Supreme Chef

Chapter 263 Cooperation

Chapter 263 Cooperation (2)

Hearing that Lin Mu was going, Fan Xiaoxiao pulled Lin Mu nervously again.

Lin Mu turned back, smiled and comforted Fan Xiaoxiao, and said, "Don't worry, I'm just going to take a look, there won't be any danger, you go back and tell Sister Qing and them, I'll go back later."

Although Fan Xiaoxiao was worried that Lin Mu would be in danger, Fan Xiaoxiao knew Lin Mu's abilities better.

Nodding her head, Fan Xiaoxiao gave Lin Mu some more instructions before heading towards Fumanlou.

After Fan Xiaoxiao left, the butler said respectfully: "Mr. Lin, please get in the car!"

Lin Mu lowered his head and got into the car, followed by the butler. The Cadillac started quickly and quickly disappeared into the night.

The butler has been sitting opposite Lin Shu, with a respectful and humble face.

Lin Mu glanced at the butler with great interest, but didn't ask any more questions.

Soon Cadillac drove into an independent villa complex.

This villa area is already far away from the city center, and among the entire villa area, only the central one with a large area is on, and the rest of the lights are off.

The car stopped in front of the largest villa. The housekeeper got out of the car, opened the door for Lin Mu, and said, "Mr. Lin, we are here, please come in!"

Lin Mu glanced at the remodeled castle-like villa, and followed the housekeeper into the room.

The layout of the room is very similar to the butler's attire, which is completely medieval.

The butler led the way, and the two of them stopped when they reached the innermost and largest banquet hall.

The housekeeper opened the door for Lin Mu, and said, "Dear Mr. Lin, my master has been waiting inside for a long time, please come in, Mr. Lin!"

Lin Mu was not afraid, and strode directly into the banquet hall.

The banquet hall is also in the western medieval style. The lights in the entire banquet hall are very dim, but for Lin Shu, there is no obstacle at all.

"Dear Lin, it's my fault that I can't greet you in person, please forgive me, Mr. Lin!" A handsome man who looked a bit unmanly walked up to Lin Mu quickly, and was about to give Lin Mu a hug.

However, he was easily avoided by Lin Mu. Looking at this handsome man who was not like a man, Lin Mu said cautiously: "My sexual orientation is very normal, we'd better keep a little distance."

The man was not angry because of Lin Mu's words, but smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and said, "Dear Lin, I forgot that you are not used to our etiquette. Let me introduce myself, my name is Shrek."

Seeing Lin Mu's weird expression, Shrek said, "That's right, I am the Shrek with the same name as that monster."

Fan Xiaoxiao took Lin Mu to watch "Shrek" with her, but comparing the one in the movie with the real one, Lin Mu was really uncomfortable.

Lin Mu and Shrek shook hands, and Shrek invited Lin Mu to sit down.

In the entire banquet hall, there were only Lin Mu and Shrek. Shrek smiled slightly and said, "It's a bit abrupt to invite Mr. Lin here this time."

I have to say that this Shrek's Chinese language is very good, and he knows more about Chinese etiquette than Lin Mu, an authentic Chinese person.

Shrek paused for a moment, and said: "Dear Lin, this is the red wine that I have treasured for more than 100 years, Lin, you should try it first."

Lin Mu looked at Shrek, without moving the wine glass in front of him, and said: "I don't like to beat around the bush, if you have anything to say, you'd better speak up."

After a pause, Lin Mu continued: "Also, you can call me Lin Mu, or Mr. Lin, and don't call me my dear Lin, otherwise I don't guarantee that I will beat you impulsively!"

Shrek laughed loudly, and said: "I just like the straightforwardness of Chinese people. If that's the case, then I'm not polite. I came to you this time, Mr. Lin, because I want to cooperate with you."

"Cooperation? We don't seem to have anything to cooperate with, right?" Lin Mu said quietly.

Shrek, said: "Mr. Lin, you participated in the cooking competition. You should know the three international restaurant chains. I think Mr. Lin has already met the Roddick and Norman families, and my Shrek family is the third one." For restaurant chains, maybe Mr. Lin knows what we can cooperate with?"

Lin Mu knocked on the long table that was actually made of mahogany, and said, "You're still not direct enough. If that's the case, I don't think we have anything to cooperate with."

Shrek looked at Lin Mu, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Okay, let me tell you straight, we know a little about you, Mr. Lin, and we just want to cooperate with Mr. Lin this time to get rid of Roddick and Norman." Family, as long as we want their interests in Europe, as for their interests in other regions, we are willing to take nothing and give them all to Mr. Lin."

Lin Mu looked at Shrek and said, "Shouldn't European nobles all be loyal to the Holy See?"

When mentioning the Holy See, Shrek showed endless contempt on his face, and said: "Those hypocrites are not worthy of our allegiance at all, and let's not hide it from Mr. Lin, we are regarded as enemies of God just like Mr. Lin. Treat, if we didn’t control some small countries in Europe, then we would have no foothold in Europe at all.”

In fact, Lin Mu has already noticed this. From the moment the butler came, Lin Mu felt a completely different energy from the people at the Holy See. Lin Mu came here to find out.

After hearing Shrek's words, three words suddenly popped up in Lin Mu's mind: Vampire.

Because of the legend, vampires are the enemies of gods in the West.

Shrek seemed to guess what Lin Mu was thinking, smiled wryly, and said, "Mr. Lin, do you think we look like vampires?"

Lin Mu took a closer look, and it really didn't look like it.

Shrek didn't wait for Lin Mu to answer, but continued on his own: "Mr. Lin, we are actually normal human beings just like you, but the power we possess is not like those hypocritical guys who seem so Holy, but actually messy.

I can say with great pride that we have dark energy, but a few of them dare say they have absolutely divine energy.

It is because of this difference that we are heretics and enemies of God.They even made up a vampire lie to the whole world. As for the real situation, I think Mr. Lin has seen it! "

Lin Mu really doesn't understand these messy things in the West.After all, when I was in the Han Dynasty, the monkeys in the West might have just learned to walk upright. How could Lin Mu have the time to take care of those things.

However, Lin Mu has to admit that the public relations skills of the guys from the Holy See are still very powerful. At least they have controlled the direction of public opinion. Even when he saw Shrek, the first thing he thought of was vampires.

Lin Mudao: "But why should I cooperate with you?"

Shrek said: "There is an old saying in China that the enemy of an enemy is a friend. And I believe that Mr. Lin would rather be friends with a real villain than a hypocritical good man!"

Lin Mu laughed loudly and said: "Okay! I like your last sentence, I would rather be friends with a real villain than a hypocritical hypocrisy.

And the people from the Holy See have already provoked me, I had no intention of letting them go, since you are willing to cooperate with me, then I have no objection. "

Shrek also showed a bright smile when he heard Lin Mu's words, raised the wine glass in his hand, and said, "Mr. Lin wishes us a happy cooperation!"

Lin Mu didn't refuse this time, but also raised his glass.

The century-old collection that Shrek said is not fake.

After the two drank a glass of wine, Shrek said: "By the way, Mr. Lin, you must be careful of those people from the Western Holy See. They are definitely even more villainous than villains. In order to achieve their goals, they will do whatever they can, even They can even kidnap family members, an act that we are not ashamed of.

Moreover, they also control an organization called the Death Alliance, which specializes in doing these despicable things for them. Mr. Lin, you must be very careful. "

"Reaper Alliance!" Lin Mu murmured, he didn't know what kind of relationship this Death Alliance had with Death, but of course Lin Mu would not ask Shrek.

Now I and Shrek are only in a cooperative relationship, it is impossible for Lin Mu to fully trust him, not to mention, as Shrek himself said, they are a bunch of real villains, it is not easy for Lin Mu to completely trust a bunch of real villains things.

But Shrek's words did wake up Lin Mu.I have to make everyone be careful. Although this is China, Lin Mu believes that people from the West will not dare to come here, but Lin Mu also has to take precautions.

After pondering for a while, Lin Mu said, "Actually, I'm also a little curious. Since your enemy of God has superhuman strength, why would you think of cooking?"

Shrek said: "Our family is a very large family, but not everyone has such power, there are still many ordinary people in it. We have to make money to support them, and our family happens to be in harmony with Roddick and Nuo Like the Man family, they are better at catering, so they started catering."

Lin Mu nodded, and did not comment, but said: "Since we are now in a cooperative relationship, may I know our specific cooperation intention?"

Shrek said: "Of course. In fact, the purpose of our cooperation this time is very simple. I want Roddick and the Norman family to stay in China forever, so that their strength will be greatly reduced, and we can Take the opportunity to buy their company, and finally get rid of their two families!"

After finishing speaking, Shrek handed a document in his hand to Lin Mu, and said: "Mr. Lin has the complete content of our plan this time, including our retreat route, all in it."

Lin Mu knew that this was Shrek showing his sincerity to him again, so he accepted it directly without being polite.

(End of this chapter)

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