Supreme Chef

Chapter 284 Fierce Battle

Chapter 284 Fierce Battle

As the sound sounded, the entire altar collapsed quickly. After a loud rumble, boulders continued to roll down from the surrounding mountain walls, as if an earthquake had struck.

Lin Shu also stared nervously at the cracked altar, and slowly a huge head poked out from under the altar.

This head is almost the same size as the entire altar. This is just a head, and the body has not yet appeared.


The head slowly rose, and then half of the body protruded from the altar.

Seeing the appearance of this body like a hill, Lin Mu also backed up a distance with Su Yao on his back.

Soon this person appeared in front of Lin Mu. This is a giant who is at least fifteen feet tall. Although the aura on his body is not very stable, it is definitely considered the strongest.

Seeing the tall existence in front of them, the three patriarchs quickly knelt down, kowtowed frequently, and said something in their mouths.

Lin Mu stared at the tall giant in front of him, showing unprecedented dignity.

Lin Mu could tell that this was not its dharma appearance, that is to say, this person was born so tall, and the aura it displayed at this time completely surpassed Jindan, and even surpassed Nascent Soul. Because, I can't feel its depth at all.

Lin Mu already regretted it a bit, and miscalculated it, because the array flag he refined couldn't deal with him at all.

"It's a joke that a small cultivator of the third floor of the foundation wants to prevent me from ruling the world!" the giant said in a low voice.

Lin Mu looked at the giant in front of him, and looked up again. The dark clouds were gathering above the giant's head, he sneered, and said, "It's a joke that you want to rule the world!"

The giant was still talking, and suddenly roared: "Damn it!"

Before he finished speaking, the sky thunder that was as thick as an arm fell down with a 'crack' 'crack'.

A few thunders fell, directly splitting his body to pieces, and a burnt smell soon permeated the air.

"Who is so bold to change the rules of heaven and earth! Ah!" The giant roared angrily, and was about to reach out to catch the thunder that struck again from the sky.

Seeing the giant's movements, Lin Mu couldn't help but sneered.

You are strong, but can you be stronger than the Four Great Immortal Emperors?This is a trap set by the Four Great Immortal Emperors. Directly fighting against the Heavenly Tribulation is equivalent to fighting against the Four Great Immortal Emperors at the same time. Unless you can fight against the Four Great Immortal Emperors alone, then you will just wait to become a roast suckling pig!

It was the first time that Lin Mu was so grateful for everything arranged by the Four Great Immortal Emperors.

Lin Mu stood aside and looked at the giant dumbfounded. He didn't bother to remind him that he was going to fight against the Four Great Immortal Emperors.

'Crack! '

'Crack! '

Another wave of thunder rolled down, directly hitting the giant's arm.

Without any doubt, the giant's arm was directly split into morning glory, blood and flesh were scattered, and the black bones were turned outwards.


The giant was in pain, and let out another roar.

Lin Mu frowned as he looked at the giant's arm that had turned into a morning glory.

If the thunder of that intensity hit Lin Mu just now, Lin Mu couldn't guarantee that he could do like a giant, which shows how strong the giant's body is.

"Who is it! How dare you plot against me!" The giant roared again, and two faint bull horns suddenly and slowly appeared on top of his head.


Lin Mu looked at the two horns on the top of the giant's head, and was also slightly dazed.

But before Lin Shu finished his shock, he counted the sky thunder again, rolling down.



Tianlei directly struck the two horns that were not materialized, a golden light flashed, and the two horns were directly split into nothingness.

The three patriarchs looked at the gods in their hearts, screamed again and again after being struck by the thunder, and trembled all over in fright.

Lin Mu looked at the giant who would continue to fight against Tianlei, and said contemptuously: "Idiot!"

He is willing to fight against the thunder, and Lin Mu is also happy to be at ease. It would be better if he is struck to death by the thunder, so that he can save himself a shot.

I don't know if this giant thinks he is more powerful, or if his head is really stubborn. He was struck by the sky thunder for half an hour before he dropped his breath and maintained his cultivation at the third floor of the foundation. Dare to leapfrog half a step.

Lin Mu also found it funny when he looked at the giant who was split all over, scorched on the outside and tender on the inside, without a good place.

The giant looked at the smile on Lin Mu's face, and said angrily, "You know who is plotting against me again!"

Lin Mu glanced at the giant, and said: "You are really narcissistic, I am too lazy to plot against you even if you are so weak!"

The giant was already furious after being struck by the thunder for half an hour, but when he was provoked by the tree again, he was immediately enraged, and he directly raised his foot and stepped on the tree.

Lin Mu watched the huge sole of his foot fall, and with Su Yao on his back, he also left the area in a flash.


The soles of the feet fell, smoke and dust rose, and earth and rocks rolled down.

"Today I will swallow your flesh and blood to make up for all my losses today!" The giant roared, and then slapped it down again.

Lin Mu nimbly avoided the giant's palm, and continued to stimulate him, saying: "Okay! Let's see today, did you eat me, or did I roast you!"

"Death to me!"

The giant missed with one slap, and with the other hand, he slapped it back with another slap.

Although Lin Mu said it was relaxed, in fact Lin Mu was not relaxed in his heart.

Although this giant has now suppressed his cultivation to the third foundation building, his physical body has taken too much advantage. Lin Mu has just started to train his body, and he is not his opponent at all.

While dodging the giant's attack, Lin Mu kept throwing out the formation flags one by one.


Lin Shu kept dodging, which made the giant very upset. He turned around and grabbed a 30-meter-high stone pillar around the altar. He used it as a weapon and swept it out.

The stone pillars were swept across, countless stones were cut off by the middle, and the surrounding trees were slaughtered. The three patriarchs hid as far away as possible. Such a battle was simply beyond their reach.

Soon Lin Mu threw out all the formation flags in his hands, and the giant was completely besieged in the formation.

"A small four-level killing formation wants my life, and you underestimate my demon race!" The giant didn't pay attention to the formation arranged by Lin Shu at all.


It is not the first time that Lin Mu has heard this word, but for some reason, Lin Mu feels that the same word, spoken from the mouth of this giant, seems to represent a completely different meaning, but at this time, it is not what Lin Mu thought about. it's time.


Lin Mu let out a soft drink, and the entire formation immediately started to operate, and a fog filled the audience in an instant, making it impossible for the giant to distinguish the direction at all.

"If you want to stop me with such a broken formation, I'll overturn it with just a single stick!" the giant said disdainfully.

Lin Mu hid his body in the formation, and said: "If you have this ability, I don't mind you experimenting!"

After hearing Lin Mu's words, the giant swept out with a stick.

But when it was swept out with this stick, it had no effect at all, except for the gray fog, it was still gray fog, nothing, and nothing was destroyed.

After several sticks in a row, the effect is the same, and the giant is also a little anxious.

"You're done playing with the three axes, it's time for me!" Lin Mu said quietly.

After the words fell, countless wind blades appeared around the giant.

These wind blades appeared too abruptly, and were too close to the giant's body. The giant didn't react at all, and was hit by countless wind blades.

The giant's body was indeed strong enough, but the dense wind blades still left countless bloody gashes on the giant's body.


Injured again, the giant let out another howl, and then waved the stone stick in his hand indiscriminately, smashing all the wind blades directly.

But the first wave of wind blades disappeared, and there was a second wave to make up for it, and when the second wave was gone, there was a third wave.

Wave after wave of wind blades made the giant at a loss and flustered.

"Boy, believe it or not, I will directly attract the sky thunder and break your bird formation!" The giant roared angrily.

Lin Mu laughed suddenly when he heard the giant's words, and said, "You really reminded me, since you like being struck by lightning so much, I will help you!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he stopped suppressing his cultivation, and began to operate crazily.

The tree is on the third floor of the foundation building, and has been suppressed for too long, so this kind of operation directly breaks through the cultivation base.

And the result of breaking through the cultivation base is to directly attract the sky thunder.

The thunder fell and came straight to the forest.

The giant looked at the trees and said contemptuously, "You humans are really stupid!"

But after he finished speaking, he saw Tianlei turning around in front of Lin Mu, rushed into the formation, and rushed towards him.

"what happened!"

The giant also exclaimed when he saw the sky thunder striking him.

But his voice was obviously not as fast as Lei Guang's.


Tianlei struck directly on his chest, leaving a wound that was ten feet long, and blood rained down like money.

The blood rain fell, and immediately made a sizzling sound on the ground.

Seeing that this trick is effective, Lin Mu also put Su Yao aside and continued to lead the thunder to strike the giant.

The cultivation base continued to improve, and the thunder continued to roll down.

However, all the sky thunders just circled in front of Lin Mu, and then directly struck the giant.


The sky thunder kept falling, knocking the giant to the ground. At the same time, the surrounding wind blades and ground thorns also continuously attacked the giant's whole body, causing the giant to bleed profusely, and there was not a single piece of flesh on his body.

Although the trees only act as a lightning guide, the occasional glimpse of thunder and lightning still makes the trees very uncomfortable, but these trees can bear it.

"Don't fight! Stop fighting! I admit defeat!" The giant kept rolling on the ground, begging for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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