Supreme Chef

Chapter 269

Chapter 269
Lin Mu just waited in Fumanlou for two days, until Lin Mu was sure that all the people he was waiting for had come, and then at midnight the next day, he secretly left Fumanlou by himself, and at the same time stayed behind intentionally or unintentionally. a little tail.

After Lin Mu left Fumanlou, he got into the car that Zhang Ye and the others had prepared.

In the car, Tie Zhanshan asked nervously, "Brother Lin, do you think they will follow?"

Lin Mu's consciousness moved slightly, and said: "They have already followed, and many people are already waiting for us!"

"Just keep up! Just keep up!" Tie Zhanshan didn't feel nervous because of Lin Mu's words, on the contrary, Tie Zhanshan looked very excited.

Zhang Ye saw Tie Zhanshan's excited look from the rearview mirror, and couldn't help joking, saying: "I said, old iron, I never saw you so excited when I was on a blind date with you, why is it more exciting now than meeting your future wife?" !"

Tie Zhanshan said with a smile: "When I think that I can solve those bastards with my own hands, I am excited. Even if I have to be a bachelor for the rest of my life, I will be happy!"

Zhang Ye said: "With your honor, it's difficult to get married. Have you forgotten that time when I accompanied you on a blind date, before entering the door, the girl turned around and ran away when she saw you!"

When Lin Mu heard Zhang Ye's words, he also became interested, and said, "There is another matter!"

Zhang Ye took a look, Tie Zhanshan looked embarrassed, and said, "Let him tell himself, and see if I'm lying!"

Old Tie Zhanshan blushed and said, "Didn't I just come back from a mission that time? Didn't I smell more bloody? Didn't I also want to let people know who she married first?"

Zhang Ye laughed and said: "Your smell is a bit strong, you almost fished out of the sea of ​​blood. When you come back from the mission, you don't know how to change your clothes, take a bath, and you still have blood on your body. Come to eat directly, if I was a girl, I would be scared away by you!"

After hearing Zhang Ye's words, both Lin Mu and Qiao Xuebing couldn't help laughing, Tie Zhanshan also blushed and lowered his head.

The expressions of the four people are all very relaxed, and they don't take the upcoming battle into consideration at all.

The four of them talked and laughed all the way until they arrived at the expected destination.

This is a very desolate meadow in the outskirts, usually no one comes, not even a ghost can be seen in the middle of the night.


Zhang Ye saw the two cars ahead with their headlights on, so he immediately stopped the car.

Four people got out of the car, and eight people got out of the two cars on the opposite side.

One of the obvious leaders took a step forward and jumped out of the crowd, with a holy look on his face, as if looking down on all sentient beings, looked at Lin Mu and said: "Those who oppose my god, today I will punish them on behalf of God's will." You, get caught without a fight!"

Lin Mu poked Zhang Ye and said, "What did the bastards say?"

The other party spoke English, but Lin Mu couldn't understand any language except Chinese.

Zhang Ye translated what the man said to Lin Mu, and Lin Mu said: "Tell him that their gods are not free today, let them wipe their necks clean and wait to die!"

Zhang Ye nodded and said the same thing to the other party in English.

"Humble pagans, dare to defy God's will, today I will use your blood to paint the banner of my knight order!" The other person said as if swearing.

Lin Mu got angry when he saw his holy appearance. He was obviously not a good person, but he wanted to pretend to be a saint, and he pretended so much. It would be a fucking pity not to act in a movie.

Just as the two sides were talking, seven or eight commercial vehicles came up behind them, and then more than 60 people got out of the vehicles.

These people are all dressed in uniform, which is the standard combat equipment of ancient western knights, and in each of their hands, they hold two short blades, the same weapons they used to deal with the two barons last time.

Lin Mu glanced at it, and said: "It seems that the people on both sides are all here, don't pretend to be aggressive, if you want to fight, hit quickly, and I have to go back to sleep after the fight?"

The leader was a little strange seeing Lin Mu's indifference, but he was certain to kill Lin Mu. He raised his right hand and said loudly: "Guardians of God, use your actions to Let's wash away these ants that violate God's will!"

Tie Zhanshan couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "What the hell, if you don't fight, I'll come first!"

After speaking, Tie Zhanshan took the lead, and was the first to rush into the camp of six or seventy people behind him.

After Tie Zhanshan rushed out, Zhang Ye and Qiao Xuebing also rushed in.

Lin Mu didn't act together with the three of them. Among the six or seventy people behind, even the two barons were the most powerful.

The really powerful ones are the eight people who came out at the beginning. Among the eight people, the lowest one is a baron, and the leader is even a viscount.He is the most powerful among all of them, and his strength is probably equivalent to the elementary level of the prefecture level.

The leader gestured to the people around him, and the three barons quickly approached the forest.

But before they got to the front of the forest, there was another shout of killing from the surrounding grass, and then more than 40 devil-like existences in black tights rushed out clamoring.

"Shrek family!" The leader recognized the other party's origin at a glance.

Shrek looked at the leader of the opponent, and said: "Hey, we meet again, but this time I'm afraid it will be the last time we meet!"

The leader looked at Shrek, and said contemptuously: "I didn't expect you to cooperate with the Huaxia people, it really embarrasses your ancestors!"

Shrek said: "Whether I lose face or not is my business, and I would rather lose face than lose my life. You don't have to lose face, but today your lives will stay here!"

The leader roared angrily, and said, "If you want my life, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

The leader roared, and also rushed directly at Shrek.

Shrek quickly said to Lin Mu, "Leave Mr. Lin to me, and the others will trouble you!"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay!"

Although Shrek brought more than 30 people, their level was similar to that of the other party's 60 people, but because of the addition of Zhang Ye and his three masters, this gap in numbers could still be made up.

But in terms of masters, Shrek is about the same as the leader. The two butlers brought by Shrek are much stronger than the baron of the opponent, but at most one can fight two, but even so, there are still some left. For the three barons, these can only be handed over to Lin Mu.

The three barons rushed towards Lin Mu, but Lin Mu didn't pay attention to these three people at all.

Nonsense, Lin Mu's strength has completely surpassed the prefecture level, that is, beyond the ability of their Viscount and even the Marquis, and the three baron Lin Mu will still be in his eyes.

Facing the three barons who were quickly attacking him, Lin Shu flicked his fingers continuously.

Then I saw and heard bursts of explosions in the air.

Then in the next moment, blood holes the size of fingers appeared on the foreheads of the three barons.

The three of them fell down in unison, their dying faces were covered with disbelief.

The two sides who were fighting also noticed the movement on Lin Mu's side.

Regarding Lin Mu's performance, the people on both sides were very surprised.Neither the Shrek family, nor the Norman and Roddick families thought that Lin Mu's strength was so powerful that it could be compared to the old antique earl over there. They even thought that the earl It may not be Lin Shu's opponent.

Only the legendary Lord Duke can compete with Lin Shu.But the duke, either died in battle or died of old age, there is no duke anymore.

In other words, if Lin Mu went to the west, then Lin Mu could walk sideways in the Holy See, because no one was his opponent at all.

Lin Mu saw the reactions of both parties and was very satisfied.What Lin Mu did just now was intentionally done for them to see, and it played the role of knocking mountains and shaking tigers.

In fact, the most disturbing thing now is Roddick and the leader of the Norman family.

Because the strength of Lin Mu completely exceeded his expectations, and even exceeded everyone's expectations, he even regretted his decision to take the initiative to ask for a fight this time.

Lin Mu is so strong, even so strong that he doesn't even have the fighting spirit to fight Lin Mu.


The strength of Lin Shu is definitely a good thing for Shrek.And Shrek was also very appropriate, grasping the loophole in the opponent's heart, and directly punched the opponent in the stomach.


The leader was knocked out of the air, and then fell heavily on the ground, making a big hole.

Shrek looked down at the leader, and said with a sinister smile: "I said today will be your death day, now you can pray to your god, see if it can hear you, and then come to save you!"

The leader sat on the ground, completely ignoring Shrek's words, but looked at the trees warily.

Lin Mu really has no interest in how they beat them to death, and Lin Mu doesn't need to fight too much for their nest, as long as he completes the task well.

Everyone is just cooperating temporarily, there is no need to take it too seriously.

Lin Mu didn't even look at him, he turned around and came to the side of the battle group in the melee, to see how Zhang Ye and the others performed in the battle circle.

Shrek was also a little disappointed that Lin Mu didn't help, but now the balance of victory has been tilted to his side, he just expended a little more effort, the result is already doomed if Lin Mu makes a move!

(End of this chapter)

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