Supreme Chef

Chapter 2143 Killing Again

Chapter 2143 Killing Again
Of course, it wasn't the change of this sword move that made Lin Shu uncomfortable the most.But Lin Shu is now injured.This injury happened before, so it definitely won't affect anything.But now, the impact of this injury is very great.

After all, what Lin Mu had to deal with at this time were four immortal emperor-level masters who had recovered their sanity.A little bit of damage will affect the direction of the entire battle situation.


The fairy sword in Dongdi's hand suddenly burst into peerless light when it was about to approach the forest.One after another, the divine rainbow burst out from the fairy sword.These divine rainbows penetrate everything and at the same time destroy everything.

Lin Mu's eyes froze, and he had to dodge immediately.However, he found that his body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and he couldn't move for a while.

Obviously this is the formation of the Southern Emperor, this kind of cooperation is truly seamless.Just like back then, they attacked and killed the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.This is the real, flawless fit.

Even Lin Shu didn't feel anything at all.


Shenhong passed through Lin Mu's body, leaving blood holes one after another on Lin Mu's strong body.

Blood spattered, and the scene was very terrifying.



The blood was completely frozen in mid-air, and the ice was still spreading downward.Soon the extremely cold air penetrated into Lin Shu's body along the wound.

Lin Mu felt that his blood was completely frozen, even his immortal essence and tendons were completely frozen.

This is the extreme cold profound art of the Northern Emperor, which can freeze everything.


Then a prehistoric aura erupted, and then Emperor Xi unleashed the fiercest attack on the forest.

Xidi's cultivation method is inherited from the ancient times, and it is one of the strongest cultivation methods in the ancient times.

Such an all-out punch almost smashed Lin Mu's body into pieces.

A series of coordination, in the blink of an eye, all completed.

And the trees have been blown away heavily, and a big mouthful of blood directly dyed the sky red.

It was only one blow, and Lin Shu had already suffered heavy damage.

This is really much more dangerous than the previous four four great emperors with peak strength.

The cooperation of the four is not a few years, decades, or hundreds of years, but tens of thousands of years.

Although the combined strength of the four of them at this time may barely reach the peak of the Immortal Emperor.But this is a complete whole, enough to kill the trees.

Strength does not lie in how tall it is, but in whether it can kill people.As long as he can kill people, even if it's only in the early stages of the Immortal Emperor, so what.

"Are you okay?" The golden creature, hiding in Lin Shu's embrace, asked uncertainly.

Lin Mu wiped the blood from his mouth, and said, "I can't, can you? If you can, you should come out and deal with the four of them earlier."

The golden creature shook its head quickly, and said: "You can't do it, so can I. I won't talk, I'll just watch. But you must not die, if you die, I will definitely die too."

Lin Mu said: "You don't need to talk nonsense."


The Four Great Emperors attacked and killed again, this time Lin Mu didn't dare to fight head-on.After knowing the strength of the four of them, Lin Mu could only deal with them carefully.

But fortunately, the four of them just recovered a bit of sanity, and they were not Lin Mu's opponent in terms of speed.Lin Mu can also rely on his own speed to circle around with them.

I have to say that the four of them are indeed really strong.Even if he recovers a bit of sanity, and his speed is far inferior to that of Lin Shu, he can often put Lin Shu in danger.

If these were the Four Great Emperors at their peak, Lin Mu would be really difficult to deal with, and there was even no possibility of escaping at all.

"These four people really linger." The golden creature muttered in Lin Shu's arms.

"What did you just say?" Lin Mu felt as if he had grasped something, but he seemed to have missed something.

"I didn't say anything? I just said that their ghosts linger." The golden creature was taken aback.

When Lin Mu heard this, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he thought of a way to deal with them.

They are just a trace of sanity, a strand of soul floating in the world.Since it is a soul, it must be right to use the soul-suppressing talisman to deal with it.


At the moment when Lin Mu was distracted, Lin Mu was hit hard again and was directly swept away.

Lin Mu half-kneeled on the ground, with blood gurgling down his chest.The skin was torn apart, and the internal organs could almost be seen.


This time Lin Mu didn't wait, they took the initiative to attack and directly met the Four Great Emperors who rushed over.

In the middle of the air, Lin Shu had already started to make seals with his hands.

Lin Shu had obtained all three soul-suppressing beads.And the three soul-suppressing beads have become a complete soul-suppressing talisman.

This is the legendary key to unlock the underworld.At the same time, it is also a lock of the underworld, which can suppress all souls in the world.Whether it is past, present, or future.As long as they are souls, they will all be suppressed by the Soul Suppressing Talisman.

Lin Mu is now ready to use the soul-suppressing talisman to deal with the four great emperors.

With Lin Shu's cultivation base at this time, it is still a bit reluctant to completely engrave a complete soul-suppressing talisman.

After all, this is the key to open a world, but it is no problem for trees to engrave a part.

"seal up!"

Lin Mugou carved out a third of the soul-suppressing talisman, and then sent it out with one hand.

Seeing this soul-suppressing talisman, a trace of panic appeared in the eyes of the four great emperors.

"Soul-suppressing talisman!"

The Four Great Emperors were horrified, and then wanted to retreat quickly.But Dongdi's rush was at the forefront, and his speed was a little slower.


Dongdi's soul was suppressed in the air by Lin Mu with a soul-suppressing talisman, and his body was completely frozen.

At the same time, Lin Mu took a step forward, and the Shadowless Knife went straight to his head, and chopped it off.


The head was cut in half, and the ray of soul floating in the world was also cut out.

This ray of soul was very unwilling and wanted to return to the body again.

But Lin Mu never planned to give him this chance.


A cloud of chaotic flames flew out, and a wisp of the Eastern Emperor's soul was completely wiped out by the battle.

These movements, Lin Mu also performed in one go.The three retreating people didn't even have a chance to come forward to rescue them.

And with the soul-suppressing talisman there, even if they want to step forward to rescue them, they still have to weigh themselves carefully.

The Eastern Emperor was dealt with the first time for the second time, and this may be its fate.

The next step was much easier. Lin Mu followed the same pattern, using the soul-suppressing talisman, and successfully beheaded the remaining three.

So far, the Four Great Emperors were completely beheaded by Lin Mu for the second time.

(End of this chapter)

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