Supreme Chef

Chapter 273 Blocking

Chapter 273 Blocking
Lin Mu couldn't hear what the old man was shouting here, because at this time Lin Mu, holding Su Yao in his arms, had already moved away from the Five Poisons Gate.

Among the [-] mountains, there are many kinds of natural caves.Lin Mu found a dry cave and put Su Yao on the ground. Lin Mu didn't wake Su Yao up immediately, but waited for her to wake up by herself.

Because Lin Mu felt that Su Yao's dizziness was a bit too sudden, and Lin Mu didn't want to wake Su Yao up rashly.

Lin Mu waited for about three to ten minutes in the cave, and Su Yao slowly woke up.

After Su Yao got up, she looked at the strange things around her, shook her head slightly, and said, "where am I?"

Lin Mu said: "One Hundred Thousand Mountains!"

Su Yao was startled when she heard Lin Mu's words suddenly. After Su Yao saw clearly that it was Lin Mu, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After calming down, Su Yao said, "Why am I here?"

Lin Mudao: "This question is also what I want to ask you, why are you here?"

Su Yao thought hard for a long time, but finally she had a headache and couldn't figure out why she came here.

Su Yao shook her head in pain and said, "I really can't remember why I came here."

Lin Mu knows that Su Yao is not lying, but there are some things that Lin Mu still needs to know: "did you meet any strange people or strange things before you came here?"

Su Yao thought about it seriously for a long time again, and said: "the only thing I can remember now is that I met a very strange person three days ago. He said that he was my father's friend. Except for this, the rest I don't know Can't remember!"

Lin Mu said: "So, he is also from the Hundred Thousand Mountains?"

Su Yao shook her head slightly and said: "I can't confirm it, but now that I think about it, he should come from Shiwan Dashan, but I don't know why he brought me here."

Lin Mu said: "You will know this only when you catch him."

Su Yao looked at Lin Mu suspiciously and said, "Can you catch him?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "I might not be able to catch him just now, but now I should be [-]% sure of catching him."

Su Yao asked, "how to catch?"

Lin Mudao: "If my prediction is correct, that person should have planted a Gu in your body, and he should use the Gu to control you to come here. I just need to force the Gu out of your body, and you I can find him with Gu worms."

"Damn Gu?" Although Su Yao is from southern Xinjiang, Su Yao really doesn't know much about the things in southern Xinjiang. After all, she grew up in the city since she was a child. She really doesn't know about these things. .

Lin Mu said: "It's okay, I'll help you force the Gu worms out now, hand me your hand!"

"it is good!"

Su Yao nodded and passed her hand.

Lin Mu put his fingers on Su Yao's wrist, and a spirit flowed along Su Yao's veins and flowed directly in Su Yao's body.

Basically, without much effort, Lin Mu found the Gu who manipulated Su Yao.

Looking at this colorful Gu worm, with a slight movement of Lin Shu's aura, it wrapped the Gu worm, leaving it no room to resist.

Manipulating his own aura, Lin Mu directly brought the Gu worms to Su Yao's body.

Su Yao looked at the colorful Gu worm in the air, and her eyes widened: "This is the Gu worm in my body?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "This is the Gu worm that manipulated you to come here."

Su Yao said: "then how can you find the person who tricked me with this little thing?"

Lin Mudao: "Although I don't understand the Gu art, I still know the principle. There must be a direct connection between the Gu art and the performer, and even if the Gu art is put into other people's bodies, this connection It will not be interrupted, so I can rely on this connection to find the person who cast the Gu!"

Su Yao didn't quite understand what Lin Mu said, but she believed that Lin Mu could do it, but now Su Yao was confused about what to do, so Su Yao asked, "then what should I do now? "

Lin Mu thought for a while, and said, "You have two choices now, the first is to go home by yourself, or the second is to call your father and ask him to pick you up."

Su Yao thought for a while and said, "forget it, I'd better go back by myself. I don't want my dad to worry."

Lin Mu said: "Okay! I'll take you to the plane."

Su Yao shook her head and said, "I know you have important things to do here, so I won't delay you. I can go back alone."

Lin Mu looked at Su Yao and said, "Can you really do it by yourself?"

Su Yao nodded and said, "I can, I will be very careful!"

Lin Mu also nodded, and said: "Okay then, you should be careful when you go back. This is Southern Xinjiang, not our Binhai. You'd better not talk to anyone and go home immediately."

Su Yao said, "I will!"

Finally, Lin Mu sent Su Yao to the exit of Shiwan Dashan. Seeing Su Yao go far, Lin Mu returned to Shiwan Dashan again.

What Lin Mu didn't know was that because of the death of that genius disciple, the people from the Five Poison Sect had already issued an order to kill Lin Mu, and hundreds of disciples from the Five Poison Sect were looking for Lin Mu in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Lin Mu doesn't know how the Five Poison Sect is, but he is very interested in seeing the person who put a Gu on Su Yao.

Lin Mu also wants to know why he put a Gu on Su Yao, and why he manipulated Su Yao to come here, and by coincidence, he came to the Five Poison Gate.

Lin Mu took out the dormant Gu worm that had been made by himself, and then stimulated it with a burst of spiritual energy to revive it, then Lin Mu made a mark of spiritual consciousness on the Gu worm, and then wiped the Gu worm. The worm was let go.

Once a Gu worm leaves the human body, it will look for its original master. Of course, unless its master is dead, otherwise, it will definitely find its own master.

Seeing the little Gu worm disappear in front of his eyes, Lin Mu quickly followed.

Gu worms are extremely fast, but Lin Shu can still catch up.

Following the Gu worms, he wandered around the [-] mountains for a long time. Just when Lin Mu was about to continue chasing him, his path was suddenly blocked by a group of people.

Looking at the other party's clothes, Lin Mu knew that the enemy was coming, and these people were all from the Five Poison Sect.

"Are you the one who killed my genius disciple of the Five Poison Sect?" One of the group asked sharply.

Lin Mu said: "I know that you still ask, good dogs don't block the way, the young master has something to do today, so I don't have time to play with you."

"Hmph! You're still stubborn when you're about to die. It's unlucky for you to meet us today!" The man just said with a cold snort.

Lin Mu bit his head and said: "Since you are here to die, you can't blame me, you go together, it will save me trouble!"

"court death!"

The man let out a loud shout just now, and rushed towards the tree with a stride. At the same time, he stretched out his colorful palm, which had been soaked in the venom for an unknown amount of time, and grabbed the heart of the tree.

"Hmph! Heresy!" Lin Mu said with a cold snort.

In fact, Lin Mu doesn't look down on the use of poison. On the contrary, Lin Mu knows many masters of poison use in the fairy world.

In comparison, the poisons used by the Five Poisons Sect are really too childish, and they are indeed heresy, and they are inferior.

Lin Mu looked at the palm protruding from the opponent, and took one directly.

"not good!"

The man yelled, but it was too late.

Where the wind blade passed, the palm was cut off by the roots!
After meeting each other, Lin Mu cut off the wrist of a mysterious master on his side by Qi Gen.

The Xuan-level master whose wrist had been cut off, clutched his Qi Gen's broken arm, screaming again and again.

And the people from the Five Poison Sect behind him were all terrified and silent, not daring to move a step.

All the masters on my side had their wrists cut off with one move, and these people like myself are not as good as the leader, whoever dares to move, is either looking for death or something.

The man with the broken wrist took out a large handful of colorful powder from nowhere, and sprinkled it all on his wrist.

The powder was sprinkled on the wrist, and the blood on the wrist stopped instantly.

Raising his head, the man stared at Lin Shu with blood-red eyes, and roared angrily: "Today I will definitely kill you!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed towards Lin Shu again, and the colorful poisonous powder in his hand swayed towards Lin Shu as if he didn't want money.

The few people behind were not idle either. One of them picked up a loud arrow and shot it into the sky. The loud arrow made a burst of noise in the air, obviously signaling to the people nearby.

This method of transmitting signals in the mountains is much more reliable than mobile phones, which are basically no different from bricks in the mountains.

Seeing the signal from the other party, Lin Mu was not afraid at all.

Seeing the opponent's poisonous powder rushing towards his face, Lin Mu raised his hand to create another wind wall.

The wind wall blocked all the poisonous powder, and it also blew the people behind him.

They are very clear about the poisonous fans of their own sect. Seeing the poisonous powders counterattack, a few of them turned around and ran away without even thinking about it. However, no matter how fast they were, how could they pass the wind wall so fast .

So almost in an instant, the bodies of the group of people were all pierced by the wind wall. Of course, the poison powder was not wasted, and it all fell on them.



The poisonous powder corroded the body and their screams resounded throughout the valley.

But soon the screams disappeared, and there was another pile of bones on the ground.

Lin Mu didn't even look at the bones, and continued to chase them in the direction of the Gu worms.

Fortunately, I just marked the Gu worm with a spiritual consciousness, otherwise, I would have let this little guy run away.

Not long after Lin Mu left, people from the Five Poison Sect rushed over.

Seeing that there was another pile of white bones on the ground, the old man from the Five Poison Sect was so angry that he smashed the boulder beside him into powder with his palm.

"This old man and you are inseparable! Ah!" The old man looked up to the sky and let out a long and angry howl.

(End of this chapter)

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