Supreme Chef

Chapter 266 I'm Really a God

Chapter 266 I'm Really a God

Lin Mu glanced at Ouyang Yan, and sat opposite to Ouyang Yan.

Ouyang Yang handed the poured wine to Lin Mu, and said, "Drink with me!"

Lin Mu shook the red wine glass in his hand, smiled and said: "Sister Ouyang, you say that we are lonely and widowed, and we still have red wine, so you are not afraid of anything happening, even if you have sex after drinking, it is not good!"

Ouyang Yan took a sip of red wine and said, "In my eyes, you are just a little brother. Do you think I will be emotional with my brother?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "That might be!"

Ouyang Yan rolled her eyes at Lin Mu, and said, "Do you think I'm the same as you little pervert?"

Lin Mu chuckled, took a sip of the red wine, and said, "Miss Ouyang, did something happen to you? Tell me, maybe I can help you?"

Ouyang Yan looked at the trees, finally shook her head, and said: "Sister knows that you have something to do with the military, but my sister's affairs have nothing to do with your army, so you can't help!"

Lin Mu said: "It's okay to talk about it, if you keep it in your heart, something will happen!"

Ouyang Yan took another big sip of red wine, probably because she drank too quickly, a beautiful blush quickly covered Ouyang Yan's cheeks, looking very attractive.

Ouyang Yan didn't pay attention to Lin Mu's gaze, but said to herself: "Tai Li wants me to be the resident host in Fengyang."

Lin Mu didn't think too much, and said casually: "This is pretty good, Fengyang is still close to me, sister Ouyang, you can eat whatever you want at Fumanlou directly!"

Ouyang Yan smiled after hearing Lin Mu's words, and finally shook her head, saying: "You don't understand. The so-called resident reporter is actually tantamount to exile. They expelled me from China TV and forced me to resign in disguise!"

Lin Mudao: "Sister Ouyang, you are the pillar of Huaxia TV Station, they exiled you, what a loss to the TV station."

Ouyang Yan said: "What losses will they have, the big deal is to find someone younger and more beautiful to replace me. As for the losses, who will care about that."

Lin Mu said: "But the audience will miss you!"

Ouyang Yan smiled wryly, and said: "Audience? Maybe everyone will still think of me after I left for a few months. But after a few months, everyone will have another person in their hearts. Time will make everyone forget a lot of things!"

Lin Mudao: "But there are still many people who will never forget you. For example, me! In my heart, you are irreplaceable!"

Ouyang Yan looked up at Lin Mu, tapped Lin Mu's forehead with her finger, and said, "If you are slick, you know how to make my sister happy!"

Lin Mu grabbed Ouyang Yan's hand and said, "Sister Ouyang, what if what I said is true?"

Ouyang Yan pulled out her hand forcefully, her pretty face blushed, and said, "It's really not possible!"

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Sister Ouyang and the others want to exile you, there must be some reason for it. Or at least they have to give you a reason?"

Ouyang Yan smiled wryly again, and said, "Reason? Is there a reason in the system? For them, any reason can transfer me. Even if there is no reason, they can make up a reason first!"

After a pause, Ouyang Yan continued to say to herself: "It is said that beauty is a woman's greatest capital, but it is also her greatest burden. If I had a choice, I would rather be an ordinary person from the beginning, even without this What about a face that is admired by others?"

From Ouyang Yan's words, Lin Mu guessed the reason why Ouyang Yan was transferred.I must not know which old pervert fell in love with Ouyang Yan, and then Ouyang Yan refused, but this old pervert thought of a way to tell Ouyang Yan to leave.

Very corny story, very corny reason.But this kind of thing happens almost every day, whether it is on a star like Ouyang Yan or an ordinary person.

The only difference is that some people chose to submit, while others chose to persevere like Ouyang Yan, and the result of persistence was basically the same as Ouyang Yan's.

Lin Mu looked at Ouyang Yan who poured himself another glass of red wine, smiled, and said: "Sister Ouyang, I think you are better, at least you are pleasing to the eye! It doesn't matter if you are a star, is it because you are taller than others if you are a star?" Isn’t what you eat is rice, what you drink is wine, and the aura of a star can’t be eaten as a meal.”

Ouyang Yan looked at Lin Shu, smiled and said: "You can see clearly!"

Exhaling deeply, Ouyang Yan got up and stood on the railing, looked into the distance and said, "I'm really reluctant to let me go after being the anchor for so many years. It’s still hard for me to give up the profession of broadcasting all at once!”

Turning the subject, Ouyang Yan said: "But I am willing to try it slowly, Fengyang is also pretty good, at least I have you as a good brother, I can go to Fumanlou to find you if I want to eat, it seems to be pretty good !"

Lin Mu smiled, stood up and stood side by side with Ouyang Yan, and said, "You are welcome anytime, the door of Fumanlou is always open to you, Ouyang Sister!"

When Ouyang Yan heard Lin Mu's words, she turned her head suddenly. At this moment, Lin Mu also looked at Ouyang Yan.

The four eyes are facing each other, and the distance between the two is so close that they can clearly feel each other's breathing.

Moonlight, red wine, eye contact!
The distance between the two was less than ten centimeters, for a full 3 minutes, the two of them didn't say a word, and Ouyang Yan's face was already red to the neck.


Ouyang Yan opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say a word, and at this moment, when the night wind blew, Ouyang Yan's alcohol became a little stronger.

Before Ouyang Yan drank the red wine, she had already drank a lot in the bar by herself. When the strength of the two kinds of wine was combined, Ouyang Yan felt slightly dizzy.

Ouyang Yan was about to fall down when her feet were soft, but she was hugged by Lin Mu.

With a pull of Lin Mu's arm, he held Ouyang Yan in his arms.

After that, it will be a matter of course, and the horn of war is sounded...

One hour!
Ouyang Yan didn't know that she had rushed to the sky several times, anyway, now Ouyang Yan felt that her whole body was limp and without any strength.

Lin Mu hugged Ouyang Yan, lying on the carpet on the balcony, looking at the white belly that had already appeared in the sky, Lin Mu said with a smile: "Sister, let me just talk about sex after drinking!"

Ouyang Yan's pretty face blushed, she pinched the trees vigorously, and said, "You still talk!"

Lin Mu chuckled, and his big hands were not idle.

Just after Xiao Linmu reacted again, Lin Mu suddenly felt Ouyang Yan in his arms shaking slightly.

Lin Mu lowered his head, saw Ouyang Yan's eyes were red, and quickly asked, "Sister Ouyang, why are you crying?"

It was fine if Lin Mu didn't ask, but when Lin Mu asked, Ouyang Yan burst into tears.

While crying, he said: "Do you think I am a casual woman, not a good woman!"

Lin Mu didn't expect that Ouyang Yan was crying because of this, so she couldn't help laughing, and said: "Sister Ouyang, you gave me your first time, why would I miss you so much. And the two of us are called two lovers." Yue, although you have only met three times, you should have heard of love at first sight, Miss Ouyang, right?

Besides, even if you say it is bad, you can only say that I am too bad a man, I seduced you on my own initiative, and even deliberately came to save the beauty with a hero, so that you can agree with me! "

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Ouyang Yan couldn't help laughing, her mood stabilized a little, bit her lip, and Ouyang Yan said: "But... But you already have a girlfriend, we are like this, don't you feel sorry for her? !"

Lin Mu stared at Ouyang Yan, and said seriously: "Sister Ouyang, if I tell you that I am a god, and I have lived from the Han Dynasty to the present, do you believe it?"

Ouyang Yan pinched Lin Mu's waist and said, "You treat me as a little girl, just use you as an ancient person to cover up your three wives and four concubines, and even make up a fairy lie, do you think I will believe it? ?”

Lin Mu didn't reply to Ouyang Yan's words, but with a wave of his hand, a mass of foundation-building fire appeared in Lin Mu's hands.

Ouyang Yan looked at the flame jumping like an elf in Lin Mu's hand, her eyes were wide open, and she couldn't believe what she saw now!
(End of this chapter)

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