Supreme Chef

Chapter 270 You are so nice

Chapter 270 You are so nice

Lin Mu looked at Zhang Ye and the three of them, fighting in and out of the crowd, and nodded involuntarily.

The efforts of the three of them during this period were not in vain. Everyone has improved significantly, especially Qiao Xuebing, who has improved the fastest because of his youth.

The three of them killed Xing Xing one by one in the crowd. For them, this was a very rare opportunity to practice their skills.

Lin Mu watched for a while, and after confirming the situation of the battle, he came to the side and called Shi Jin.

When Shi Jin received Lin Mu's call, he was also in a good mood: "Is everything settled?"

Lin Mu said relaxedly: "Is there anything I can't solve? But when we get to the battlefield, you need to send someone to clean it!"

Shi Jin said: "These are trivial things, but if you keep so many masters of Roddick and the Norman family in China this time, it is tantamount to offending these two families to death. Neither they nor the Holy See will take it easy. Let go of you!"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Could it be that if I let them go this time, can they let me go? Anyway, they won't let me go. Why don't I take this opportunity to get rid of their vital strength?"

Shi Jin said: "I'm just reminding you. These guys in the West have started to clamor again these years. They don't dare to do anything to China, but they have always been eager to do anything to the countries around China. This time, I will teach them a lesson. , can also make them stop for a while."

Lin Mu said: "You big men should worry about such a big matter, I won't waste that brain cell worrying about these things!"

Shi Jin changed the subject and said, "The matter of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, when are you going to leave?"

Lin Mu said: "I'll go over here when the place stabilizes."

Shi Jin said: "Okay, I will send someone to pick you up when you get there."

Seemingly reminded of something, Shi Jin said: "By the way, we have found some news about the Ye family in Jiangnan."

When Lin Mu heard it, he became energetic. Compared with these things, Jiangnan Ye family is what Lin Mu cares most about, because Jiangnan Ye family is a cultivating family. If you can find a place for them to practice, it will definitely be a great thing for Lin Mu. Great news: "What news?"

Shi Jin said: "It's all long-term news, and it's not very useful, but I have asked people to follow up. When there is specific news, I will notify you as soon as possible!"

Lin Mu also knew that this matter should not be rushed. After all, they are an existence that has disappeared for 200 years in the long river of history. It is not so easy to find them.

Lin Mu and Shi Jin chatted for a while, and when Lin Mu hung up the phone, the battle between Shrek and the others also came to an end.

The leader of the other party was punched by Shrek, and his heart was directly shattered, and he fell limply on the ground.

Shrek didn't feel well either, but this victory was of great significance to the entire Shrek family.

Shrek glanced at his two butlers who were also seriously injured, and smiled, and the eyes of those two butlers were also full of excitement.

Being able to solve the two big families at once this time is definitely a major victory for the Shrek family.

And with the victory comes untold benefits, of course the Shrek family doesn't value things like money too much.

What they value is their right to speak in the dark world of the West in the future. One family has solved two families with comparable strength. Not everyone can achieve such a victory.

But his Shrek family has done it, so they will have more right to speak in the future.

Shrek came to Lin Mu, bowed respectfully, and said, "Thank you Mr. Lin for your help!"

Lin Mu waved his hand and said, "No need to thank you, as long as you don't come to China to make trouble again!"

Shrek said: "Mr. Lin, you are joking, we are partners, how could we come to China to make trouble!"

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Now that Roddick and the Norman family have settled, I think our cooperation can also end. As for the share I deserve, after you sort it out, someone will send it to Fuman The building will do!"

Shrek didn't show any embarrassment because of Lin Mu's words, but said: "Although our cooperation has ended, Mr. Lin, I think we can still be friends. What does Mr. Lin think?"

Lin Mudao: "Are you friends? Hehe! I don't know if you have heard an old saying in China, people who are not of our race must have different hearts!"

Shrek nodded, expressing that he had heard it before, then Shrek paused and said, "Even if we can't be friends, I don't want to be enemies with Mr. Lin!"

What Shrek said was the truth, he had already seen Lin Mu's strength.With Lin Mu's strength, if he wanted to destroy his entire Shrek family, they wouldn't even have a chance to resist. Such a terrifying person, even if he couldn't be a friend, he definitely couldn't be an enemy, because to be an enemy with such a person, only One result is a dead end.

Lin Mu looked at Shrek and said, "I hope we are not enemies!"

Shrek also heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Lin Mu's words, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Lin, we will never become enemies."

After Shrek and the others left, there were corpses of Roddick and the Norman family left on the ground.

The dead man Zhang Ye and the three of them had seen a lot, so they didn't feel anything about the dead man at all.

They don't feel the dead, but it doesn't mean they don't feel the improvement of their own strength.

After a scuffle in the same year, all three of them clearly felt that their strength had improved.

This improvement does not mean how much your cultivation has improved.But the improvement of actual combat ability.

At the same time, through such a battle, they almost digested all the understanding they had improved during this period of time.

If in the past they could only display 80.00% of their full strength, then now they can fully display their strength, and even perform beyond the level. This is much more direct than directly improving their cultivation.

When the three of you looked at me and I looked at you, they all saw the palpable excitement in each other's eyes.

Lin Mu looked at the three of them, and said, "Don't look at it, you guys like to spend the night among dead people, but I'm not interested at all."

Tie Zhanshan laughed and said, "I'm not interested in spending the night with these bastards, let's get out!"

When the group of four drove back, they saw a large number of troops entering the area where they were fighting just now.

These people were obviously sent by Shi Jin to do the finishing work, but the four of them ignored them.

After returning to the urban area, the four of them went directly to Cheetah's residence, took a good bath there, and then rested overnight. The next morning, Zhang Ye sent Lin Mu back to Fumanlou.

Although they knew that Lin Mu was fine, Yu Yaqing and Fan Xiaoxiao were quite excited to see Lin Mu come back safely.

Lin Mu briefly told them about the battle last night. Although Lin Mu tried his best to make it as simple as possible, the two girls were still a little thrilled.

Because Fan Xiaoxiao had class tomorrow, she didn't pester Lin Mu to make up for her, but asked Lin Mu to owe it first, and went back to Binhai by herself.

As for Yu Yaqing, Fumanlou is already too busy, and Yu Yaqing has no time to take care of the trees.

Lin Mu, who was bored, could only call Ouyang Yan and asked Ouyang Yan to come out together.

Ouyang Yan also knew that Lin Mu was going to deal with Roddick and the Norman family. After the two met, Ouyang Yan asked questions again.

Lin Mu answered Ouyang Yan's questions one by one.After all, not everyone will be cared by so many people, so Lin Mu cherishes and enjoys this feeling very much.

After talking about Roddick and the Norman family, Ouyang Yan said, "Who did you call someday?"

Lin Mu said: "Why are they begging you to go back to work!"

Ouyang Yan nodded and said: "The director has already called me four or five times, urging me to go back to work, and his tone was so polite that it couldn't be more polite."

These are all expected by Lin Mu. If Shi Jin's words are not effective, then no one in China will be able to say a word for Ouyang Yan.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "A very cunning old fox!"

Ouyang Yan asked curiously: "Who is it?"

Lin Mu smiled mysteriously, and then told Ouyang Yan about Shi Jin's situation.

After Ouyang Yan finished listening, she was surprised to cover her mouth again.

Ouyang Yan never thought that such an existence would speak for a small anchor like herself. No wonder that bastard was directly pushed to the end and even entered the discipline inspection committee.

Lin Mu looked at Ouyang Yan's expression and said with a smile: "It seems that after you go back this time, you can walk sideways on the TV station if you want!"

After hearing this, Ouyang Yan said emotionally, "Thank you!"

Lin Mu took Ouyang Yan's hand, and said, "You gave me the man, shouldn't I help you with some small things? Don't thank me in the future!"

Ouyang Yan nodded movedly.

Lin Mu scratched Ouyang Yan's nose and said, "When are you going to go back!"

Ouyang Yan said: "The urging from the station is quite urgent, and my program can't be put down, so I'm going back with the film crew tonight!"

Lin Mu said: "Let's go tonight, in such a hurry!"

Ouyang Yan glanced at Lin Mu and said, "Why don't I tell the stage to leave tomorrow!"

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Although I can't bear to part with you, I don't want my love for you to become your shackles. If you have something to do, go back first. After you go back, don't forget to practice the exercises I taught you. I will go to Jinghua to see you when I have time!"

Ouyang Yan approached Lin Mu, kissed Lin Mu's face with a 'pop', and said, "You are so kind!"

(End of this chapter)

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