Supreme Chef

Chapter 282

Chapter 282

Hearing Lin Mu's words, everyone present gasped again.

Before, they only speculated that the terrifying existence had already awakened, but that was only speculation after all, but now everything has been confirmed.

And not only that, this confirmed result also includes that he also gave a patriarch an empowerment.And just this empowered person is no longer something that all of them can compete with. So when that existence really recovers, what kind of scene will it be? Don't kill everyone in an instant.

These sect masters, elders, and supreme elders simply dare not imagine such things.

Master Meng said nervously: "Instructor Lin, if he has really been awakened, what should we do?"

Lin Mu shrugged and said, "I don't know what you should do either?"

When Lin Mu said this, everyone seemed a little restless.

In the end, it was Mengmengmen who spoke and said, "Instructor Lin, regarding the matter of existence, I can only ask Instructor Lin."

Lin Mu said: "There is no problem with this. Since I promised you to check it out for you, I will definitely go back."

Upon hearing this, Sect Master Meng quickly thanked him: "Thank you, Instructor Lin, for your help. I am grateful to the Seven Sects of Southern Border!"

Lin Mu pressed his hand and said, "Don't thank me in a hurry, I'm just helping you to take a look. As for how to deal with it, that's your own business."

When Mengmengmen heard this, he also showed embarrassment. She didn't expect that Lin Mu would say such a thing.

For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Lin Mu looked around at the crowd, smiled slightly, and said, "Of course it's not impossible for me to solve this matter, but you also know that dealing with that kind of unknown existence is very exhausting."

Lin Mu didn't want to pay in vain, and they had nothing to do with him.

As soon as Lin Mu said this, ghosts knew what he was going to do.

Mengmeng said: "Instructor Lin has any needs, but it's okay to say, as long as we can do it, we will definitely do our best to satisfy you."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Of course I believe what Master Meng said, but it seems that other people haven't said that, right?"

The Supreme Elder, who was slapped by Lin Mu just now, snorted coldly and said, "If things are not confirmed, you will start asking for benefits, and you can figure it out!"

Lin Mu squinted at the Supreme Elder, and said, "Okay, then you handle this matter, I'll go and see if he's awake, and then you can handle the rest?"

The Supreme Elder was choked speechless by Lin Mu's words, his old face flushed red.

Let him solve it, what is the difference between that and let him die.

Sect Leader Meng didn't want Lin Mu to have conflicts with a certain Sect Leader or the Supreme Elder again, so he hurriedly said: "Sect Leaders, this matter is related to our life and death in Southern Xinjiang. Please think twice, Sect Leaders. It's a big loss, what Instructor Lin said is not unreasonable, after all, not everyone can deal with such a terrifying existence."

The other six heads pondered for a moment, and the head of the Five Poisons Sect spoke first, saying: "I agree with Sect Master Meng. Instructor Lin, if you need anything, it's okay to say it."

With the first person taking the lead, the rest naturally have nothing to say.

Seeing that everyone nodded in agreement, Lin Mu simply put forward his request: "I'm kind, and I don't know how to deal with it. How much will I consume? In this way, I only need each of your medicinal material stores [-]% of the medicinal materials, what do you think?"

"Absolutely not!" The Supreme Elder who was beaten by Lin Mu was the first to stand up and object.

Lin Mu really didn't know if the old guy had been beaten enough?Or do you want to provoke yourself and have to kill him yourself?
Lin Mu said: "If it's okay, let's not do it. If it doesn't work, you can discuss it and solve it. I'll finish my task first!"

Seeing Lin Mu raising his leg to leave, the head of Meng hurriedly stopped him, saying: "Instructor Lin, please wait a moment!"

Lin Mu didn't really want to leave at first, so when the master Meng called, Lin Mu stopped.

Seeing that Lin Mu had listened, Master Meng heaved a sigh of relief, then looked directly at the crowd, and said, "Masters and Supreme Elders, I would like to ask everyone to recognize the current situation.

Twenty percent of the medicinal materials is a lot for us, but compared to the destruction of the sect, twenty percent of the medicinal materials is nothing. "

The Supreme Elder said: "Then we can't be robbed by others!"

Although the Supreme Elder was humiliated by Lin Mu, his cultivation was the highest among all of them after all, and Master Meng didn't dare to confront him directly: "Senior, Instructor Lin will deal with the one we can't provoke for us." It is already a great risk to go there, no matter whether Instructor Lin is damaged or injured, shouldn't we make up for that?"

Now that Lin Mu looks at this Mengmengmen, the more he looks at it, the more pleasing to the eye.

The Supreme Elder said: "He was sent by the Huaxia government to help us. The Huaxia government must have given him benefits. Do we have to be the boss and be slaughtered again?"

Lin Mu laughed and said, "I'm killing you today, and I'm not afraid to tell you that the Huaxia government did promise me benefits, but that's what they promised, and they just asked me to come here to have a look, and didn't say anything. Let me help you out of so many troubles.

And let me tell you, other sects can get [-]% achievement today, if your sect doesn't contribute [-]%, just wait for your sect to be wiped out! "

After a pause, Lin Mu jokingly said: "Of course you can think that I am scaremongering, but you should know that I have the ability to transfer the battlefield all the way to your sect's residence. I am not sure what will happen then !"

"You..." The Supreme Elder was so annoyed by Lin Mu that he trembled all over.

Sect Leader Tang saw that the two would fight again sooner or later, so he could only say quickly, "Instructor Lin, we agree to your request, and we will do everything according to Instructor Lin's order!"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "You are still more sensible!"

Seeing Lin Mu educating himself like a child, head Tang was also very embarrassed.

But no matter how embarrassing it was, Head Tang could only endure it.

Lin Mu glanced at the Supreme Elder, saw that he didn't speak anymore, and said: "Since everyone has reached a consensus, the rest of the matter will be easy to handle. You should prepare the medicinal materials now, and I will help you solve the problem now." That trouble goes."

Mengmengmen took out a yellowed map and said: "Instructor Lin, this is a map I found in the place where my school kept the classics. It marked the location of the battle that year and the place where he fell asleep later. place, maybe it will be of some help to you."

Lin Mu took the map and said, "Thank you!"

Lin Mu took the map, glanced at it roughly, and found that the map was indeed old.

Fortunately, this is a hundred thousand mountains, and the terrain here has not changed for thousands of years. Otherwise, with this old map, Lin Shu really had no way to find the place marked on the map.

Lin Mu said: "Then I'll leave first, as for the rest, you can settle it yourself."

After speaking, Lin Mu directly lifted his legs and left the Five Poison Sect. As for what will happen to these sect masters next, Lin Mu is not interested in knowing.

After leaving the Five Poison Gate, Lin Mu ran directly to the battlefield marked on the map.

Running all the way, Lin Mu finally arrived at the battlefield that year in the evening.

The location of this battlefield is a grand canyon. Although thousands of years have passed, the traces that prove that this place was a battlefield back then are still very obvious.

Looking at the cracks tens of meters deep on the mountain wall, Lin Shu could still feel the intensity of the battle back then.

"It seems that its cultivation level is not low, it is almost equivalent to a monk in the Golden Core stage, but what is it, and why did it appear on the earth? And even a monk in the Golden Core stage, it is impossible to span 1000 years. How many years are you still alive?" Lin Mu looked at the battlefield in front of him, wondering.

It is true that the lifespan of the monks in the golden core period has been greatly extended, but at most it is only 800 years. Lin Mu has never seen a golden core cultivator who is more than 1000 years old.Of course, it may not be a cultivator, but if it is not a cultivator, its life span may be shorter, unless it is really a god, but if it is a god, its cultivation base is too weak.

Puzzled, Lin Mu simply gave up thinking about these things.Anyway, I also agreed to help them solve this matter, sooner or later I have to confront it head-on, will I know how good it is soon?

But before here, Lin Mu had to prepare some things.

After all, he might be a master of Jindan, a level higher than his current self.

Lin Mu didn't know whether the changed rules of heaven and earth by those four old bastard immortal emperors would be useful to him, but he had to make all preparations in advance, which directly related to his own life.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Lin Mu left Shiwan Dashan, called Shi Jin directly, and told Shi Jin everything he needed.

Shi Jin's actions were fast enough. At one o'clock that night, all the materials Lin Mu needed were delivered to Lin Mu.

The reason why the forest needs so many materials is to refine some array flags.

If the rules of heaven and earth changed by those four old bastards are useless to it, then Lin Mu can only rely on formations and his own experience if he wants to defeat it.

After working all night, at noon the next day, Lin Mu refined all the array flags.

Looking at the formation flag in his hand, Lin Mu was very satisfied.Although these formation flags can barely be combined into a fourth-level formation, and it is not an immortal formation, but it is enough to deal with a master of the golden core stage.

(End of this chapter)

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