Supreme Chef

Chapter 278 Gu King

Chapter 278 Gu King
People on both sides fought lively, and from time to time some people screamed. In this kind of melee, basically there is no such thing as injury, because once injured, it means death, so everyone is very desperate, because They don't want to get hurt, and getting hurt means death to them, so they would rather die in battle than get hurt.

"Hmph!" Lin Shu, who was standing quietly at the back, suddenly let out a cold snort, and then heard a sound like glass breaking in the air.

"Boom boom boom!"

After a series of sounds, three colorful liquids and powders appeared three meters in front of Lin Mu.

This is someone using Gu insects to sneak attack Lin Shu, but Lin Mu discovered it.


The three Gu worms burst, and blood was immediately sprayed out of the crowd in the melee.

The people on Mengmengmen's side saw someone spitting blood, so they immediately stepped forward to pick up the leak.

However, as soon as the people on the side of the ancient martial arts world moved, the people around that person immediately protected him in the middle, preventing the people from the ancient martial arts world from taking advantage of them.

Seeing that there was no chance, the people from the ancient martial arts circle also retreated decisively, and continued to look at other people who deal with the Nanjiang office.

However, these southern border warriors could scare the people from the ancient martial arts world, but they couldn't scare Lin Mu.

Lin Mu's heart is not too happy to be attacked by someone, and Lin Mu is not a person who likes to be bored and suffer.

Lin Shu strode through the fighting crowd, and no one could get close to Lin Shu.

And along the way Lin Shu walked, countless Gu worms and poisonous powder were either broken or blocked by the wind wall brought up by Lin Shu's walking. Powder kills.

In short, along the way, at least dozens of people were overthrown by Lin Shu.


Seeing Lin Mu approaching the person he wanted to protect, the dozen or so people around them all roared and rushed towards Lin Mu.

These dozen or so bare-chested aborigines brandished the boning knives in their hands and rushed towards the forest without fear of death.

These dozen or so people might be a bit lethal to ordinary people, but to Lin Mu.These dozen or so people are not lethal to him at all.

For these people who rushed to his side, Lin Mu didn't even bother to waste his spiritual energy.

Facing the person in front, he raised his foot and kicked him out.

Lin Mu kicked the first person in the stomach.

That person didn't even have time to scream, and was kicked out of the air.


His body flew in mid-air, knocking out the two people behind him.

The bodies of the three people rolled into a ball on the ground, while the second wave of people rushed up bravely.


For the second wave of people, Lin Mu also gave them a kick.

Two feet overturned six people, and the rest of them looked at each other and knew that Lin Mu was an expert, but obviously the person they wanted to protect had an extraordinary status, and they absolutely could not afford to lose. Although they knew that Lin Mu was powerful, they Still rushed up desperately.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "There are people who are not afraid of death, so don't blame me!"

Lin Mu also made a stride, directly entering the crowd.

Four or five people are nothing to Lin Mu.With three punches and two kicks, Lin Mu turned everyone over.

Lin Mu came to the man, looked at the man's naked upper body, and said, "Didn't your lord tell you that you can't mess with me?"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he raised his hand and slapped him across the face.

"you dare!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout, which came from behind Lin Mu, and then he saw an old man with his long hair wrapped around his body and wearing animal skins, yelling and jumping down from the sky.

However, the old man's words did not stop Lin Mu from attacking.


Lin Mu slapped him down and sent that person flying four or five meters away, with all his teeth scattered on the ground.

What is looking for teeth all over the place, the young master now looks like looking for teeth everywhere.

"court death!"

The old man shouted angrily, raised the mace in his hand high, and chopped off the head.

The mace has sharp barbs all over its body, and each barb, against the backdrop of the moonlight and fire, emits a black light. It is obvious that this is a tree that has been infected by countless venom and poison powder. Poisonous thing.

And not only that, the old man's cultivation base is not low, which is equivalent to the middle level of the prefecture level. If his superb Gu technique is added, even a high-level master of the prefecture level may not be his opponent.

But this is not enough to hurt the trees.

Although the old man was condescending and came with the aura of mortal death, in Lin Shu's eyes, the old man's body was full of loopholes.

Lin Mu shook his head, stepped on the ground with his feet, and instantly soared to a position higher than the old man.


Lin Mu looked at the old man under him, laughed dryly, and stepped down directly.

Lin Mu moved so fast that the old man didn't even have time to react. When he did, Lin Mu had already stepped on the top of his head.


Being trampled underfoot made the old man almost go crazy.The mace in his hand swung directly upwards.

Seeing that the mace was about to hit Lin Mu's ankle, Lin Mu stepped on the sole of his foot, and directly stepped on the old man like a football.


The old man's body was nailed to the ground like a nail, and his feet were deeply sunk in the mud.

"Three-inch nails? It's pretty good!" Lin Shu fell to the ground, looked at the old man nailed into the soil by himself, and said with a smile.


The old man let out a wild roar, and slapped his palms heavily on the ground. The surrounding soil was crushed by the old man's palm, and the old man's body rushed out of the soil following this blow.

"I, Ma San, swear to Lord God today that I will definitely kill you today!" The old man named Ma San tore off his long hair and roared to the sky.

"Ma San! Are you sure that your name was given to you by your father, if it was really given to you by your father, then your father's name is too casual!" Lin Mu said jokingly.


The old man yelled again, and opened his mouth to spray, a long and ugly Gu worm rushed out of the old man's mouth.

As soon as the old man's Gu worm came out, the surrounding Gu worms all let out low noises, as if they were afraid of it.

"This is the Gu king that I have raised with blood essence for 50 years. I will use you to operate on him today!" Mentioning the Gu king he raised, Ma San's face was extremely proud.

Ma San's Gu King is indeed the most proud of him.

Ma San spent a lot of hard work and suffered a lot for this Gu king.

Even in order to raise this Gu King, Ma San has raised it with his boy's essence and blood since he was a child, and this raising has lasted for 50 years, with constant wind and rain for 50 years. For it, Ma San has given half of his life .

And if it weren't for it, Ma San might already have the strength comparable to the peak of the prefecture level by now.

As soon as the Gu king came out, Ma San immediately controlled the Gu king to rush towards the forest.

Lin Mu looked at this extremely ugly Gu King, and his face was a bit serious.

The Gu king is indeed different from so many Gu insects that Lin Mu has seen, or this Gu king has somewhat broken away from the concept of Gu, it is already somewhat close to an evil spirit, and it is still a real evil spirit.

There are two types of evil spirits, one is the existence similar to the Japanese Shikigami, and the other is the evil spirits cultivated with Gu or other evil things.

These two kinds of existence, because they are both very evil, are called evil spirits.

As for the power between the two, it can only be said that each has its own strengths. If one has to distinguish between high and low, then the Gu King Lin Mu saw at this time should be much more powerful than those shikigami he has seen.

Although the size of the Gu King is not comparable to Shikigami, Lin Mu cannot underestimate the power of the Gu King.

Although Lin Mu didn't know the specific powerful methods of this Gu King, but Lin Mu had to pay attention to it.

Seeing Lin Mu's dignified expression, Ma San was also very proud, and said, "Now I know I'm afraid, but it's too late, you just wait until you become my Gu King's food!"

After finishing speaking, Ma San laughed wildly, and sent a message to Gu King to destroy the forest.

Gu King's speed was extremely fast, almost reaching Lin Mu in the blink of an eye.

Lin Mu looked at the Gu King, but he didn't dare to let him approach easily.

Lin Mu's body dodged, dodging Gu King's first attack.

However, Gu King's body is very small, which makes it very easy to move around.

The first attack missed, Gu King's body turned in the air, and he attacked Lin Shu again.

Lin Mu's speed is already fast enough, but Gu King's speed is not even half a point slower than Lin Mu's. Even because of his size, Gu King has some advantages in speed.


The Gu king let out a piercing scream, and then all the Gu insects around heard the Gu king's cry, and immediately responded to the Gu king.

Then all the Gu worms rushed towards the trees desperately, as if they were going to drown the trees.

Seeing these various Gu insects rushing up, Lin Mu didn't dare to keep it, and directly released his own foundation building fire.

Flame is the best weapon to kill Gu worms, especially this kind of flame full of aura, it is the biggest nemesis of these evil things.

"Crack! Crack!"

The Gu worm rushed into the flames, making a sound like firecrackers.

"Inner gas turns into fire!" Ma San looked at the flames in front of Lin Mu and said in shock.

"Heaven! It's still beyond the sky!"

Ma San's brain was spinning rapidly.

It's not that I haven't heard of the internal gasification Huomasan, but it needs a master of the sky level or even beyond the sky level to do it.

And the reason why Ma San was sure that this is the fire of internal energy, not ordinary flames, is because ordinary flames have no effect on Gu worms at all, only this kind of flames formed by pure internal energy can kill Dead Gu worm.

But Ma San still misunderstood, Lin Mu is not an internal qi transformation fire at all, but the cultivation flame of a cultivator, which is much more powerful than the internal qi transformation fire.

(End of this chapter)

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