Supreme Chef

Chapter 272 1 Formations

Chapter 272 A Formation

Lin Mu glanced at Su Yao's direction, which seemed to be in the same direction as her own. After thinking for a while, Lin Mu also followed.

Regarding the legend of Shiwan Dashan, Lin Mu has heard too much no matter where it is, and Lin Mu is also very careful about this mysterious place that exists in all three interfaces.

Especially when Lin Mu knew that among the [-] mountains, there was an existence comparable to him, which made Lin Mu more careful.

Following Su Yao, the two soon arrived within the range of Shiwan Dashan.

The so-called one hundred thousand mountains does not mean that there are really as many as one hundred thousand mountains, but because there are many mountains here one after another.It seems endless.

After Su Yao came here, she didn't hesitate at all, but went directly into the mountain.

Lin Mu frowned slightly as he watched Su Yao enter the mountain.

Lin Mu really couldn't understand why Su Yao came here, although Lin Mu knew that Su Yao might be a saint.

But Lin Mu doesn't think that the saint is synonymous with a good thing, or in Lin Mu's view, it seems more likely that Su Yao, the saint, is a sacrifice.

What's more, Lin Mu looked at Su Yao's appearance. That evil force has not yet reached the verge of explosion. There is no need for Su Yao to come here.

Seeing Su Yao's figure disappear into the mountains, Lin Mu also followed.

Following Su Yao into the mountains, Lin Mu found that Su Yao seemed to be very familiar with this place, which made Lin Mu even more confused.

Lin Mu followed Su Yao for about ten kilometers. Su Yao's speed did not slow down at all, which made Lin Mu doubt his judgment just now.

A weak woman can keep moving like this for ten kilometers without resting. Could it be that the strength in her body has recovered, but this seems unlikely.

"A formation!"

Seeing the place where Su Yao stayed, Lin Mu couldn't help saying to himself in surprise.

This is indeed a formation, although it is only a first-level formation, which is the lowest existence among the formations, but it is indeed a real formation, and it can be seen that this formation should be a sect's mountain protection formation .

Su Yao came to the front of this formation, but also stopped, and did not continue to move forward.

Lin Mu is behind, looking at Su Yao standing in front of the formation, wondering what Su Yao is going to do.

After about 10 minutes, the formation suddenly fluctuated, and then three junior masters of the yellow level appeared in front of Su Yao.

Seeing these three people, Lin Mu has already determined that this is an ancient martial arts sect without a doubt, but he doesn't know what sect it is and how powerful it is.

When the three of them saw Su Yao, their eyes lit up. After all, Su Yao is a rare beauty, and besides the bright eyes, Lin Mu also saw a very obscure obscenity from the eyes of the three of them.

"Who are you? Why did you come to my territory of the Five Poison Sect!" One of the three, who was obviously the leader, looked at Su Yao on the opposite side and asked vigilantly.

Although Su Yao is a beautiful woman, the three of them are not mentally retarded enough to directly attack Su Yao without knowing what this beautiful woman is here for.

Su Yao was awakened suddenly by the three people's shouting, and then looked around blankly. Then Su Yao felt dizzy for a while, and then her eyes went dark, and she fell down slowly.

Su Yao fainted suddenly, which made the three people on the opposite side at a loss.The three of them didn't know what happened to Su Yao.

After about a minute, the three of them began to discuss when they saw that Su Yao still hadn't woken up.

"Brother, it seems that this chick must have lost her way."

The person known as the big brother nodded when he heard his junior brother's analysis, and said: "It should be like this. She must have lost her way when she came to our place, and then fainted from exhaustion!"

Hearing what his senior brother said, the two junior brothers nodded vigorously.

After a while, another junior brother spoke and said, "Senior brother, since this little girl fainted in front of us, do you think we should help her?"

As soon as this man's words came out, the other two people looked at each other and looked at Su Yao on the ground, all of them burst into obscene smiles.

Lin Mu looked at the three people smiling lewdly there, and said disdainfully, "What a bunch of rubbish!"

"Let go of her!"

Just when the three of them were about to move Su Yao into the mountain gate, Lin Mu suddenly appeared and said coldly.

The three of them glanced at Lin Mu, and the leading brother said disdainfully: "This is not the place you should come to. This young lady has fainted. We are going to save her. You should leave quickly. Don't waste your life here. !"

Lin Mu looked at the three rubbish, and said coldly, "I really don't know how there are scum like you in the ancient martial arts world."

Hearing Lin Mu mentioned the ancient martial arts world, the three of them became vigilant. The senior brother looked at Lin Mu vigilantly and said, "Are you a friend of that sect?"

Lin Mudao: "I have no family or sect, I just can't understand you three trash!"

The three of them were relieved to hear that Lin Mu had no family or sect.If Lin Mu really came from some sect, the three of them really dare not do anything to Lin Mu, but since Lin Mu has no sect, then they will not be polite to Lin Mu.

The senior brother looked at Lin Shu, his expression returned to the contemptuous look he had just had, and he said: "My friend, we are both in the ancient martial arts world, and I don't want to make it difficult for you. You can go, you can't control the affairs here, and I am not a member of the Five Poison Sect." You deserve to be offended."

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "I'll take care of this matter today. As for your Five Poison Sect, to be honest, I really don't pay much attention to it."

"I see you looking for death!"

The senior brother yelled angrily, jumped up high, swooped down, and rushed towards the tree. At the same time, with a throw of both hands, a cloud of colorful poisonous powder flew towards the tree.

"No wonder it's called the Five Poisons Sect. It seems that your sect is not a good one!" Lin Mu looked at his senior brother in the air and said coldly.

"Go to hell!" Seeing that the poisonous powder was about to cover Lin Mu's body, the senior brother also roared.

Looking at the senior brother, Lin Mu just sneered, and then waved his palm, and a spiritual energy waved out.

The aura formed a wind wall in the air, blowing all the poisonous powder back.


The poisonous powder suddenly counterattacked, and the senior brother had no time to react, his whole body was directly covered by the poisonous powder, and then the senior brother's body fell to the ground, letting out a series of screams.

The poisonous powder is very toxic, it only took half a minute to corrode the skin on the brother's body, leaving no good place.

Soon the senior brother stopped moving, and then the senior brother's body turned into a pile of white bones at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The people from the Five Poison Sect may have watched too much. It was the first time that others had turned into bones, and it was the first time to see their own turned into bones. The two juniors were dumbfounded on the spot.

" actually killed my genius disciple of the Five Poison Sect, you are dead!" After a while, one of them said through gritted teeth.

Lin Mu looked at the two of them coldly, and said, "I don't know if I will die or not, but if you don't get out now, I guarantee you will die!"

Looking at Lin Mu's cold eyes, the two were too frightened to make a sound, so they turned around and ran away.

Lin Mu didn't even look at the two fleeing people, but came to Su Yao, hugged Su Yao, turned and left the Five Poison Gate.

Lin Mu had already used his spiritual sense to investigate. Su Yao had indeed fainted, not a fake, but Lin Mu didn't know the reason for the fainting.

Just as Lin Mu left the door of Wudumen with Su Yao in his arms, the two disciples rushed out of the door with a group of people.

"Man! Who killed my genius disciple of the Five Poison Sect!" An old man with a beard and hair and a red face came to the mountain gate and roared loudly.

"What about people?"

Before seeing the mountain gate, there was nothing but a pile of bones of his own disciple, and the old man also grabbed the disciple who would report the letter in the future and arrested him.

The disciple glanced at it and said tremblingly, "I... I don't know, was he still here just now?"

Angrily, the old man threw the disciple to the ground, then raised his head to the sky and screamed, and said: "No matter who kills my disciple, I will never end with him. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will arrest you!" Live in pieces!"

(End of this chapter)

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