Supreme Chef

Chapter 283 The Land of Resurrection

Chapter 283 The Land of Resurrection
Lin Mu packed up the formation flag and adjusted it all afternoon, before officially setting off at night, heading for the possible sleeping place.

Lin Shu's speed is very fast, especially in the dead of night now, Lin Mu doesn't need to hide anything at all, he just needs to move forward at full speed.

When the moon was on the top of the branch, the tree finally reached the possible sleeping place.

This is already the deepest part of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and the trees on the road passed through countless large tribes.

However, these big tribes are actively preparing for the battle, preparing to launch the final attack on the seven gates of southern Xinjiang the day after tomorrow.

Originally, Lin Shu was not sure whether this would be its sleeping place, but when it was five miles away from here, Lin Shu had already confirmed that this was its sleeping place.

Because before reaching the core, Lin Mu had already discovered three prefecture-level masters.

Although there are many masters here, they have caused a lot of trouble for Lin Mu invisibly, but they have also sent a message to Lin Mu, that is, that existence, although it has awakened, has not fully recovered, otherwise, there is no need for it. So many people came to protect it.

This is definitely the best news for Lin Mu.

Lin Mu avoided all the prefecture-level masters guarding here, and entered the basin marked on the map all the way.

When Lin Mu came to the edge of this basin, Lin Mu discovered that this basin was much bigger than he imagined.

The diameter of this basin is at least fifty kilometers, and the depth is nearly ten kilometers, as if a large bowl was embedded in it.

Although Lin Mu is standing here, it is far from the center of the basin, but this distance is not a big deal to Lin Mu, and Lin Mu can still clearly see the situation in the center of the basin.

In the center of the basin, a huge altar has been built.

The bottom of the altar is filled with countless white bones, some of which are human and various beasts, and the top of the altar is also covered with a thick layer of fresh blood, a lot of blood has even dried up, turning into a thick layer of blood The scab, under the reflection of the moonlight, emits a frightening red light.

And under the altar, the patriarchs of the three prefecture-level peaks knelt under the altar, and they didn't know what to pray for.


Suddenly the three of them raised their heads at the same time, and there was a strange cry from their mouths, and then four young men with inexplicable patterns all over their bodies, carried a girl in white clothes, and walked out, preparing to fix her on the altar .

"Su Yao!"

Seeing the girl being carried, Lin Mu was also slightly taken aback.

At that time, Lin Mu personally watched Lin Mu leave Shiwan Dashan, but he didn't expect that she would be caught again.

After being a little surprised, Lin Mu calmed down: "It seems like I thought, she is indeed a sacrifice, and the energy in her body is prepared for that existence!"

At this time, Su Yao has completely lost her intuition, being carried by four big men, she has no intention of resisting at all, and she is at the mercy of the four of them.

But I have to say, wearing this long white dress, Su Yao looks more holy, really like a saint.

Su Yao was carried to the altar and tied to it. On the tall pillar, the night wind gently blew over Su Yao's body, showing her exquisite figure vividly, her face The serene brilliance on it makes people look like they can't help but worship.

The three patriarchs knelt down again, and began to mutter incantations that Lin Mu couldn't understand.

As the tone of the incantation gradually increased, the entire basin began to tremble slightly, and the place where the trees were located also shook slightly.

Feeling the shaking under his feet, Lin Mu frowned.

If the opponent is just a Jindan master, then it shouldn't have created such a posture, but if it is not a Jindan master, how to explain the battlefield back then.

But no matter what, regardless of whether it is a master of Jindan or not, Lin Mu can't let this ceremony continue.

Lin Mu knows what the evil energy in Su Yao's body means. If this energy is under his control, Lin Mu believes that even if he is himself, he will not be his opponent.

With a whistling sound, the trees dived directly from the top of the basin.

Hearing the noise here, the three patriarchs raised their heads at the same time and looked towards Lin Mu.

When they found Lin Mu's figure, the three patriarchs didn't even hesitate, and the three of them joined forces and pushed upwards.

Three prefecture-level peak masters teamed up to strike, even Lin Shu did not dare to underestimate it.

"Break it for me!"

Facing the combined palm of the three of them, Lin Mu gave a clear sound, and then punched out directly.

Lin Mu punched out, and rushed out with a cloud of spiritual energy.


The two groups of energy collided together, and a violent explosion occurred, and circles of energy waves visible to the naked eye spread out in all directions in the air.

Lin Mu's strength is indeed higher than the three of them, but after all they have a large number of people, and they are all masters at the top of the prefecture level, so although Lin Mu took advantage of this collision, it was not a good feeling.


After the collision, the three people under the altar trembled violently and groaned at the same time.

The three of you looked at each other, and I looked at you. They all saw each other's shock from each other's eyes.

"You are a heavenly master!"

A person in the middle said with a surprised face.

Indeed, he couldn't help but be shocked. Heaven-level masters had become legends hundreds of years ago. Today, a heaven-level master suddenly appeared, and he was such a young one, which shocked them.

"There's so much nonsense, if you want to fight, hit it!"

The three of them have time to talk nonsense, but Lin Mu doesn't have the time, so he just punched the three of them.

Although Lin Mu only punched once, but in front of the three of them, Lin Mu's fist also appeared.

Seeing Lin Mu's punch, the three of them all showed shock and stretched out their hands to resist at the same time.


The three of them let out a muffled groan here, and at the same time their bodies were blasted away from the range of the altar by the trees.

After blasting the three of them away, Lin Mu rushed up to the altar, overturned the four big men, and then rescued Su Yao.

After taking a look at Su Yao, she was sure that Su Yao's life was not in danger. The tree rose and fell to a place ten meters away from the altar.

"Put down the saint, otherwise, even if you are a heaven-level master, you will never get out of here today!" The three got up from the ground, and one of the oldest patriarchs said in a cold voice.

Lin Mu carried Su Yao on his back, sneered, and said: "You three want to keep me, and it's almost too late!"

"If you add me, it's been a long time since I tasted the flesh and blood of a cultivator!" Suddenly, a voice came from nowhere!

(End of this chapter)

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