Supreme Chef

Chapter 264

Chapter 264
Leaving Shrek's villa, Lin Mu rejected Shrek's request to send him back.

Coming out of Shrek's villa, Lin Mu looked back at the pitch-black villa area, and said: "It's good to have money, if you buy the entire villa area, you can only live in one."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he strode away from Shrek's residence.

In the banquet hall, not long after Lin Mu left, the butler who picked Lin Mu flashed out from the dark corner of the banquet.

"Master, can that Chinese man be trusted?" the butler asked modestly standing behind Shrek.

Shrek shook the red wine glass and said: "I don't know if he can trust me, but I know his ability is definitely the strongest I have ever seen. If my expectations are not bad, he has already discovered it just now. Your existence."

There was finally a wave of expression on the butler's face, and he said: "Impossible! Even if that Huaxia man is really strong, he would not be able to discover my existence. I was already in a dead state at that time, unless he walked in front of me Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to discover my existence."

Shrek took a sip of the red wine and said: "I know you don't believe it, but I can feel that he has really discovered your existence, if he hadn't confirmed that you are mine, he might have already done it.

You have to remember that we are now on the land of China.This is an ancient country with a long history. In this country, there are countless strange people and strange things, but there will definitely be a lot of them.

Therefore, at any time, we must not be blindly confident, because blind self-confidence will only make us become like the Holy See, watching the sky from a well, blindly arrogant! "

The housekeeper didn't refute this time, but nodded silently, and said, "Yes, master, I remember it!"

After a pause, the butler continued: "When Mr. Lin left just now, the two barons of the Roddick family followed. Do we want to make a move?"

Shrek held the wine glass, pondered for a few seconds, shook his head, and said: "The two barons can't do anything to Mr. Lin. If we show up at this time, it will only make Mr. Lin feel that we are trying to please you. Just don’t know.”

The butler nodded and said, "Okay, I understand!"

When Lin Mu left, he naturally knew that there were two tails hanging behind him, but such two small characters, Lin Mu didn't take it seriously at all.

After leading them around the suburbs for several times, Lin Mu finally threw the two of them in a small ravine. As for whether they can still be found, Lin Mu has no control over them.

Back on the mainland again, Lin Mu chuckled, and said to himself: "This Shrek is really patient, but this kind of real villain is indeed much better than those people who are full of holiness and filthy in their bones."

After speaking, Lin Mu took out his phone and called Shi Jin directly.

When the phone was connected, Shi Jin didn't seem to wake up, and he said resentfully: "Instructor Lin, do you know what time it is, we old people feel light at first, can you call during the day next time. "

Lin Mu said faintly: "I still have news about the Holy See to tell you, since you don't want to listen, then forget it?"

When Shi Jin heard this, he immediately regained his spirits and said, "What news do you have for Instructor Lin?"

Lin Mu gave a smirk, and said, "The news I got this time was not easy, and I almost put myself in it. Do you have to compensate me?"

Shi Jin said: "No problem, we just collected a batch of rare medicinal materials, I'll have someone bring them over for you to pick out tomorrow."

Lin Mu said: "Okay! Refreshing!"

After talking about the benefits for Lin Mu, Shi Jin asked, "What kind of news is it that almost got you in?"

Lin Mudao: "It's nothing serious, it's just that someone asked me to cooperate with Roddick and the Ruoman family."

Shi Jin said, "Is this the end?"

Lin Mu said: "En! This is the end!"

Shi Jinjin blew his beard and stared at him, and said, "That's what I call almost putting you in!"

Lin Mudao: "That's not counting me in, they all came to me to cooperate, and I agreed!"

When Shi Jin heard this, he almost recited it in one breath.

Lin Mu listened to Shi Jin over there, panting desperately, and giggling for a long time.

Shi Jin suppressed it for a while, before suppressing the pressure, he said, "Who is looking for your cooperation?"

Lin Mudao: "A family called the Shrek family is also a restaurant chain participating in this culinary competition. They seem to be enemies of their shit gods. They discussed with me to keep Roddick and the Norman family in Huaxia. , As for the interests, they only want the interests of the two companies in Europe, and the interests of other places belong to me!"

After Shi Jin heard this, there was another long silence, and then said: "A small cooking competition has attracted so many monsters and monsters."

After a pause, Shi Jin said, "Do you know the Shrek family?"

Lin Mudao: "I'm cooperating with them, not checking their household registration. I know their family's history is very useful!"

Shi Jin heard it, and said to himself: "The Shrek family is one of the famous heretics in the West, and it is also one of the five so-called cult organizations in the West. It can be said that it is notorious in the West. Many so-called evil activities, They are all there, if they hadn't controlled some royal families overtly or secretly, they would have no foothold in Europe at all."

Lin Mu asked back: "You also believe in these?"

Shi Jin said: "I don't believe it. Of course we are clear about those things in the West. In fact, those so-called cults are just the crimes listed by their so-called Holy See in order to eliminate dissidents. As for those notorious evil activities, according to the information we have , Most of them were secretly instructed by the people of the Holy See.

As for the purpose, it is naturally to eradicate these dissidents.Really control the entire western world, and even control the whole world.But they did it perfectly, no one seized the evidence, even if we knew it in our hearts, it was useless.And we are not interested in taking care of the western one. "

After a pause, Shi Jin continued: "As for this cooperation, I personally agree. After all, in comparison, heretics like Shrek still have some credibility!"

After listening to Shi Jin's analysis, Lin Mu asked, "Are you interested in hearing my opinion?"

Shi Jin said: "Of course."

Lin Mu said: "To put it bluntly, I don't trust Roddick's group or Shrek's group. There is a saying, people who are not my race must have different hearts. According to me As we all know, a hundred years ago, these uncivilized monkeys often tossed about on our land.

Could it be that only those so-called Holy See bastards came to us to make trouble at that time.Those so-called pagans did not fish in troubled waters.I agreed to cooperate with them, the purpose is very simple.

We have common enemies. Although I can solve those troubles even without them, troubles are troubles after all. If someone is willing to post upside down and help me, I will definitely not refuse, but it may be difficult for me to trust them.So my opinion is that we cooperate with them, and then solve our own troubles. As for how they fight each other, that is their own business. They are all dead, and I have a relationship with them! "

After hearing what Lin Mu said, Shi Jin was silent for about a minute, and said: "Yes! You are right, the life and death of these bastards really has nothing to do with us. If this is the case, then Instructor Lin will give you full authority to handle this matter. , As for who you need, just ask.”

Lin Mudao: "There is no need for people, I just want to take Zhang Ye and others to practice their hands, and how to deal with these bastard friends in the future, and they also need a few whetstones if they want to break through the ground level. Those who want to practice can also send them over, my price is very fair, ten ore or ten spirit grass per person!"

"The boy is so dark towards his own people!" Shi Jin's words were almost squeezed out between his teeth.

Lin Mu laughed and said, "I'm already very fair to my own people, but if I treat those ancient martial arts sects, it will be more than that simple."

When mentioning the Ancient Martial Arts School, Lin Mu suddenly remembered what happened to the God of Death last time, and said, "By the way, after what happened last time in Mount Jiuhua, did you express anything?"

Shi Jindao: "Although Jiuhua Mountain didn't show anything, it has already found trouble with the Tianya Sect openly and secretly. But the Tianya Sect was sealed off by you, and they didn't dare to show their heads at all. But it hasn't stopped recently, and it is said that they seem to have found A great senior came out!"

Lin Mu said: "It doesn't matter what he is, senior, it's best not to come to me, if you look for me, no matter how great he is, I'll let him be great!"

Lin Mu chatted with Shi Jin for a while, then hung up the phone.

Just now, while chatting with Shi Jin, Lin Mu sped up towards the urban area. He had already entered the urban area, and the moonlight in the sky was getting dim.

"It's a good game, but it was disturbed by these bastards, but it's good, it saves you from being bored!" Lin Mu whispered to himself.


Just as Lin Mu was about to quickly walk back to Fumanlou, a faint cry for help came.

The night is quiet now, and the sound can be heard far away, not to mention that Lin Mu's hearing is different from ordinary people. Let alone such a weak cry for help, Lin Mu can hear even a mosquito farting a kilometer away.

Hearing the cry for help, Lin Mu frowned, then shook and disappeared in place.

When Lin Shu appeared again, he was already in the back street of a bar.

This is a dead end, and it is also the back door of the bar. At this time, several golden-haired devils are surrounding a woman in business attire, laughing obscenely.

One of the foreigners, who was obviously taller than the others, said with a lewd smile: "I have never tasted the taste of Chinese beauties, today I can finally have a meaty meal!"

Another person also said in agreement: "Let this bitch mind her own business, let him see how powerful God is today!"

After the man finished speaking, the four laughed lewdly, and the woman surrounded by them had obviously passed out.

"I also want to see how powerful you are!" Just as they were about to make a move, Lin Mu's voice came from behind the four of them.

(End of this chapter)

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