Supreme Chef

Chapter 280 I Didn't Consider It At All

Chapter 280 I Didn't Consider It At All

People from the ancient martial arts world all looked at the patriarch on the southern border side. Obviously, they had misjudged them before.On the southern border, this unremarkable patriarch is the most powerful person.

In fact, it's not just people from the ancient martial arts world, Lin Mu also misread it just now, if the patriarch hadn't taken the initiative to stand up, Lin Mu would have ignored him.

The patriarch saw that everyone was quiet, so he opened his mouth and said: "You shameless invaders from outside not only occupied our land, but also killed our soldiers. Today, on behalf of our patron saint of southern Xinjiang, I formally express my respect to you. Issue the letter of war, if you do not withdraw from Southern Border within three days, the patron saint will lead us to crush all your sects!"

The patriarch's loud voice resounded throughout the audience.The faces of the seven heads of the ancient martial world changed a few times when they heard the words of the patriarch, but in the end, the head of Meng stood up and replied neither humble nor overbearing: "For thousands of years, our two families have always been inseparable. He Shui, this time you took the initiative to provoke a war, and it will be entirely your fault that your lives will be ruined. At that time, you will die more soldiers. Do you think it is worth it? Is it worth it?"

The patriarch's tone did not change at all, and he still said slowly: "For our descendants, for the homeland we live in, our soldiers will not hesitate to shed the last drop of blood, and the patron saint will stand firmly on our side. behind us, guarding our warriors."

Master Meng also knew that there was no possibility of resolving this matter, and a battle between the two sides was inevitable, but if war could be avoided, Master Meng was still willing to work hard for it: "For the survival of our disciples, We do not hesitate to fight each other, but please think about it, in a real fight, neither of us can take advantage, and even the final result can only be a loss for both sides, is this what you want to see?"

The patriarch said: "Even if both sides suffer, we must take back our homeland!"

"Leader Meng, let's stop reasoning with these savages. Since they want to fight, we will fight. Save these savages, think we are afraid of them!" The head of the Five Poison Sect looked at the people from the southern border tribe exclaimed.

"That's right! Master Meng, we have never been afraid of anyone in the ancient martial arts world. Since they want to fight, we will fight with them!" Master Xu also agreed.

Seeing that the people on her side had already started the main battle, Master Meng sighed in her heart, knowing that this battle must be inevitable.

"In this case, then we accept your challenge!" Mengmeng also said loudly.

The patriarch still showed no expression, and said: "Okay! What I said just now still counts. After three days, if you don't leave Southern Border, we will completely crush your seven sects under the leadership of the patron saint! "

"I'm just waiting for you to step down!" The Five Poison Sect suffered the most this time, so the head of the Five Poison Sect is also the most angry.

The patriarch gave the head of the Five Poisons Sect a cold look, then turned around and said, "Let's go!"

Following the patriarch's order, everyone followed the patriarch and left the territory of the Five Poison Sect.

After all the people in the southern border had withdrawn, the head of Meng began to have people clean up the battlefield, gathering up the corpses of the disciples who died in battle and handling them properly. They handle it themselves.

Half an hour later, the heads of the Seven Sects, the Supreme Elders of the Seven Sects, and Lin Mu all appeared in the hall of the Five Poison Sect.

"Sect Master Meng, this time they provoked us first, there is absolutely no need for us to be polite to them, and the ambitions of these tribes in southern Xinjiang are not limited to our southern border, we must unite with our colleagues in the world to meet the enemy together! "Master Tang was the first to speak.

As soon as Sect Master Tang's words fell, he immediately got the support of other people.

The head of Meng nodded, frowned lightly, and said: "Everyone is right, we should spread the hero post and invite the world, but Nanjiang only gave us three days. And here in Nanjiang, the distance between The mainland is far away, and the transportation is very inconvenient. In three days, even the ancient martial arts sect that is closest to us may not be able to dare to come."

The head of the Five Poison Sect said: "Master Meng, they said they would give us three days, but after three days, can they uproot our Seven Sects overnight? Even if all their surnames in southern Xinjiang United, it shouldn’t be a problem for our seven sects to persist for seven or eight days, right? After seven or eight days, our reinforcements will arrive, and won’t it be easy to destroy them by then?”

"It's the head of Mengmeng. As long as we persist for seven days, we will round them up if we want to, and flatten them if we want to flatten them. What are we afraid of?" Another headmaster said the same thing. Stand out and conform to the Tao.

The head of Meng shook his head, knowing in his heart that these six heads are still dissatisfied with their leader as a woman, but the current situation is no longer the time for him to explain this to them: "Didn't you pay attention to it just now?" , What did the patriarch of the Ma clan say? He said that their patron saint will lead them to crush our seven gates!"

The head of the Five Poison Sect snorted and said, "So what? They didn't say that when there was a conflict, but what was the final result? Has their patron saint appeared?"

The head of the dream said: "This time is different from the past. Up to now, we have not been able to confirm whether the sleeping existence in their tribe is awake. If he is really awake, then the patriarch is no longer It's a lie. Their patron saint will really lead them to crush our seven gates. And among our seven gates, none of them will be the opponent of that existence!"

Hearing what Mengmengmen said, the other six people felt a little guilty. After all, that terrifying existence was a big stone weighing on all of their hearts.

In the end, Sect Leader Tang took the lead and said, "If the one of them is really awake, why didn't they bring him today? Wouldn't it be able to catch us all in one go? Why wait another three days!"

"That's right! If he is really summoned and awakened, then it can come and kill us all today, why wait until three days later!" Head Xu, who has always supported the head of Tang, also stood up and agreed.

In fact, Mengmengmen couldn't understand this point. If someone had really been awakened, why didn't he come today.

If he came here today, he would be able to get rid of all of them very easily. There is no need to give these people three days to let them contact more comrades. feet?

"Mengmengmen, I think they are just bluffing, just to scare us. In fact, they are not prepared at all!" Seeing that Mengmengmen has nothing to say, Xumeng has spared no effort to weaken the power of Mengmengmen. .

Lin Mu watched coldly from the sidelines, and finally understood why China's ancient martial arts world was so powerful, but some countries would ride on it and do their best.

It's such a time, they still think about some messy things, who can win in this state.

The head of Meng was forced to speak, saying: "Maybe he just woke up and is accumulating strength? Maybe they came this time to delay time and wait for him to wake up in three days? These are all possible!"

Head Xu said contemptuously: "Meng head also said that these are all possible, so can I also think that these are also possible that they will not happen?"

The Supreme Elders of all sects came out, which gave these heads more confidence to speak.

Lin Mu couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "The two inferences that Master Meng said just now are not bad at all. He has indeed awakened, and he is indeed accumulating energy, waiting to come again."

"Little friend, how can you be so sure?" the elder of the sect where the head of Tang belonged asked leisurely, stroking his beard.

These leaders have seen how powerful Lin Mu is, but these old guys don't know what Lin Mu is capable of, so to be honest, they really don't pay much attention to Lin Mu, who looks like a child.

Moreover, the Supreme Elder who spoke was the one with the highest cultivation level among all the people, and he was already at the peak of the prefecture level. It is inevitable that there will be some swelling, and I want to express myself eagerly.

What Lin Mu hates the most is this kind of people who rely on the old to sell the old. Looking at the talking elder, he sneered and said: "I can't be sure, it seems to have nothing to do with you. But I know one thing, you didn't watch it on the spot to, so you have no say!"

The Supreme Elder had just broken through to the peak of the prefecture level, and thought that everyone should respect him, but he did not expect that Lin Mu would dare to face so many people and deny him face, which made his face very ugly.

"Little friend, although you are a young hero, you have already possessed a remarkable cultivation base at a young age. But there is still a big difference between getting an inheritance and practicing on your own. Don't think that you have obtained a remarkable inheritance. Then you can ignore us seniors!" The words of the Supreme Elder were already very rude.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "I'm not ignoring you seniors, I just don't pay attention to you seniors at all!"

Hearing the first half of Lin Mu's sentence, the Supreme Elder's face softened a little, and after hearing the second half of Lin Mu's sentence, the Supreme Elder almost didn't let go of his anger.

"Boy, you are too crazy!" The Supreme Elder placed his palm on the granite chair, and slapped it hard, the whole chair suddenly turned into a pile of powder, but the position of the Supreme Elder remained motionless.

Seeing such a scene, several old fellows of his age gasped.

This is definitely the level of the peak prefecture level, and they were indeed pulled away by him.

(End of this chapter)

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