Supreme Chef

Chapter 285: Forever Sealed

Chapter 285: Forever Sealed
Lin Mu didn't believe in these things, but continued to urge his own cultivation, constantly introducing the sky thunder into his formation, and at the same time constantly urging the "Sorcerer God Body Refining Technique", such a good opportunity for body training, Lin Mu couldn't believe it. would give up easily.

"I really admit defeat, I am willing to open the sea of ​​consciousness! I am willing to be sealed again!" The giant couldn't bear it anymore, and knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

Such continuous lightning strikes, not to mention that he hadn't completely stabilized, even if he had completely stabilized, he couldn't bear it.

Lin Mu stopped urging his cultivation, looked at the giant kneeling on the ground, and said, "Okay! Now open your sea of ​​consciousness and let me seal you again!"

"Good! Good! I will open my sea of ​​consciousness now!" The giant opened his sea of ​​consciousness while speaking.

Seeing the giant open up his sea of ​​consciousness, Lin Mu poked out a ray of consciousness and directly entered the giant's sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Mu quickly found a way to seal him in the Giant's Sea of ​​Consciousness, but apart from this method of sealing him, everything else was banned. Unable to break through this prohibition, know about the giant's life experience and everything.

But Lin Mu didn't want to know who he was at all, Lin Mu just wanted to destroy him directly.

Lin Mu directly used his own consciousness to transform into a consciousness knife, and stabbed at the prohibition in the giant's mind.

The Divine Consciousness Transformation Knife is also a spiritual offensive method that Lin Mu has mastered recently.


The Divine Consciousness Knife hit the prohibition, making a muffled sound.But this time, the prohibition in the giant's sea of ​​consciousness was not broken. On the contrary, Lin Shu's consciousness shook violently, followed by the sea of ​​consciousness, and his face was even more pale and terrifying.

The giant felt Lin Shu's movement, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.The meaning is obvious, if you want to kill me, you are still young!
The giant's slight disdain was naturally seen by Lin Mu, and despised by his own defeated generals. Lin Mu was not in such a good mood to endure it. Lin Mu raised his cultivation level again without hesitation, which attracted countless thunders.

'Crack! '

'Crack! '

Counting to the sky thunder, it struck the giant's body, causing countless wounds on his body.

"I was wrong! I was wrong!" After being slashed again, the giant quickly knelt down on the ground and begged for mercy.

"Huh! Today I will completely seal you!" Lin Mu snorted coldly, and then sealed the giant again according to the method he found out from the giant's sea of ​​consciousness.

However, Lin Mu was once an immortal after all. As long as Lin Mu made a slight change on the seal, he could turn the seal that would loosen every thousand years into a permanent seal.

Following a series of complicated hand formulas, the ground under the giant's body cracked a big hole.

Then the giant's body sank into the big pit under him, and then the big pit that was split began to slowly recombine.

"No! You can't seal me forever! The master of my family will not let you go!"

The giant in the pit suddenly howled loudly.

Just now when Lin Mu said that he would be sealed forever, he just listened to it as a joke, but when he was really in the seal, he realized that Lin Mu was not bragging just now, but that Lin Mu really had this strength.

"No! My master..."

As the earth closed again, the cry of the giant disappeared completely.


To seal this giant forever, the consumption of Lin Mu is quite a lot, especially the consumption of spiritual consciousness. If Lin Mu hadn't started to practice the spiritual consciousness technique, Lin Mu might have become an idiot now.

Seeing the ground close up again, Lin Mu quickly sat cross-legged on the ground, took out the few spirit stones on his body, and began to recover.

Taking advantage of the fact that the killing array is not put away, Lin Mu must hurry up to practice, or in this state, Lin Mu will only be killed by three prefecture-level peaks when he goes out.

After absorbing the aura of the few low-grade spirit stones in his hand, Lin Mu received the formation flag into the ring.

When Lin Mu put away the formation flag, the fog gradually dispersed, and the three patriarchs who were guarding outside could clearly see what happened inside.

When the three patriarchs saw that the huge altar had disappeared, and their gods had also disappeared, and only Lin Mu was standing alone holding Su Yao's long body, the three patriarchs immediately put on a posture of full alertness.

Lin Mu looked at the three patriarchs on the opposite side, showing a characteristic smile, and said: "Don't be so nervous, your gods have been sealed by me again, but they have been sealed forever. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to summon them in the future." Well, as for Su Yao, you'd better not bother her in the future, she just wants to live an ordinary life.

As for the grievances between you and the Seven Sects of Southern Border, I'm not interested in it either. It's your own business if you are willing to kill yourself.Of course, if you insist on me staying today, I will not be polite to you, I can guarantee that all of you present will not be able to leave this basin! "

After hearing Lin Mu's words, the three patriarchs looked at each other for a long time, and finally the three of them retreated to the sides, completely giving way to Lin Mu in the middle aisle, allowing Lin Mu to pass freely.

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero!" Lin Mu nodded, hugged Su Yao directly, and strode through three prefecture-level peaks and surrounded by more than a dozen prefecture-level masters.

In fact, with Lin Mu's current state, if these people attack together, Lin Mu is really not sure that he can retreat completely, especially if he is still holding Su Yao.

However, because Lin Shu sealed the gods in their hearts, these people themselves had a natural fear of Lin Shu, so they didn't dare to attack Lin Mu at all.

After leaving this basin, Lin Shu also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then without stopping for a moment, he hugged Su Yao directly and left the depths of Shiwan Dashan.

Who knows, if those stubborn natives made a mistake, if they come to seek revenge on themselves, then it will be too late for them to run away even if they want to.

Lin Mu and the giant fought all night, and when Lin Mu left the depths of the Shiwan Mountain, the coalition forces of the major tribes in southern Xinjiang had already formally fought against the seven ancient martial arts sects in southern Xinjiang, and the fight became intense.

Almost every minute, dozens or even hundreds of people on both sides die.

In such a peaceful age in the 21st century, such a large-scale death is completely unimaginable, but this is not a modern society, this is the world of Guwu.

Here, as long as you are not involved in the real society, anything is allowed to happen.

Lin Mu glanced at the situation of the battle between the two sides, and knew that people in the ancient martial arts world would not lose, and of course they would not be able to take advantage of it. After such a battle, the seven ancient martial arts sects would be set back by at least ten years.

Lin Mu didn't bother to look at them anymore, so he sent a message to the seven heads, and then took Su Yao away from Shiwan Dashan.

After leaving Shiwan Dashan, Lin Mu finally returned to the modern society.

I found a country hotel, and then Lin Mu woke up Su Yao.

Su Yao looked at the strange things around her, and she was also a little dazed, but seeing the trees, Su Yao finally felt that she had found support.

"Where am I?" Su Yao asked, looking at everything around her.

Lin Mu said: "Southern Xinjiang!"

Su Yao said: "I remember that I have already boarded the plane, how can I still be in southern Xinjiang?"

Lin Mu said: "I don't know about this, but this is indeed Southern Border, and those people in Southern Border are going to treat you, a saint, as a sacrifice to the gods in their hearts.

It was I who saved you and sealed their god by the way.As for the evil energy in your body, although I can't completely get rid of it for the time being, at least it won't erupt again! "

"Thank you for saving me several times!" After experiencing too many bizarre things, Su Yao is no longer surprised by these things.

Lin Mudao: "I said that if I help you, I'm helping myself, so you don't have to thank me. I'm going back to Binhai tomorrow. Are you going to go with me, or go by yourself!"

Su Yao said: "I'd better go with you, I don't want to be caught by them again!"

Lin Mu said: "Don't worry, I've already warned them, they won't come to harass you again!"

Su Yao nodded and said, "thank you!"

Su Yao looked at this simple room, and the only bed was occupied by herself. She was also a little embarrassed: "Why don't you go back to your room to rest first, I can do it by myself!"

Lin Mudao: "Recently, there are a lot of tourists, so this hotel has only one room left."

Su Yao also bit her lips when she heard Lin Mu's words.Of course she was relieved of Lin Mu, in fact, even if Lin Mu really did something to her, she would not blame Lin Mu, after all, Lin Mu saved her again and again, even if she was asked to repay Lin Mu with her body, it would be nothing.

But the current situation is that Lin Mu has no intention of going to bed at all, and the two of them will spend the night here again tonight, so Su Yao doesn't know what to do.

Su Yao hesitated for a while, bit her lips, and said blushingly: "how about the two of us tonight, just stay in bed to deal with it all night?"

It takes a lot of courage for Su Yao to say such a thing. Although she doesn't mind what Lin Mu does to her, after all, they only meet three or four times together.

Lin Mu looked up at Su Yao, who had a face like a peach blossom, and said, "No, you can just rest by yourself, and I'll be fine here."

Hearing that Lin Mu rejected her, instead of showing any signs of relaxation, Su Yao felt a little inexplicably lost.

Su Yao has always been very confident in her appearance. I don't know how many people want to bow down under her pomegranate skirt, but this time she took the initiative, and Lin Mu rejected her instead.

Lin Mu looked at Su Yao who looked disappointed, and said nothing, but said: "I think you'd better call your father, I think he should be looking for you all over the world now!"

Su Yao nodded obediently when she heard Lin Mu's words, and then found that her mobile phone had long since disappeared.

Lin Mu also saw Su Yao's predicament, threw his mobile phone over and said, "use mine to call!"

(End of this chapter)

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