Supreme Chef

Chapter 268

Chapter 268

When Fan Xiaoxiao heard Lin Mu's words, she threw herself on Lin Mu excitedly, and said, "You said you wanted to compensate us? Don't be a rascal then!"

Lin Mu scratched Fan Xiaoxiao's nose and said, "Don't worry, I won't be a rascal."

After finally getting Fan Xiaoxiao off his body, Lin Mu said: "The two of you haven't slept all night, hurry up and take a rest!"

Yu Yaqing shook her head and said, "It's okay, we're not tired."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Go and rest for a while if you're not tired, I've made you nervous all day."

Yu Yaqing hesitated for a moment, but she still asked, "Are the Roddick and Norman families strong?"

Lin Mu naturally knew what Yu Yaqing was worried about, and said, "It's so-so, not too strong, don't worry, I can handle it by myself, and with Zhang Ye and the others helping, there's no problem!"

Yu Yaqing also heaved a sigh of relief when she heard that Lin Mu was no longer fighting alone this time, but had someone to help her.

After coaxing the two of them away, Lin Mu called Zhang Ye and asked about the two barons.

Zhang Ye said: "Those two bastards have a hard mouth, and they keep clamoring that they are members of the royal family and have diplomatic immunity. We have no right to detain them."

Lin Mu smiled sinisterly, and said: "Then you don't have to worry about them, just put them there and let them fend for themselves. If they can escape, that's their ability. If they can't, then it's their fault." No one else!"

Zhang Ye said: "This is not good!"

Lin Mu said: "What's wrong, they've hit us on the head, so we don't have to be polite to them."

As soon as the subject changed, Lin Mu said: "By the way, you can call Brother Tie and the others later, you two come over together in the afternoon, and I have something good to tell you!"

As soon as Zhang Ye heard that something good happened, he quickly asked, "What good thing?"

Lin Mu said, "You will know when you come."

After spending the whole morning doing nothing, Zhang Ye, Tie Zhanshan and Qiao Xuebing came to Fumanlou together after one o'clock in the afternoon.

"Brother Lin, I heard that there is something good. What good thing?" Tie Zhanshan's voice came before he arrived.

After the three of them entered the room, Lin Mu looked at the three of them, didn't say anything good, but nodded, and said, "It seems that everyone has been practicing very hard recently, Zhang Ye, you are about to touch the half-step ground." It’s not bad, Brother Tie, you are also good, you are already at the high level of the Xuan level, and the apprentices are also very good, they are already at the elementary level of the Xuan level.”

Tie Zhanshan had the most anxious temper, and after waiting for Lin Mu to comment for a long time, Tie Zhanshan finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said: "Brother Lin, tell me what's so good about it, I'm so anxious to death!"

Lin Mu looked at Tie Zhanshan, smiled, and said, "You guys have been practicing so hard these days, don't you want to find some unlucky ghosts to practice your hands!"

As soon as they heard that someone was practicing their hands, the eyes of the three of them flashed a gleam of excitement.

Whether it is Zhang Ye, Tie Zhanshan, or Qiao Xuebing, they are all from the army, and they are not ordinary troops, so they have a desire for strength and fighting that ordinary people do not have.

Especially during this period of time, the three of them continued to improve, which made them more eager to fight. For them, a hearty battle can make them realize more, and it is only good for their strength. harm.

Tie Zhanshan was the first to speak, and said excitedly: "Brother Lin is the one who has provoked you by that blind-eyed ancient martial arts sect. Let's teach them a lesson now!"

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "This time it's not the ancient martial arts sect!"

"It's not the ancient martial arts sect! Besides the ancient martial arts sect, is there any force in China that we need to fight together?" Tie Zhanshan asked in confusion.

Zhang Ye seemed to have thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Instructor Lin, what do you mean, we want to fight them!"

Lin Mu smiled, then nodded.

Seeing Lin Mu and Zhang Ye playing charades here, Tie Zhanshan couldn't help it, and said, "What's going on? You two, stop playing charades with me! I'm going to fucking die of anxiety!"

Zhang Ye and Lin Mu looked at each other and laughed.

Then Zhang Ye told Tie Zhanshan and Qiao Xuebing the ins and outs of the incident in detail.

After Tie Zhanshan heard this, he said angrily: "It's these bastards from the Holy See again. It was this gang of bastards a hundred years ago who used the banner of justice to bully us in China. After a hundred years, they still want history to repeat itself.

Let them this time, look at our Huaxia, it is no longer the Huaxia of a hundred years ago, let these bastards know and know what it is like to die! "

After venting, Tie Zhanshan asked, "Brother Lin, when do you think we should do it?"

Lin Mu said: "It's not urgent, they can't escape anyway, after this cooking competition is over, I guess they will be impatient and want to do it!"

Tie Zhanshan said: "Okay! This time, we must let these bastards know and know how good we are!"

After Tie Zhanshan finished speaking, the three of them had already started gearing up. It seemed that the three of them were indeed exhausted.

The four chatted together for a while, and Lin Mu let the three of them go to rest first.

A few hours before the final, Lin Mu took the time to call Shrek.

When the phone was connected, Shrek said enthusiastically, "Mr. Lin! Hello!"

Lin Mu didn't have the time to talk to him, so he said straight to the point: "Yesterday I solved it for you again. The two barons and the four members of the Holy Knights, I guess they are drawing people to attack me now. The time is about After the cooking competition, you should also prepare in advance!"

It was within Shrek's expectation that Lin Mu solved the two barons, but the other four members of the Holy Knights were not within Shrek's expectation.

However, the more people Lin Mu kills, the more beneficial it is for him. Shrek immediately said happily: "Thank you Mr. Lin for your help. My Shrek family will definitely remember Mr. Lin's kindness. I will let people go down now." Get ready, when it's ready, I will notify Mr. Lin as soon as possible!"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay! But I didn't warn you, you'd better not do anything in the urban area, otherwise, Huaxia's military will be very rude and wipe out everyone on both sides of you!"

Shrek couldn't help but gasped when he heard Lin Mu's words.Of course, he was not surprised that Lin Mu had a military background, because this was already in Shrek's information.

Shrek was surprised that Huaxia's military had such a tough attitude this time, which made him have to re-plan.

In fact, Shrek's original plan was to take advantage of the scruples of the hypocrites of the Holy See who dare not do anything in the city, and take advantage of the chaos to solve them, but the news brought by Lin Mu forced him to re-plan.

On Shrek's side, there was silence for about ten seconds before Shrek said: "Thank you Mr. Lin for reminding me, I will restrain my subordinates and prevent them from messing around in the urban area!"

Lin Mu said: "This is the best way!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mu made some preparations and went to the competition site.

Wang Xue was on duty today, so Wang Xue's family didn't come over.

Arriving at the scene, Ouyang Yan came to Lin Mu, first interviewed a few casually, and then sent the photographer away.

As soon as the photographer left, Lin Mu smiled and said, "Sister Ouyang's feet are not feeling well today, why does walking feel unnatural!"

Ouyang Yan gave Lin Mu a hard look, and warned in a low voice viciously: "You still have the face to say, it's not all your fault!"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Sister Ouyang, you seem to be crazier than me this morning!"

Ouyang Yan glared at Lin Mu viciously, and said, "You still say it!"

Lin Mu looked at Ouyang Yan with a look of anger and anger, and couldn't help laughing.

The final will last for three days, but for Lin Mu, no matter whether he plays for three days or 30 days, the effect is the same.

After three consecutive days of competition, Lin Mu has undoubtedly become the dark horse in this competition from the beginning to the end.

Fumanlou also became famous once, and the audience all over the country remembered the name Fumanlou.

As for the access card, it naturally fell into the hands of Fumanlou, and with the access card, there will be endless investors.

But for these investors, Fang Nan's answer to them is only two words: no.

Fumanlou is the painstaking effort of Fang Nan and the others, and it is also their hope. Fang Nan and the others have no interest in this kind of speculators who speculate on excessive investment.

However, Lin Mu, who became the God of Chef of Xinke, did not accept the test of the spotlight in Fumanlou at this time, but got together with Zhang Ye and the others to discuss how to deal with Roddick and the Norman family.

Since the end of the game, Roddick and the Norman family have not stopped.Moreover, according to various signs, Roddick and the Norman family have already done everything and are ready to do something about Lin Mu. Their masters in China are continuously moving to Fengyang, obviously for a while. Completely cleared up the trees.

The four of Lin Mu gathered in an office in Fumanlou.

Zhang Ye glanced outside, there were many diners who were obviously not here for dinner, and said: "Instructor Lin, these monkeys seem to be unable to bear it anymore, the number of eyeliners near Fumanlou has obviously doubled in the past two days!"

Lin Mu took a sip of Coca-Cola and said, "What I want is for them to gather here. If they don't come, I'll find someone to practice for us!"

Tie Zhanshan said, "But Commander Shi said that we are not allowed to do anything in the urban area!"

Lin Mu said leisurely: "I know, but think about it, if I don't stay here for a few more days, will these monkeys obediently follow me to the suburbs?"

Lin Mu's words confused the three of them, and they didn't know what Lin Mu meant.

Lin Mu put down the cup and said, "Do you think that if I take these monkeys directly to the suburbs now, will they follow me?"

The three pondered for a while, then shook their heads.

Lin Mu said: "That's the problem. Although IQ is their blemish, some of them are not stupid. If I take them to the suburbs directly, they will doubt it.

But if I stay in Fumanlou for a few days, they will definitely think that I am afraid of them and dare not go out.Then when the time comes, I'm looking for an opportunity to sneak out and leave some clues for them, so you can see if they will follow me. "

After listening to Lin Mu's explanation, the three people's eyes lit up, and they stretched out their thumbs at the same time: "High! It's really high!"

(End of this chapter)

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