Supreme Chef

Chapter 261 Hot and Abnormal

Chapter 261 Hot and Abnormal
Lin Mu looked at Ouyang Yan with a worried face, laughed heartlessly, and said, "Miss Ouyang, have you noticed that you care more and more about me now, it seems that our relationship is heating up rapidly!"

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Ouyang Yan's pretty face blushed slightly, and at the same time she wondered in her heart, she was obviously still blaming Lin Mu just now, why did she suddenly care about him now, and it was still the kind of caring from the heart .

Ouyang Yan shook her head, raised her head, just saw Lin Mu's iconic smile, she couldn't help feeling a little flustered, she knocked on Lin Mu's forehead forcefully, and said: "Sister, this is my younger brother who cares about me, you dare to make fun of my sister if you don't appreciate it !"

Lin Mu said: "How dare I, sister Ouyang cares about me so much, it's too late for me to be grateful, how dare I laugh at you, sister Ouyang."

Ouyang Yan rolled her eyes at Lin Mu, and said, "You have a conscience!"

Lin Mu glanced at the time and said, "It's getting late, why don't we go down and have some lunch first."

Lin Mu doesn't know that Ouyang Yan is hungry if he doesn't mention it. When Lin Mu said this, Ouyang Yan really felt hungry.He nodded and said, "Okay!"

After about ten seconds, Lin Mu looked at Ouyang Yan who was standing still, and said, "Let's go! Are you still waiting for me to hug you?"

Ouyang Yan pinched Lin Shu viciously, and said, "My shoes are still in your hands, how can I get out!"

When Ouyang Yan reminded her, Lin Mu smiled embarrassedly and said, "Sorry, I forgot!"

Ouyang Yan gave Lin Mu a hard look, snatched the shoe from Lin Mu's hand, and kicked it under her own feet.

Seeing Ouyang Yan's exquisite feet being hidden in the high heels again, Lin Mu also felt a little regretful, and didn't take a second look just now.

The two came to the restaurant all the way, ordered something casually, and Ouyang Yan said: "Remember, you owe me a meal. After the game is over, I will go to Fumanlou to have a good meal for you!"

Lin Mudao: "It's a great honor, Miss Ouyang, you are always welcome to taste it!"

Ouyang Yan nodded in satisfaction, and said, "That's about the same, I finally said something nice!"

Halfway through the meal, Ouyang Yan reminded Lin Mu again, "Don't say my sister didn't remind you, for the access card, those companies really dare to play tricks on you, you should be careful!"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Don't worry, those clowns can't make any waves. This time the access card must be from us!"

Ouyang Yan rolled her eyes and said, "Be careful of capsized boats in the gutter."

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Sister Ouyang, don't worry, my boat is stable, the sea can also be sailed, and small rivers can also be sailed, so I guarantee it won't capsize."

After the two of them had lunch, Ouyang Yan went to work first because she still had to sort out the interview manuscript and prepare for the live broadcast in the evening. As for Lin Mu, she stopped the car directly and prepared to go back to Fumanlou.

But before the car arrived at the place, Lin Mu received a call from Shi Jin.

As soon as the call was connected, Shi Jin began to complain, saying: "I said, Instructor Lin, you can't rest for a day. Are you looking at my old man, who is free and free, and finds me a job to exercise my muscles all day long."

Lin Mu knew that Shi Jin's phone call must be because of the affairs of the two foreigners, so he pretended not to know and said, "Slinger Shi, I have been very honest these two days. I just participate in competitions every day. I didn't do anything to make you Is it something embarrassing for the old man?"

Shi Jin said: "Then what happened to those two foreign friends you beat up in the teahouse today?"

Lin Mu said: "They followed me and wanted to harm me, so I took the initiative to teach them a lesson!"

Shi Jinku said, "You're having fun, but do you know the identities of those two foreigners? Both of them are barons, and they've both been entrusted. Now it's all right. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked me to ask for it." Man, what do you want me to do?"

Lin Mu said: "Baron?"

Lin Mu knew that there were still some royal families in the modern West, but what Lin Mu didn't expect was that they sent two barons to kill him.

Shi Jin waited for a long time, but did not wait for Lin Mu's answer, so he couldn't help asking: "Are you talking? And the two barons, why are you following you!"

Lin Mudao: "They followed me, maybe it has something to do with me teaching one of their clergymen a lesson. And the two of them didn't say what kind of baron they were, but said that they were from the Holy Knights, and the strength of both of them was not good enough. Weak, roughly equivalent to the elementary level of Xuan level."

This time it was Shi Jin's turn to be silent. After about a minute, Shi Jin said in a serious tone: "They really said they are from the Holy Knights?"

Lin Mu said: "Yes!"

After pondering for a moment, Shi Jin said: "Since they are the ones who broke the rules this time, then I will not let these two people go at all."

Lin Mu listened to what Shi Jin said, and it seemed that Shi Jin knew something about it, so he asked, "Commander Shi, do you know what's going on?"

Shi Jin said: "It's hard to say. In short, you just need to know that their priests and holy knights are similar to our ancient martial arts world. To be more blunt, you just need to know that they are not good birds. When you come to the capital next time, I will give you the detailed information, just take a look."

As if thinking of something, Shi Jin said: "If you really taught their clergy a lesson, then you should pay more attention this time. Among the three overseas catering giants, the Roddick family and the Norman family. Both of them are from In the western royal family, the highest titles among the two families are earls, and they are members recognized by the royal family.

At the same time, it has also been recognized by the church, and they are all members of the Holy Knights.I'm worried that the two of them will harm you, so be careful yourself! "

Lin Mu really didn't pay attention to these uncivilized things in the west, and said indifferently: "I don't care whether they come to the bright or the dark, and they better not mess with me. I don't care when the time comes. Whether they're earls, viscounts, or barons, I'm sure I'd beat them up like shit."

Shi Jin laughed loudly after hearing what Lin Mu said, and said: "If they really dare to provoke you, you can just teach them a lesson, as long as no one is killed. Anyway, they broke the rules first, and we don't have to give them face. , As for diplomatic matters, you don't have to worry about them, I will let people deal with them."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "I just like working with someone like you, Commander Shi. It's just a pleasure."

Shi Jin scolded with a smile: "Don't put a high hat on me, I don't have a clue about what happened on Shiwanda Mountain. I want to go to Shiwandashan as soon as your affairs are over. I will continue to investigate the matter of Jiangnan Ye's family, and I will let you know if I have any news."

Lin Mu said: "Okay!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mu also arrived at Fumanlou.

After arriving at Fuman Building, Lin Mu went directly to the office on the top floor, but today the office was a bit crowded, besides Yu Yaqing and the others, there were three new faces that Lin Mu didn't know.

As soon as Lin Mu came in, Fang Nan got up immediately and called out, "Uncle!"

Lin Mu glanced at the three people sitting on the sofa who were still motionless, and asked, "Who are they?"

Fang Nandao: "They all belong to Datang Catering Co., Ltd."

Lin Mu said: "Aren't they our opponents? What are they doing here?"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, one of them said proudly, "We're here to discuss the acquisition of your Fumanlou."

"Acquisition?" Lin Mu asked back.

The man said: "Yes, we Datang are willing to pay ten times the price of all your assets to buy your Fumanlou. From now on, your Fumanlou will be managed by us Datang, and we will provide you with the best sales team network! "

Lin Mu looked at Fang Nan and said, "You promised them?"

Fang Nan shook his head and said, "I didn't intend to agree to them, and you came back before we talked."

Lin Mu let out an 'oh' and said: "That's just right, you can't refuse them, I will help you refuse."

After speaking, Lin Mu looked at the three people whose faces were no longer very good-looking, and said, "Go back and tell your boss, and I will send him two words - get out!"

"You..." The man just now, when he heard Lin Mu's words, was about to explode, but in the end he forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

This is someone else's territory, and I broke out here, not courting death or anything.

Fang Nan glanced at them and said, "If you have nothing else to do, we won't send them off!"

"Hmph!" The man snorted heavily, stood up from the sofa, looked at Fang Nan and said, "If you reject our Tang Dynasty, it will be difficult for you Fumanlou in the catering industry in the future!"

Lin Mudao: "This is what I want to tell your boss, if you offend us Fumanlou, you Datang just wait to disappear!"

The three of them looked at Lin Shu, and finally snorted coldly, and left Fumanlou.

After the three of them left, Fang Nan asked, "Uncle, how was the interview with you by anchor Ouyang?"

Lin Mudao: "It was very successful. She also promised to come to our Fumanlou for two days and re-interview our Fumanlou!"

Fang Nan couldn't help being overjoyed after hearing this, and said, "This is great, with the TV station's promotion, it's hard for us Fumanlou not to be popular."

Preparations for the rematch tonight are in full swing, and because of the media's exaggeration, and the fact that some interested people revealed a little about the state banquet intentionally or unintentionally, this culinary competition has completely become the focus of the whole country.

An hour before the start of the game, Lin Mu received a call from Wang Xue, who told Lin Mu that he had already arrived at the gate.

Anyway, it was still early, so Lin Mu went directly to send the admission pass to Wang Xue and the others.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Lin Mu was also taken aback by the gesture at the door.

In addition to the security guards at the gate, there are also a large number of armed police. Those who don’t know what this is for. What’s even more surprising is that there are at least 2000 people gathered outside the gate. The crowd broke down.

"Brother Lin, I'm here!" Wang Xue waved and shouted in the crowd.

Lin Mu came in front of Wang Xue's family and showed the three people's admission cards, and the armed police let them in.

As soon as she got rid of the crowd, Wang Xue shook her arms exaggeratedly and said, "This is more difficult than watching a celebrity concert!"

Lin Mu was also a little surprised and said, "These people are all here to watch the cooking competition."

Wang Xuedao: "Yes! This group of people are all here to see. I heard from the crowd just now that the price of an admission pass has been fired up to a sky-high price of [-] yuan, and there is still no market for it. After all, there are only so many admission passes.”

Lin Mu looked at the still raging crowd and said, "It seems that anything, as long as it is packaged by the media, can become popular!"

At the same time, Lin Mu was also thinking, if Fumanlou was packaged by Ouyang Yan, how popular it would be.

(End of this chapter)

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