felt that the Four Great Emperors at this time were truly terrifying.

After all, the Four Great Emperors just now had only strength.But he doesn't have intelligence, and he can't make evasive movements, he just knows how to act instinctively.As long as Lin Mu uses a little trick, he can make them suffer a lot.

But the current Four Great Emperors, for some reason, suddenly possessed the agility of a human being.Such Four Great Emperors are truly terrifying.


The arena has disappeared, which basically indicates that Lin Mu's thunder disaster is over.But the Four Great Emperors are still there, which means that the catastrophe of Lin Shu has not really ended yet.

"Who are you to be able to summon our heroic spirits." Dongdi said.

Talking, this is definitely not something that Lei Jie can do.

And Dongdi's words just now have exposed their identities.

They turned out to be the heroic spirits of the Four Great Emperors floating in the earth.

For some unknown reason, he was attracted to him, and even entered Lei Ting's body.

"Oh my god, ghost!" The golden creature shouted loudly.

Dongdi looked at the golden creature hiding in the arms of the forest, and seemed to be lost in thought.

Obviously, although they are heroic spirits, their memories are not complete. This is not a complete soul.

"You are the guardian door god of the holy palace." Dongdi seemed to have finally remembered the origin of this golden creature and said.

The holy palace mentioned by the East Emperor is obviously the current Taoist Palace.Apparently Holy Palace, that's what it used to be called.

"It's not me! It's not me!" The golden creature hid even deeper, preventing the Eastern Emperor from discovering it.

Dongdi pondered for a long time, and then remembered something, and suddenly said: "I missed you back then, and I missed you. Unexpectedly, you are the most important thing."

"I'm not important, I'm just a door god." The golden creature hid in Lin Shu's arms and didn't dare to appear at all.

When the Four Great Emperors betrayed, the entire Dao Palace was bloodbathed.

But they just let go of the golden creature they are most familiar with.

They think that they are already familiar with it.So at all, it was not taken seriously.

Coupled with the fact that the golden creatures were hidden too deeply at that time, they didn't have much time to search for them.

But none of them thought of it.This most inconspicuous golden creature turned out to be the most important.

"I was escaped by you before, and I won't make any mistakes this time. If we capture you, we still have the possibility of being resurrected." Dongdi said very excitedly.

The golden creature grabbed onto the clothes of Duo Ling completely, and said: "You said you wanted to protect me. Now I am willing to go to the fairy world with you."

When Lin Mu heard what the golden creature said, he also thanked the four great emperors.If not, the golden creature would not willingly follow him to the place they made a fuss about.

Although the tree is also fine, take it away forcibly.But taking it away forcibly in this way may affect its final efficacy.If that's the case, it's really not worth the candle.

"Don't worry, the four of them can't hurt you. They were not my opponents just now, and they are even worse now." Lin Mu said very calmly.

Dongdi looked at Lin Mu, as if he was recalling who Lin Mu was.Is it one of the people I know.

But his memory is really very incomplete, and it is impossible for him to have the memory of the fairy world, so it is very normal that he can't remember the forest.

"Although I can't remember you, I have definitely seen you. In the past, I wanted you to die, and it is the same now. I failed to kill you in the past, but this time will make you fall completely." Dongdi said.

Hearing Dongdi's words, Lin Mu's heart trembled involuntarily.

Of course, Lin Mu's heart trembled, not because of their strength.

On the contrary, Lin Mu was shocked, Dongdi said that he had seen him before.

But this is the memory and heroic spirit left by the Eastern Emperor when he lived on Earth.If he had seen himself, then could it be said that he was reincarnated.What Dongdi saw was his previous life.

Lin Mu doesn't believe in the theory of reincarnation. In Lin Mu's eyes, the present is the most important thing.

The so-called reincarnation, the so-called reincarnation.These are all things that don't exist at all.Even if Lin Mu knows the existence of the underworld.But Lin Mu still didn't quite believe it.There is still reincarnation in this world.

If there is really reincarnation in this world.All the hard work of Lin Mu and the others, in fact, they could not escape reincarnation in the end.


Just when Lin Mu was thinking about something, Dongdi's long sword stabbed over.

This time it was Dongdi's conscious move, which was very powerful, so powerful that it was unfathomable.

Although this sword may not be as powerful as before in terms of real power.But in terms of dexterity and use, it is much stronger than before.

This is more dangerous than the powerful sword.Because of this sword, there have been countless changes.

It may change at any time, making it impossible for people to know what his next move will be.

It suddenly became dexterous, and even Lin Shu was a little uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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