Supreme Chef

Chapter 286 Violence

Chapter 286 Violence
Su Yao took Lin Mu's cell phone and called her father.

As expected, my father was looking for him all over the world. When he received Su Yao's call, Su Xing also asked quickly: "Yaoyao, are you okay! Where are you?"

Hearing her father's hoarse voice, Su Yao's nose was also sore, and she said, "Dad, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm in southern Xinjiang with a friend now."

Hearing that his daughter was in Southern Border, Su Xing suddenly became nervous again: "Yaoyao, why are you in Southern Border? Didn't I tell you not to go there?"

Su Yao said: "Father's affairs are more complicated. I will tell you when I go back tomorrow."

Su Xing was still worried about his daughter, and said, "Tell Dad the address, and Dad will pick you up right now!"

Su Yao said: "No need, Dad. I'm safe now. I'll fly back with my friend tomorrow."

Su Xing said: "Then tell Dad the flight number, Dad will pick you up at the airport tomorrow!"

Su Yao took a look at Lin Mu, brought the flight number, and told her father.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mu glanced at Su Yao, who was not in a high mood, and said, "don't worry, no one will harass you anymore. You can live the life you want."

Su Yao nodded and said, "I see, thank you!"

Lin Mu glanced at Su Yao, who was covered in dust and dust, and said, "Why don't you go take a bath first."

At the thought of taking a bath, Su Yao's pretty face turns red.This is a hotel, and there is only one room. Although the bathroom is made of frosted glass, she still feels a little shy taking a bath in it while Lin Shu is sitting outside.

But Lin Mu obviously didn't have this kind of awareness, but said: "After taking a shower, I'll take you out for something to eat, and you haven't had a serious meal for a long time."

After Lin Mu said so, Su Yao could only nod her head and said, "Okay."

Su Yao got up from the bed coyly, then came to the bathroom door, hesitated for a while, but Su Yao pushed the door open and walked in.

Locking the bathroom door, Su Yao looked at herself in the mirror, her pretty face was hot again.

Thinking that Lin Mu was outside and she was taking a bath inside, Su Yao's body felt hot for a while.

But running back and forth these two days, Su Yao's body is indeed too dirty.

Slowly took off the long skirt on her body, looked at the almost perfect ketone body in the mirror, Su Yao also showed peach blossoms, but for some reason, Su Yao thought of the forest outside at this time, she even Imagine, if Lin Mu sees himself standing naked in front of him like this, what kind of reaction will he have?

"I'm so mean! How can you think like this!" Su Yao suddenly cursed herself angrily.

Although she was cursing herself in her heart, Su Yao still couldn't help but think in which direction.

Lin Shu is outside, but he has no distractions.

Although the time to come to Southern Xinjiang this time was short and not easy, the harvest was also great.

Not to mention the three layers of medicinal materials that Shi Jin promised himself, that is, the [-]% of the medicinal materials he dug from the Qimen in Southern Xinjiang, which is enough for him to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill for his four confidante friends.

Of course Lin Mu's gains are not limited to these, in fact, Lin Mu's biggest gain is that he found a shortcut to body training, that is to lead the sky thunder into his body, and use the sky thunder to help him train his body.

This is what Lin Mu thought of when he was confronting the giant.

Although it was only a short period of time for Lin Mu and the giant to fight against the giant, but in the process of fighting against the giant by attracting the thunder, the "Witch God Body Refining Technique" had already unknowingly broken through to the second level of the human realm.

Lin Mu has stayed in the first level of the human realm for a while, and has not found the opportunity to break through. Unexpectedly, he broke through to the second level of the human realm smoothly after he struck twice with Ele.

This was simply beyond Lin Mu's expectations, but it also reminded Lin Mu that if he wants to break through in the future, he can just continue to use this method.

The second layer of Human Realm is almost equivalent to the physical strength of the fifth layer of Foundation Establishment, which is enough for trees to pass through the teleportation array.

But just being able to pass, Lin Mu is still not at ease.Because since the four great immortal emperors can tamper with the rules of heaven and earth, who knows if they will tamper with the teleportation array.

Therefore, Lin Mu must ensure his complete safety before trying to leave the earth, and now he is not alone, there are so many confidante and friends, Lin Mu must ensure that they can protect themselves on the earth, so that he can leave here with peace of mind.

Just as Lin Mu was thinking about his future, Su Yao also took a bath and came out of the bathroom.

Lin Mu looked up, just in time to see Su Yao, who was wrapping her perfect ketone body in a bath towel, with a blushing face.

Su Yao is indeed worthy of being a school flower. Even without any makeup, she has a suffocating beauty.

Lin Mu stared at Su Yao, Su Yao's face turned redder, and she lowered Qiong's head, almost hiding herself in a pair of plump breasts.

Lin Mu also realized that his eyes seemed a little too hot, so he coughed twice in embarrassment, and said, "I'll go out and you change your clothes, let's go down and eat something later!"

Su Yao nodded obediently.

Lin Mu also took a deep breath when he left the room.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, Su Yao put on that glamorous costume again.

Lin Mu looked at Su Yao's clothes, frowned, and said, "I think we should go buy some clothes first!"

Su Yao said: "Okay! I listen to you! "

At this time, Su Yao behaved like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law, following behind Lin Mu well.

This is just a small village in southern Xinjiang. It is obviously impossible to buy any decent clothes.

The two walked around below and bought a set of local services in southern Xinjiang for Su Yao.

Not to mention that Su Yao wears local clothes in southern Xinjiang, which is really exotic.

"Am I pretty?" Su Yao asked shyly, looking at the trees staring at her.

Lin Mu regained his senses and nodded, "It's pretty good!"

This is the first time for Su Yao to hear Lin Mu praise herself, and she can't help being sweet in her heart.

It is true that beautiful women can attract countless eyes there, and of course they will also bring countless troubles, especially in southern Xinjiang where the people are tough.

Su Yao's appearance immediately attracted the attention of several perverts.

"It seems that you are going to be in trouble again." Lin Mu nodded with his eyes, and Su Yao said behind him.

When Su Yao turned her head, she happened to see the four punks who wore national costumes but dyed their hair in a nondescript way.

Seeing that there are only a few gangsters, Su Yao is relieved.

"Aren't you afraid of them?" Seeing that Su Yao was relieved, Lin Mu asked curiously.

Su Yao shook her head and said, "I'm not afraid of some punks. I thought it was those people again?"

Lin Mu said: "Can you deal with these people?"

Su Yao raised her chin triumphantly, and said: "My dad taught me martial arts since I was a child, and a few punks are nothing to worry about!"

Lin Mu looked at Su Yao who looked like a little girl, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to be a master of martial arts!"

Su Yao raised her eyebrows and said, "you underestimate me, don't you?"

Seeing Su Yao's smiling face like a flower, Lin Mu was also in a good mood, and said: "I don't want to watch it, but I really hope to see the violent school belle!"

Su Yao said: "you will see it soon!"

"Brother Xiaoniu, how about treating you to a meal?" One of them put his hand on Su Yao's shoulder and said frivolously.

Su Yao smiled at Lin Mu, then clasped the palm of the little gangster's wrist directly, and fell directly over the shoulder, throwing the little gangster to the ground heavily.

"Yo! The chick is quite spicy! But buddy, I like spicy food!" Seeing their companion being thrown over his shoulder by Su Yao, several other people said more and more frivolously.

Su Yao snorted coldly and said, "then you have a try and see if I'm hot enough!"

After finishing speaking, Su Yao's figure flickered, and she appeared directly in front of another gangster, and then according to his lower body, she was a broken son and grandson.

The little gangster wanted to dodge instinctively, but Su Yao's speed was so fast that he didn't have time to dodge at all, so he was kicked by Su Yao directly.

Lin Mu looked at the little gangster, his eyes protruding, and the corners of his mouth twitched unnaturally.

Su Yao looked like a lady from a big family, but what she didn't expect was that when she became violent, she turned out to be so barbaric.

"court death!"

The other two companions, seeing Su Yao solve their two companions in an instant, also took out the knives they carried with them.

Here in southern Xinjiang, it is legal to carry controlled knives with you. Even for people in southern Xinjiang, it is reasonable, reasonable and legal to carry knives in other parts of China.

When Su Yao saw a knife coming straight towards her, she also turned her body to avoid the fatal knife, then turned her body on the spot, and kicked him directly in the stomach with a roundabout kick.

Then he grabbed the man by the neck, pulled his head down, and gave the man a knee directly in the face.


With a crisp sound, Lin Shu could clearly hear the sound of the opponent's bones breaking.

The fourth gangster, seeing that Su Yao is so tough, didn't dare to do anything.

But Su Yao was obviously suffocated by this incident, and she couldn't find a place to vent her anger.

Seeing the fourth person who was about to run away, Su Yao rushed up directly, then raised her leg high, kicked the other person's chin directly, and kicked him into the air.

After solving the four people, Su Yao also turned around to look at Lin Shu proudly, and clapped her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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