Supreme Chef

Chapter 271 Meeting Su Yao Again

Chapter 271 Meeting Su Yao Again
Lin Mu touched his face and said with a smile, "I always feel that I am very good."

Ouyang Yan rolled her eyes at Lin Mu, and said, "You are so beautiful!"

Lin Mu chuckled and said, "Do you want me to see you off at night?"

Ouyang Yan said: "No, I'll go with the film crew, you don't need to send it!"

Lin Mu said: "Well then, I may go to Miaojiang in two days, and when I come back from Miaojiang, I will visit you!"

Ouyang Yan said: "What are you doing in Miaojiang?"

Lin Mu said: "Something strange happened in Miaojiang, the old fox begged me to help him take a look."

When Ouyang Yan heard this, she immediately became nervous and asked, "Will there be any danger?"

Lin Mu said: "There will definitely be some danger, but it doesn't matter, I should be able to handle it."

Although Lin Mu said that he could handle it, Ouyang Yan was still very nervous and said: "Then you must be careful when you go, if it is really too dangerous, you have to come back immediately!"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't put my life on the line, I will save my life to come back and hug you."

Ouyang Yan gave Lin Mu an angry look, and said, "It's not serious anymore!"

Lin Mu laughed dryly twice, and his big hands were a little dishonest.

Ouyang Yan glanced around and said, "There are people here, be honest!"

Lin Mu looked at Ouyang Yan and said, "Then we'll go upstairs and go back to your room."

Ouyang Yan blushed when she thought of what Lin Mu was going to do back in the room, but she still nodded silently.

Seeing that something was going on, Lin Mu hurried up to the top floor with Ouyang Yan and returned to Ouyang Yan's room.

Back in the room, Lin Mu pressed Ouyang Yan against the wall, followed by a passionate kiss.

Maybe it was because of leaving, Ouyang Yan also responded enthusiastically to Lin Mu.

The two quickly walked from the wall to the bed.And Lin Mu also played his hands up and down, and soon made Ouyang Yan gasping for breath.

At this time, Lin Mu also pulled Ouyang Yan's black lace underwear to her knees.

The black lace panties, against the white stockings, looked so alluring, which made Lin Shu feel a little bit angry.

Then Lin Shu drove straight in, and Ouyang Yan let out a seductive panting.

Then the two stayed on the bed until the evening, and they didn't get up to take a shower until Ouyang Yan had to leave.

"You're really not human! Every time you make my waist sore and my legs hurt!" Ouyang Yan said while lying lazily on the bed, gouging out Lin Mu fiercely.

Lin Mu smirked twice, and said, "I'm not human, I'm a fairy, don't forget."

Ouyang Yan rubbed her sore waist, and said, "No wonder you want to find so many confidante, I really can't bear it by myself."

Lin Mu smirked and patted Ouyang Yan's straight buttocks, and said, "Now you finally understand my hard work!"

Ouyang Yan called out and said, "You are shameless!"

Then the two quarreled for a while, and in the end it was Lin Mu who hugged Ouyang Yan after taking a bath, and helped Ouyang Yan cross two spiritual energy, Ouyang Yan reluctantly got up, and left with the film crew.

After Ouyang Yan left, Lin Mu was in Fumanlou again, helping Yu Yaqing and the three of them to arrange the affairs of Fumanlou.

After all, most of the people who came now came for Lin Mu's reputation, and it wouldn't matter if Lin Mu never showed up.

It took another three days before Lin Mu was ready to leave for Miaojiang.

Of course Yu Yaqing and Fan Xiaoxiao were reluctant to go to such a dangerous place for Lin Mu, but they also knew that Lin Mu had to go, and in the end they could only give thousands of instructions.

Lin Mu pulled the second daughter and said: "Don't worry, you don't know my skills, I'll be fine. On the contrary, you two have to work hard. Sister Qing has already practiced Qi at the ninth level, Xiaoxiao, you are also practicing Qi It’s the eighth floor, and it’s estimated that in another three months, the two of you will be able to build the foundation. I’m going there this time, and I’ll find some elixir to help you refine the foundation-building pill, so that the two of you can build the foundation smoothly , I can also feel at ease!"

Yu Yaqing and Fan Xiaoxiao nodded at the same time, and said, "We will work hard!"

What Lin Mu dislikes the most is this kind of separation scene, so Lin Mu didn't ask the two girls to send him to the airport.

After getting on the plane, Shi Jin called Lin Mu.

Lin Mu picked up the phone and said, "I asked Commander Shi, can we stop urging me, I'm already on the plane."

Shi Jin's tone was serious, and he didn't seem to be joking with Lin Mu at all. He said, "Lin Mu, something happened in Miaojiang, and our people disappeared overnight!"

Lin Mu became more serious when he heard this, and said, "What's going on?"

Shi Jin said: "I don't know the specific situation, I just got this news."

Lin Mu pondered for a moment, and said, "What's the situation over there now?"

Shi Jin said: "The situation over there is very complicated. Originally, I wanted to wait for you to arrive and let us introduce you in detail, but it is obviously impossible now, so I can only tell you."

After a pause, Shi Jin said: "The situation in Miaojiang is the most complicated place in Huaxia. There are not only ancient martial arts sects, but also local people in Miaojiang. It is well known that Miaojiang's folk customs are tough. .

But apart from the folk customs, there are many tribes that we don't know about in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and the strength of these tribes can be underestimated by us, and even the strength of many big tribes is no different from the first-class ancient martial arts sect .And the existence of these big tribes is also the reason why the ancient martial arts sect in Miaojiang did not dare to set foot in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Moreover, Miaojiang's Gu technique is unique in the world, and the Gu technique mastered by these big tribes is the essence of the essence, and the collective disappearance of our people this time, we suspect that those big tribes did it.

Moreover, those tribes have been very active recently, and they seem to be uniting. As for what they are going to do, we don't know yet. "

After finishing speaking, Shi Jin hesitated for a moment, and said, "This time you go there, I'm afraid you can only rely on yourself, and our people may not be able to help you much!"

After listening to Shi Jin's words, Lin Mu rolled his eyes and said, "I didn't expect you to be of any help, but this time it's a good thing, even people are missing!"

Lin Mu was also a little embarrassed when he heard Shi Jin's words, but what Shi Jin said next made Lin Mu dumbfounded: "Instructor Lin, I want to ask you one more thing. When you go there this time, besides looking for the people who are united by those people The purpose, can you help us find out the whereabouts of those we disappeared."

Lin Mu said helplessly: "Not only can your people not help me, but I have to be responsible for finding them back!"

In fact, Shi Jin was a little embarrassed about this, but those people were the elite among the elites, and losing one would be a great loss to the country.

So Shi Jin had no choice but to trouble Lin Mu with this matter: "Instructor Lin can only trouble you with this matter, and you also know that we are short of manpower and have fewer masters, and the masters in Miaojiang are no less than that." The prefecture-level peak is poor, so..."

Lin Mu said: "Okay, I understand, I will pay attention to the movements of your people."

Shi Jin said: "I will trouble you, Instructor Lin!"

Lin Mu said: "Come on, don't talk about it, anyway, I'm not helping you in vain, just prepare what I need, and Zhang Ye may enter the prefecture level at any time, so you should also prepare the medicinal materials he needs in advance , Tie Zhanshan is expected to enter the prefecture level within a year, you should also prepare in advance."

The past two days have bothered Shi Jin. Lin Mu finally brought him two pieces of good news. Shi Jin said pleasantly, "Zhang Ye is really going to enter the prefecture level?"

Lin Mudao: "Do I need to lie to you about this? I just want to inform you in advance, so that you can prepare for it, so that when Zhang Ye enters the prefecture level, he will need to stabilize his cultivation and have no elixir!"

Shi Jinxi said: "Good! Good! I'll have someone prepare the spirit grass now!"

What a real prefecture-level master means to Shi Jin, he is too clear.

Once a real prefecture-level master appeared in Longteng, and he still belonged to the country, it meant that these ancient martial arts sects would have to be more cautious in raising conditions with the country in the future.

Lin Mu gave a few more instructions about the panacea he needed, and hung up the phone.

Five hours later, Lin Shu entered the territory of Miao Jiang.

Outsiders are used to calling this place Miaojiang, but locals are used to calling it Nanjiang. As for why, no one knows. Maybe they think it is an insult to put their own clan name first.

The customs and customs here in Miaojiang are very simple and simple, and many places still retain the customs of the past.

Walking here will make you forget the hustle and bustle of the city, and at the same time forget the troubles of the city.

The place where Lin Shu is at this time is a city of some size in Miaojiang, but the city here is completely different from the city. You can rarely see high-rise buildings here, and most of the buildings are made of bamboo. into.

It is also very pleasant to shuttle among the trees in the barrel building made of bamboo.

He found a random hotel to rest for a day, and early the next morning, Lin Mu was going to go to Shiwanda Mountain alone.

But as soon as Lin Mu left this small village, he saw an acquaintance - Su Yao.

Lin Mu looked at Su Yao's back, and whispered to himself, "Why did she come here?"

(End of this chapter)

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