Supreme Chef

Chapter 265 The Baron

Chapter 265 The Baron
"Who is it!" Hearing Lin Mu's words, the four of them turned around quickly.

The four turned around and saw the trees that were obviously smaller than them by more than a circle, and they all showed contemptuous expressions.

The biggest one said in blunt Huaxia: "Short people in Huaxia, this is not the time for heroes to save the beauty. Of course, if you want to play with us and the rest, we won't mind."

Lin Mu glanced at the biggest one, and said, "Are you members of the Holy Knights?"

Hearing Lin Mu mentioned the origin of the four of them, the four of them became nervous, and at the same time subconsciously surrounded Lin Mu.

Seeing the reactions of several people, Lin Mu felt a little relieved, at least these four bastards didn't come up to fight out of nowhere, that would be too boring.

The big guy in the lead looked at Lin Shu vigilantly, and said, "Do you know the Holy Knights?"

Lin Mu said: "Why can't I know, and I also personally solved your two barons."

As if thinking of something, Lin Mu said: "Oh! By the way, you still have two barons, and now I have thrown them into the mountain. I hope they can persist until they come out. Otherwise, they may become the first and second , the baron who was starved to death."

" are Lin Mu! That God's enemy!" After listening to Lin Mu's words, the big man stammered with dilated pupils.

Lin Mu rubbed his nose and said, "It seems that I am quite famous in your circle."

"Come on! Let's kill this enemy of God together, and then we can become barons and be crowned by the bishop!" The big man said agitatedly.

Lin Mu glanced at the big man, shook his head and said: "It seems that your evolution is still incomplete, your brain is not fully enlightened, and your IQ is your blemish, but it doesn't matter, you can reincarnate today, I hope your next life , you can be a smart person!"

After speaking, Lin Mu raised his hand and punched the person who was rushing towards him.


Lin Mu used [-]% of his strength in this punch, but of course Lin Mu didn't use his spiritual energy.

However, even with this [-]% strength, he has already punched half of his body.

"Body training is good!" Seeing his success in punching, Lin Mu was also very satisfied with his body training during this period.

Seeing that one of his companions was dealt with by Lin Mu with a punch, and the other three didn't even hit him, he was already afraid!
"Trash! Bastards!" Lin Mu looked at the three of them and cursed contemptuously.

Then it doesn't matter whether you are afraid or not, go up three times and kill all three people directly.

None of their barons are Lin Mu's all-in-one enemy, let alone four trash who are not even barons.

After finishing these four people, Lin Mu was directly surrounded by a foundation building fire, and none of the corpses of the four people were left with scum.

After finishing all this, Lin Mu came to the beautiful woman brought out by them.

This beauty is none other than Ouyang Yan, Lin Mu doesn't know how he fell into the hands of these people.

Lin Mu stepped forward, pulled Ouyang Yan's wrist, and sent a stream of spiritual energy to wake Ouyang Yan up, and healed Ouyang Yan's internal injury casually.

"Ah! Go away!"

The first thing Ouyang Yan did when she woke up was to kick towards the tree.

Lin Mu leaned slightly to one side, dodged Ouyang Yan's attack, and then passed a wave of spiritual energy, and said softly, "Sister Ouyang is me, you are safe!"

With the help of this spiritual energy, Ouyang Yan's expression immediately stabilized.After seeing clearly that it was Lin Mu, Ouyang Yan didn't care about other things, and lay directly in Lin Mu's arms, crying loudly.

Lin Mu knew that Ouyang Yan was frightened, so she couldn't help crying on his body.

After crying for about 10 minutes, Lin Mu's shirt was soaked with tears, and Ouyang Yan stopped crying.

Ouyang Yan raised her head, looked at Lin Mu with a blushing face, and said softly, "Thank you for saving me!"

Lin Mu said with a smile: "Sister Ouyang and I are you polite, not to mention you are still my sister, isn't it the right thing for me to save you?"

Seeing Lin Mu's warm smile, Ouyang Yan also felt a burst of relief all over her body. She also smiled slightly and said, "Why are you here?"

Lin Mu said: "Is this also the question I want to ask you?"

Ouyang Yan took a look at the surrounding environment, she wrinkled her beautiful Qiong nose slightly, and said, "Let's go back and talk about it first!"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay!"

Ouyang Yan supported the wall and got up, just about to leave, but found Lin Mu standing opposite her, staring at her intently and not moving.

"What's wrong?" Ouyang Yan looked at Lin Mu puzzled and asked.

But before Lin Mu could answer, Ouyang Yan already knew what was going on, she screamed in surprise, and quickly covered her chest with her hands.

It turned out that when Ouyang Yan was struggling just now, the buttons on her upper body shirt were completely gone, and she was fine when she was sitting just now.

"Don't look!" Ouyang Yan warned Lin Mu with her hands tightly covering her chest, blushing.

Lin Mu swallowed hard, and looked away from Ouyang Yan's red lace translucent underwear, but when he thought of Ouyang Yan's pair of plump little rabbits, Xiao Linmu quickly reacted.

"Give me... your shirt!" Ouyang Yan blushed and said in a soft voice.


Lin Mu agreed, and took off his shirt to Ouyang Yan.

Ouyang Yan put Lin Mu on her clothes carelessly, then said to Lin Mu blushing, "Let's go!"


Lin Mu nodded, followed Ouyang Yan and left the back street.

Fortunately, it was midnight, and the strange combination of Lin Mu and Ouyang Yan did not attract the attention of others.

After walking for about 10 minutes, the two arrived at the hotel where Ouyang Yan was.Ouyang Yan led the trees with her head down, quickly passed through the hall, and boarded the elevator before the waiter could react.

The elevator soon arrived at Ouyang Yan's floor. After confirming that no one was there, Ouyang Yan trotted back to her room with Lin Mu.

When she arrived in her room, Ouyang Yan seemed to have collapsed, sitting on the bed, panting heavily without any image.

With his upper body bare, Lin Mu leaned against the wall behind him, smiling and looking at the blushing Ouyang Yan.

Ouyang Yan raised her head just in time to see Lin Mu's half-smile, she grabbed the high-heeled shoes angrily, and was about to throw them over again, but when she raised her hand in mid-air, Ouyang Yan put down her hand, glared at Lin Mu, and said, "Look at you today For the sake of saving me, I will spare you!"

Lin Mu looked at Ouyang Yan and said, "I didn't expect you, Ouyang, to have such a good psychological quality. After what happened just now, you recovered so quickly."

Ouyang Yan rolled her eyes at Lin Mu, and said, "I've seen worse things than this."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "I didn't expect Miss Ouyang to be so well-informed. I really admire you."

Ouyang Yan glared at Lin Mu angrily, turned around and took two bottles of water, threw one to Lin Mu, and said, "Drink some water! Thank you for your hard work!"

Lin Mu took the water and did not unscrew it, but asked: "Sister Ouyang, you don't rest in the hotel in the middle of the night, what are you doing in that kind of place?"

When this matter was mentioned, a complex light flashed in Ouyang Yan's eyes. She shook her head and sighed. Instead of saying anything, she asked instead: "You don't sleep in the middle of the night, where are you going?"

Lin Mu said: "I was going out to do some errands, and happened to pass by there."

After a pause, Lin Mu said, "Sister Ouyang, how did you meet those four bastards!"

Ouyang Yan said: "I originally went there to drink, but from what they said, they seemed to belong to the Roddick family, and they even mentioned your name. I was worried that they would be bad for you, so I eavesdropped for a while, but I didn't expect They found out, and then you will know what happened!"

Lin Mu didn't expect that Ouyang Yan would take the risk to help him, and he was a little moved, and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Ouyang, for making you feel wronged!"

Ouyang Yan shook her head and said, "It's okay!"

Seemingly remembering something, Ouyang Yan said: "By the way, what about those four people?"

Lin Mu said: "I beat them back home!"

Ouyang Yan was stunned for a moment, and said: "Anyway, I'm not injured, it's better to let them go, so as to save unnecessary trouble!"

Lin Muxin said: They can't cause any trouble anymore, I did send them home, but it's just to go back to their hometown, to meet their God.

But in this case, Lin Mu would not tell Ouyang Yan.

The two were silent for a while, Ouyang Yan said: "Can you drink some wine with me?"

Lin Mu could tell that Ouyang Yan was in a bad mood, so he also nodded.

Ouyang Yan got up and said, "You go to the balcony and wait for me, I'll go change clothes!"

Lin Mu nodded and went to the balcony first.

Ouyang Yan lived in a suite with a large area and an independent balcony.

Ouyang Yan lives on the top floor, so the view from the balcony is very good.

Holding the railing of the balcony, Lin Mu took a deep breath. Looking at the lights of Wanjia below, Lin Mu was also in a very good mood. At the same time, he also thought about how to solve the Roddick and Norman family. What they are doing now The matter has already touched the bottom line of the trees, so they must die.

Five minutes later, Ouyang Yan appeared in front of Lin Mu in a white pajamas, holding a bottle of red wine and two glasses in her hand.

Lin Mu turned his head, looked at Ouyang Yan, who looked extremely pretty under the soft moonlight, and was also slightly dazed.

Ouyang Yan held her feet, stood on the carpet and stared at Lin Mu's naked eyes, her chest was a little fluttering, her pretty face was slightly hot, and she murmured: "What are you looking at!"

Lin Mu said: "Nothing! Everyone likes to see beautiful women!"

Ouyang Yan gave Lin Mu a charming look, put the red wine and the glass on the table, poured two glasses, and said, "Sit down! Come with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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