Supreme Chef

Chapter 279 Grandpa, I Dare

Chapter 279 Grandpa, I Dare
With the death of various Gu insects, the Gu King's cry became more and more sharp, and more and more Gu insects rushed towards the forest without fear of death.

"Surprisingly, a little spiritual wisdom has been produced!" Lin Mu thought in shock when he heard Gu King's cry.

The Gu king obviously regarded the tree's offering of flames as a provocation to it, and what it was doing at this moment was to summon more Gu insects to kill the person who challenged its authority.

More and more Gu worms were summoned by the Gu King and rushed towards Lin Mu.

However, Gu King's actions indirectly helped those people in the ancient martial arts world.

Without the help of Gu worms, the strength of these tribesmen in Southern Xinjiang would be greatly reduced.

In this way, the advantages of the people in the ancient martial arts world were immediately revealed.

Without the infestation of Gu insects, people in the ancient martial arts world can finally let go of their hands and feet and display their full strength.

All of a sudden, the people on the side of the ancient martial arts world quickly turned around, completely breaking the original evenly matched situation and turning it into a one-sided situation.

The pressure on the side of the ancient martial arts world is small, but the pressure on Lin Mu's side is too great.

Not to mention other things, just to support the burning of the foundation building fire, most of the aura of the forest will be consumed.

Gu worms are different from Gu kings. Gu worms have no wisdom at all, they obey the call of the Gu king instinctively, and they are not afraid of death at all. None of them rushed to the trees without any hesitation.

Lin Mu may not care about one or two Gu worms, but now there are hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of Gu worms, which makes Lin Mu have to care.

Although nearly one-third of the aura in Lin Shu's body had been consumed at this time, the effect was very obvious, and a thick layer of Gu insect corpses had already accumulated on the ground.

These tribes in southern Xinjiang have been occupied this time, and more than half of the total Gu worms brought out.

Lin Mu is just waiting now, until the people in southern Xinjiang can't hold on.

Gu worms have no intelligence, but the owner of the Gu worm still has intelligence, right?
Killing their Gu worms so wantonly on my side will still have a great impact on the owner of the Gu worms.

And although it is not easy to cultivate a Gu king, it is also very difficult to cultivate these Gu insects. These big tribes may not care about one or two, but if there are hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands, they have to care.

After all, Gu worms are part of their own strength, without these Gu worms, their overall strength will be reduced.

"That's enough, Ma San! Put away your Gu King, if this continues, all our Gu worms will be ruined by you!" Finally, someone couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted at Ma San.

When Ma San heard the words of the man giving orders, he looked back at the man, hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth, and said respectfully: "Yes! Patriarch!"

Although the folk customs in southern Xinjiang are not to mention tough, the ranks among the major tribes in southern Xinjiang are extremely strict.

It can be said that in a tribe, even if it is the patriarch of the tribe, if the people below are asked to die, the people below will not blink their brows.

Ma San turned around and gave Lin Mu a vicious look, then gave his Gu King an order to come back.

"I want to run after the fight, it's not that easy!" Lin Mu has never been so passive since he arrived on Earth.

This time Lin Mu was also extremely aggrieved by the beating, and his stomach was full of anger.

Seeing that Ma San wants to take back the Gu King, how could Lin Mu let it go so easily!
Lin Mu pinched a tactic with both hands, and then the foundation building fire in front of Lin Mu split into two, one continued to block the Gu worms in front of Lin Mu, while the other rushed towards it with lightning speed. Killed that Gu King.

"The thief dares to come!"

Seeing that Lin Mu was going to burn his Gu King with flames, Ma San also squinted and roared angrily.

"Returning the thief, look at your grandfather, how dare I!" After speaking, Lin Shu controlled the flame, and it burned towards the Gu King even faster.

Gu King's speed is indeed fast enough, but the flame's speed is even faster.

"Zi la la!"

The flame finally burned on Gu King's body, making a scorching sound, and at the same time a very strange blue smoke rose up.

"Break it for me!"

Ma San came in front of Gu King, pushed with both palms, and the surging true energy in his body rushed out, pushing out all the foundation-building fire of the forest.

Losing the control of the Gu King, the Gu worms surrounding the forest also dispersed and flew back to their master.

Lin Mu flipped his palm, took back the foundation building fire, looked at Ma San with a smile, and said, "Didn't you roast your Gu King, I really haven't tasted what it tastes like to roast a Gu King."

Ma San looked at the dying Gu King, his eyes were so red that he was about to bleed.

Although Gu King did not die, Ma San's hard work of more than 50 years was completely wasted.

Not to mention whether the Gu King can survive now, even if he can survive, it will take at least 50 years to restore his current state, and how many 50 years does Ma San have?

Ma San looked at the Gu worm in his hand that didn't move for a long time, and wanted to eat people.

This is his 50 years of hard work, and it will be destroyed today.

"I am going to kill you!"

Ma San raised his head, his eyes were red, he roared like crazy, while roaring, Ma San rushed towards the forest.


The patriarch suddenly appeared in front of Ma San, blocked Ma San behind him, and said coldly.

"But the patriarch!" Ma San shouted almost madly.

The patriarch frowned, and said without anger and prestige: "There is nothing wrong with it, I told you to stop!"

"It's the patriarch!" Ma San nodded fiercely and said.

The patriarch stopped Ma San, turned around, raised the bone flag high in his hand, and then waved it left and right three times.

Seeing the patriarch raising the bone flag, all the people in the southern border stopped and retreated to their side.

Seeing that the people from the southern border had stopped, the people from the ancient martial world also slowly gathered together.

Lin Mu also retreated to the camp of the ancient martial arts world. Before that, Lin Mu really hadn't paid attention to the patriarch of the southern border.

Now that Lin Mu looked at it, he realized that the patriarch seemed a little different.

Although the patriarch was so old that he couldn't tell his age, he was in good spirits. He held a walking stick in one hand, and the bone flag he waved just now in the other hand.

The bone flag in the patriarch's hand is made of unknown animal bones. The surface of the flag seems to be the hide of some kind of male animal, and on the hide is an inexplicable totem. A god or something shared by a large tribe.

Although the patriarch is not tall, outsiders can't see his aura, but Lin Mu can tell that this patriarch is the most powerful among them all.

The patriarch punched the ground with the crutch in his hand, making a muffled 'dong' sound, and then even though everyone felt his feet, there was a slight shock.

Feeling the vibration under their feet, all the people in the ancient martial arts world were refreshed.

No one thought that such an unremarkable patriarch could emit such energy.

(End of this chapter)

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