Supreme Chef

Chapter 277

Chapter 277
Those who can become the head of a faction are not simple people, such trivial things as inspiring people are basically a piece of cake for these heads.

Sure enough, as soon as the head of Meng's words fell, the people below immediately responded passionately.

This kind of method, although the several heads above know it and will use it, but it is a pity that they are the ones who are leading now.

The head of the Five Poisons Sect looked at the passionate crowd below, and he could only be reluctant, cupped his hands and said gratefully: "Thank you, the head of Mengmeng, for your great help. I, the top and bottom of the Five Poisons Sect, are very grateful!"

Lin Mu looked as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly. The head of the Five Poison Sect really didn't know what was going on in their heads. His own sect was in jeopardy. At this time, he still had the time to fight for power. Really fucking excellent.

The head of Meng didn't care about these things, but turned to Lin Mu and said, "Instructor Lin, please come with us and fight for us!"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay!"

Although the relationship between Lin Mu and Shi Jin is just a transaction, Lin Mu is a very reliable person. As long as it is something he promised, he will do it well. Excellent value for money.

Seeing that Lin Mu agreed, the head of Meng became more confident, and waved his hand: "Let's go!"

Under the leadership of Mengmengmen, a group of people marched in the direction of the Five Poisonsmen.

Lin Mu and the other seven heads walked in the front. The head of the Five Poisons Sect found an opportunity to come to Lin Mu and said, "Thank you, Instructor Lin, for helping me ignore the past and helping me with the Five Poisons Sect. I represent my Five Poisons Sect." All the disciples and elders of the Poison Sect are grateful, and Instructor Lin's righteous act!"

Lin Mu knew that the elder of the Five Poisons Sect wanted to resolve the conflict with him, but to be honest, Lin Mu really didn't take that conflict to heart, and now that the enemy is in front of him, Lin Mu will not be so stupid as to eliminate his vital forces .

Looking at the head of the Five Poison Sect, Lin Mu had to sigh again for his superb quality.

Lin Mu really didn't know what he was thinking, first he didn't care about the sect, thinking about how to fight for power, and then he didn't care about the sect again, but took the initiative to show his favor to himself.

Lin Mu really didn't know, in his mind as the head of the sect, what position did the disciples under his sect occupy, or in other words, the head of the sect didn't care about those disciples at all.

Seeing that Lin Mu ignored him, the head of the Five Poison Sect didn't continue to make fun of himself.

Although it is nearly [-] kilometers away from the Five Poison Sect's residence, everyone is an ancient martial arts practitioner. When the ancient martial arts practitioners are advancing at full speed, they are not much slower than a car.

Three or ten minutes later, everyone saw in the distance the coalition forces of the big tribes in southern Xinjiang who were attacking the Wudumen Mountain Gate.

Looking from a distance, the first-level formation of the Five Poison Sect is already on the verge of collapse. As long as there is another round of attack, the mountain gate will undoubtedly be broken.

As for the disciples of the Five Poison Sect within the protection of the formation, they all looked outside nervously.

On weekdays, they often enter and leave this formation and don't feel anything, but today's crumbling formation is their last protective barrier. If they don't even have this formation, then they really have nothing, waiting for them , I am afraid there will only be violent bloodbath!

Seeing the miserable appearance of his sect, the head of the Five Poison Sect finally had the normal reaction that a head should have.

"Whoever offends my Five Poison Sect will die!" The head of the Five Poison Sect yelled, and then, like a cannonball, he shot directly at the coalition forces of the southern border tribes.

As soon as the head of the Five Poison Sect rushed into the enemy camp, he waved a large cloud of poisonous powder down.

Immediately, countless southern Xinjiang tribe warriors screamed, and their bodies were corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The other members of the Five Poison Sect, seeing the head rushing up, roared angrily and rushed up one by one.

"For the Five Poisons Sect! For the homeland we live in, everyone rush with me!" The head of Mengmeng raised his arms and rushed over.

With the joining of the coalition forces of the seven sects, the originally precarious mountain defense formation was immediately strengthened.

After a round of impact, the coalition forces of the five tribes were directly torn open.

The head of the Five Poison Sect led the people to rush to the front of his sect's mountain guard formation, and with a wave of his hand, the formation was opened directly. The head of the Five Poison Sect turned around and shouted at the crowd behind him, saying: "The disciples of the Five Poison Sect obey the order, and everyone will go all out to meet the enemy, and drive these barbarians who dare to attack my attention of the Five Poison Sect out of Southern Border!"


The remaining dozens of disciples in the door roared when they saw the reinforcements coming, and rushed out.

Although the coalition forces of the five major tribes are tough, they are still fundamentally different from ancient martial arts practitioners.

Practitioners of ancient martial arts have systematic exercises. These tribes in southern Xinjiang have systematic training methods in Gu art, but they really don't have systematic methods in terms of exercises.

They are just born with a strong physique, coupled with the perennial intrusion Gu, they are somewhat immune to the true energy of the ancient martial arts practitioners. If it is a real confrontation, the natives of these tribes are still worse than the ancient martial arts practitioners.

The seven sect masters united with the elders of the subordinate sects, took the lead, and opened up the room. Countless southern border natives fell down, and those who did not die were stabbed by the disciples rushing up from behind, completely ending their lives.

"We are the real masters of Southern Border. You outsiders deserve to get out!" An old man with a naked upper body and strong muscles jumped out of the crowd in Southern Border and said coldly.

"Thousands of years ago, we both made an agreement. You occupy the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and we only need the outer periphery of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. The two parties agreed that the well water will not interfere with the river water. Why did you break the contract first!" Mengmengmen, as the leader, At this time, he naturally wants to stand up and speak for the people on his side.

The old man in southern Xinjiang sneered, and said: "Southern Xinjiang has been the territory of our major tribes for generations. You foreigners have occupied a large area of ​​our resources, and you also hope to educate our people and let them serve you. Efficacy, like yours.

If we don't know how to resist, maybe in a few hundred years, southern Xinjiang will completely become your territory.Don't think that we are all fools and don't know what your calculations are! "

Mengmeng said: "We have never thought of this before, we only hope to live a stable life in southern Xinjiang, and never thought of dominating here."

The old man smiled coldly and said, "Master Meng, you may not have such an idea, but what about the other nine of you? Don't they have such an idea? Don't say you don't know, Master Meng, they did it secretly. What?"

The head of Meng opened his mouth, really not knowing what to say.

It is true that her sect did not have such an idea, but she also knew a little about what the remaining nine sects were doing behind the scenes.

These people have long wanted to monopolize southern Xinjiang, and the head of Meng just didn't talk about the things they did behind their backs, but it didn't mean she didn't know.

The old man looked at Mengmengmen and said, "Mengmengmen has nothing to say, right?"

The head of Meng hesitated for a moment, and said: "Even if we did something that violated the contract, we should not be guilty of death. And what you have done, I am afraid that you are not just plotting the whole southern border, right?"

The old man didn't hide anything. He chuckled and said, "It's true that we're not just plotting the entire southern border. We want you Han people to experience the pain we suffered back then."

The head of the Five Poison Sect took a step forward and said angrily: "Just because you want to point your sword at the world, today we will remove you from Southern Xinjiang forever!"

The old man looked at the head of the Five Poison Sect with a sneer, and said, "Just because you still want us to be expelled from Southern Xinjiang, that's really shameless. Today we will let your Five Poison Sect be completely expelled!"

"The Erlangs in southern Xinjiang, they occupied our land and robbed your resources. What should we do for our homeland?" The old man raised his arms and his voice rolled down like thunder.


The children of the tribe behind the old man raised all kinds of weapons in their hands, including boning knives, big knives, and even white animal bones. They looked like barbarians, but this made them look more Some momentum.

"Give me the one from the Five Poisons Sect, and kill these bastards!" The head of the Five Poisons Sect also roared, and was the first to charge forward.

The old man smiled contemptuously, and also took the initiative to meet the head of the Five Poison Sect.

The old man's age should be about the same as the head of the Five Poison Sect, but his body and movements are much faster than the head of the Five Poison Sect.

Moreover, the Gu worms and Gu techniques on the old man emerged endlessly, which caught the head of the Five Poison Sect by surprise.

Although the Five Poison Sect is good at using poison, these tribes in southern Xinjiang are also good at using poison, and in terms of poison use, they are even better than the Five Poison Sect.

The fight between the two was lively, and the people below were not idle, and they also found their own opponents.

Lin Mu stood behind everyone and didn't make a move, and these people in Southern Xinjiang seemed to know that Lin Mu was powerful, and no one dared to come within five meters of Lin Mu.

I really don't know much about Gu Shu trees, but this time I have seen all the trees.

People from the tribes in the southern border, all kinds of voodoo techniques emerged one after another, and the voodoo techniques they used completely broke Lin Mu's past thoughts.

In their hands, the Gu technique has become a powerful weapon for killing people. Once the Gu insect enters the body, it will instantly enter the opponent's heart veins, and then directly bite the heart veins, killing people in an instant.

Moreover, Nanjiang is also extremely clever in using poison.

Gu technique plus poison technique, combined with their strong body and fearless fighting style.

Although they are slightly inferior in number, on the scene, the two sides are evenly matched, and no one can really gain the upper hand for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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