Supreme Chef

Chapter 260 I Taught Them To Kill

Chapter 260 I Taught Them To Kill

Ouyang Yan heard Lin Mu's words, although she expressed serious doubts about Lin Mu's words, but she saw with her own eyes, Lin Mu's miraculous cooking skills last night, which made her have to believe what Lin Mu said.

Ouyang Yan said: "Then who did you learn your medical skills from?"

Lin Mudao: "It's the same as cooking, I'm self-taught, I'm smarter!"

Ouyang Yan rolled her eyes and said, "I'm more conceited when I look at it!"

After a pause, Ouyang Yan thought of another thing and said, "That's right! When we were in the teahouse, why did the major general call you an instructor?"

Lin Mu said: "It's very simple, because I'm still their instructor."

"Instructor? What do you teach them? Teach them cooking or medicine?" Ouyang Yan asked.

Lin Mu said: "I teach them to kill."

"Kill!" Ouyang Yan shrank her neck subconsciously when she heard Lin Mu's answer.But seeing Lin Mu's calm face, Ouyang Yan suddenly realized something, and said, "I'm bragging again, please, will you die if you don't brag?"

Lin Mu spread his hands and said, "What I'm telling is the truth, if you don't believe me, there's nothing you can do!"

Ouyang Yan looked at Lin Mu, it seemed that she really didn't want to lie anymore, she hesitated for a while, and Ouyang Yan asked tentatively: "You really taught them to kill?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "How can they not be killed if I pay back!"

This time Ouyang Yan did not refute Lin Mu, but took a deep breath.

Because Ouyang Yan already believed Lin Mu's words.

Although in the teahouse just now, Ouyang Yan just glanced at Zhang Ye's troops.

But Ouyang Yan could tell that Zhang Ye's soldiers were definitely not ordinary troops.

Moreover, Zhang Ye looks to be in his 30s, a major general in his 30s, could it be that he appeared in the general army?

If it wasn't an ordinary army, it could only be some special army of China, and Ouyang Yan only understood one thing about these special army - special forces.

In Ouyang Yan's view, special forces are the only troops that still fight in peacetime, and they are also the only troops that can go to the battlefield to kill people.

If Lin Mu is really their instructor, then it can be said that Lin Mu is really teaching them to kill.

Thinking that Lin Mu taught them to kill, Ouyang Yan looked at Lin Mu with fear.

But Ouyang Yan is more curious about trees.

Ouyang Yan couldn't figure it out, what kind of existence is such a person like Lin Mu, who possesses amazing cooking skills and also has the cooking skills of resurrecting the dead, and is even an instructor of the special forces at the same time, and what kind of existence is there? what an experience.

Ouyang Yan really wants to explore Lin Mu's experience, which is not only out of the habits of journalists, but also to satisfy her own curiosity.

Lin Mu looked at Ouyang Yan, hesitant to speak, couldn't help showing his signature smile, and said, "I said anchor Ouyang, you shouldn't be so afraid of me. Even if I teach them to kill, it doesn't mean Am I the bad guy? And on the contrary, I'm the best of the best.

Without us, anchor Ouyang, do you think you can sit in front of the camera every day, glamorously, and host the show to the national audience? "

Lin Mu's words made Ouyang Yan's face blush slightly, Lin Mu was right, if there were no people like Zhang Ye, even in peacetime, it would not be so easy for them to work quietly.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean that!" Ouyang Yan said.

Lin Mu said: "It's okay."

After hesitating for a while, Ouyang Yan said: "Lin Mu is older than you, you can call me Sister Yan or Sister Ouyang from now on, don't call me the anchor or the anchor, it sounds awkward to me!"

Lin Mu chuckled and said, "Okay Sister Ouyang, I also think it's easier for us to communicate like this. Otherwise, I always thought you were interviewing me, which made me feel uncomfortable!"

Lin Mu really felt a little uncomfortable just now, the main reason is that Ouyang Yan is too far away from him, this feeling makes Lin Mu uncomfortable, but it is much better now.

"Puchi!" Ouyang Yan also laughed when she heard Lin Mu's words: "Since you are uncomfortable, why didn't you say it earlier, do you think I am willing to be like working every day? Don't say that you are uncomfortable, I feel it myself uneasy!"

Lin Mu touched the back of his head and said, "Then you didn't tell me. If you had told me, I would have mentioned it long ago!"

Ouyang Yan looked at the trees in front of her with a youthful and handsome look, but she couldn't connect the trees in front of her with the magic chef, the magic doctor, and the instructors of the special forces.

But the fact is that the young man in front of him who looks like he is only in his early twenties is indeed the owner of these three professions that are completely out of line.

Ouyang Yan said: "By the way, since you are a doctor, why didn't you just heal my foot injury when I was in the teahouse, and you had to wait until I came back here to heal my foot injury."

Lin Mu said with some embarrassment: "Actually, it's because you didn't ask me about it. If you had asked me in the teahouse, I would definitely have treated you right then!"

"You..." Lin Mu's answer made people speechless. Ouyang Yan stared at Lin Mu for a long time, but she couldn't say a word.

"Forget it!" Ouyang Yan shook her head and said, "There is another question, since you are a genius doctor, why can't you find a pain-free way to heal my foot injury?"

Lin Mu said with some embarrassment: "There is a way to not hurt, but..."

"But what?" Ouyang Yan asked.

Lin Mudao: "But I saw it all at the time, if I don't use it, will it be wasted soon?"

"See..." Ouyang Yan knew what Lin Mu saw before she could ask the word 'what'.

Immediately, his face changed, he grabbed the high heels beside him, and threw the tree over: "Rogue!"

Lin Mu grabbed Ouyang Yan's high-heeled shoes and said, "Look at me, I said that being a person is not very honest, and the result of being too honest is being called a hooligan!"

"You still say!" Ouyang Yan blushed with shame, took off her other high-heeled shoe, and also hit the tree.

However, it was still easily caught by Lin Shu.

Lin Mu looked at Ouyang Yan and said with a smile: "Sister Ouyang, do you have anything else to throw? Throw them all together, or if you throw yourself over, I can catch it too!"

"You..." Ouyang Yan was so angry that she couldn't say a word at Lin Mu's words.

Ouyang Yan looked at Lin Mu's heartless smiling face, looked, looked, Ouyang Yan suddenly laughed herself: "Forget it! I don't know as much as you, a little rascal, God is really unfair, why did you let you This little rascal not only possesses superb cooking skills, but also possesses superb medical skills, and is even an instructor of the special forces!"

Lin Mu smiled and said: "This is the fairness of heaven. Sister Ouyang, look, although I know a lot, outsiders can't see it. I have all the advantages, but others can't see it. You say I'm depressed, but I would rather God give me less advantages, and let outsiders see it by then!"


Ouyang Yan was amused by Lin Mu's words, and the pair of big breasts on her chest fluctuated up and down with Ouyang Yan's laughter, like the waves of the sea.

Lin Mu looked at the waves on Ouyang Yan's chest, and swallowed with some difficulty.

At the same time, Lin Mu also found that since he made substantial progress with Feng Man, his willpower seemed to have deteriorated, especially when facing beautiful women.

"What are you looking at! Little rascal!" Ouyang Yan noticed Lin Mu's gaze, turned her back subconsciously, and said with a white look at Lin Mu.

Speaking of just now, Lin Mu definitely didn't feel much after being glanced at by Ouyang Yanbai.But now the relationship between the two has improved significantly, and Lin Mu has been whitened by Ouyang Yan again. No matter how you look at it, how does Lin Mu feel, Ouyang Yan is flirting with him again!
Ouyang Yan also seemed to realize that her eyes and demeanor just now seemed a little charming, and her pretty face was also slightly hot.

This strange atmosphere did not last long, Ouyang Yan said: "Tonight is the rematch, do you have any preparations?"

Lin Mudao: "This is my strong point, so why do you need to prepare!"

Ouyang Yan said: "I finally understand why you are so willing to brag. You must be worried that your own advantages will not be discovered, so you keep bragging, for fear that others will not notice your advantages!"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Sister Ouyang, I realize that you are getting to know me better now, and you have seen it all."

Ouyang Yan gave Lin Mu a hard look, and said, "Big face!"

After a pause, Ouyang Yan seemed to have thought of something, and said seriously: "By the way, do you know that your competition this time is not only a matter of ranking, but also involves the affiliation of the future state banquet. I just got it this morning. news."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Miss Ouyang, is this a clue or do you care about me?"

Ouyang Yan came to Lin Mu, touched Lin Mu's head on tiptoe, and said, "Of course I care about my younger brother, and I guess it's no secret. I think those catering giants should have known about it for a long time. .”

Lin Mu nodded and said: "It is true that those catering giants have known about it for a long time, and we at Fumanlou just got the news yesterday."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Ouyang Yan couldn't help but said worriedly: "It seems that this competition will become complicated because of this admission card. You'd better plan ahead!"

(End of this chapter)

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