Supreme Chef

Chapter 288 Kindergarten Haunted

Chapter 288 Kindergarten Haunted

The two had a happy meal, then Lin Mu took Su Yao around outside again, and they didn't return to the hotel until evening.

Back at the hotel, the problem the two of them had to face was that there was only one bed.

Su Yao looked at the double bed in front of her, bit her lips, and said with a red face, "how about we both sleep on the bed tonight."

At the end, Su Yao seemed to be worried about Lin Mu's misunderstanding, so she added, "you have worked very hard to save me these days."

Lin Mu looked at Su Yao, smiled, and said, "It's okay, I'll just sit here overnight and sleep with you, a heroine. I'm worried that you'll kick me out of bed at night!"

"I hate you!" When Su Yao heard Lin Mu teasing herself, she rebuked her shyly.

But soon Su Yao realized that she seemed a little too intimate like this, so she quickly corrected her expression.

Lin Mu was also shocked by Su Yao's shyness just now, and was a little dazed.

Just like that, the air seemed to freeze all of a sudden, and the two of them stopped talking.

"Cough cough!"

Lin Mu coughed twice, and said with some embarrassment: "You should rest first, we have to get up early tomorrow morning to catch the plane."

Su Yao nodded and said, "OK! You really don't want to go to bed to rest? "

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "No need, you can rest."

"Oh!" Su Yao agreed, and went to bed alone to rest.

Su Yao lay on the bed and tossed and turned for a long time before falling asleep peacefully.

Seeing that Su Yao fell asleep, Lin Mu also sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice spiritual consciousness.

Although Lin Mu has found a shortcut to body training, there is no shortcut to the cultivation of spiritual consciousness. It can only be done through continuous accumulation and hard work.

After practicing all night, when the first cock crow sounded, Lin Mu also gave up his skills.

Su Yao woke up when she heard the rooster crowing. It can be seen that she didn't sleep well last night, and her eyes were still covered with big dark circles.

Lin Mu glanced at Su Yao and said, "Clean up, let's go."

"En!" Su Yao nodded, then went to the bathroom to tidy herself up.

Three hours later, the plane landed smoothly at Binhai International Airport.

"You're home, why do you seem unhappy?" Lin Mu looked at Su Yao and said.

Su Yao hesitated for a moment and said, "will we meet again in the future?"

Lin Mu looked at Su Yao, not knowing what Su Yao meant, but he still said, "It should be."

Hearing Lin Mu's answer, Su Yao suddenly became happy and said, "That's good. I thought, after this time, you're not going to see me again?"

Lin Mu said, "Why would I do this?"

Su Yao said: "because... because I thought you hated me?"

Lin Mu smiled and said: "You did do some things that I didn't like before, but that wasn't your original intention. Now that the things have passed, there's no need for me not to like you."

After Su Yao finished listening, her eye circles turned slightly red.

Lin Mu doesn't know why Su Yao is moved, because in Lin Mu's view, Su Yao is not a sentimental person.

The two came out of the airport one after the other. As soon as they came out, Su Yao saw her father, Su Xing.

"Yaoyao! Yaoyao!" Seeing Su Yao, Su Xing burst into tears.

Su Yao sees her father, who has aged so much these days, and also sheds tears.

The father and daughter hugged each other and cried for a long time before remembering that there was another tree.

Su Yao wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, introduced to her father, and said, "Dad, this is the friend Lin Mu who saved me."

Su Xing looked Lin Mu up and down. Although he felt a little familiar, he still thanked him: "Thank you, Mr. Lin, for saving my daughter."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "It's just a little effort."

After a pause, Lin Mu said: "I still have things to go first, so I won't delay the reunion of you two father and daughter."

Upon hearing this, Su Xing quickly said: "Mr. Lin saved my daughter, I should thank Mr. Lin..."

Lin Mu waved his hand and said, "Uncle Su, you're welcome, there's really no need, I really have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Seeing that Lin Mu had lifted his foot and left, Su Yao opened her mouth, but finally said nothing.

When Lin Mu walked away, Su Xing turned to his daughter and said, "Yaoyao, Lin Mu is not an ordinary person, how did you know her?"

Now Su Yao will know Lin Mu's experience, and tell her father in detail, including the matter of Lin Mu saving herself in southern Xinjiang, but most of the time in southern Xinjiang Su Yao is in a daze, and many things are not true. clear.

Su Xing also became nervous when he heard that those people in southern Xinjiang wanted to offer their daughters as sacrifices to some kind of god.

"So that god was solved by Lin Mu?" Su Xing asked in surprise.

Su Yao shook her head and said, "I don't know about this either, but Lin Mu did tell me that they won't come to harass us again in the future."

After listening to Su Xing, he also sighed with emotion, and said: "You are really a young hero. With your own strength, you have subdued the entire southern border."

Su Yao listened to her father's emotion, and nodded accordingly, and at the same time, there was a slight ripple in her heart.

After Lin Mu left the airport, he stopped a car and went to Binda University to find Fan Xiaoxiao.

However, after Lin Mu went to southern Xinjiang, Fan Xiaoxiao went to a company in other places to complete her project, so Lin Mu was in vain after arriving at Binda University.

Not finding Fan Xiaoxiao, Lin Mu went to Gu Bingxian.

"Xuanxuan!" Lin Mu came in, saw Gu Xuan playing alone in Xiaoyuanzi, and cried out with a smile.


When Gu Xuan heard Lin Mu's cry, she also cried out in surprise, and then rushed into Lin Mu's arms.

"Grandpa, where have you been? Why haven't you seen Xuanxuan for a long time?" Gu Xuan said with her arms around Lin Mu's neck.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Little Grandpa has something to do, so why don't you come to Xuanxuan when you're done?"

Gu Xuan 'baji' kissed Lin Mu's face, and said, "I knew little grandpa would never forget Xuanxuan."

Lin Mudao: "Today is not the weekend, why didn't Xuanxuan go to kindergarten?"

Gu Xuan said: "Many children in the kindergarten are sick. The teacher is worried that it is an infectious disease, so they give everyone a holiday."

After finishing speaking, Gu Xuan lowered her voice and said mysteriously: "Grandpa, the children are not actually sick, but there is that kind of thing in our kindergarten, and those children are all made sick by that kind of thing."

Lin Mu frowned, and his voice became more serious, "Xuanxuan, are you sure it's that kind of thing that made the children sick?"

Gu Xuan nodded seriously, and said: "Xuanxuan saw that thing and hugged each sick child behind him, and then that child fell ill the next day."

Lin Mu frowned further, and said, "Then has it ever touched you?"

Gu Xuan shook her head and said: "It seems to know that I can see him, so he dare not touch Xuanxuan, but the other children will be miserable, because every child touched by that thing is very sick , and still can't find out any cause of disease, I heard from my mother that all the experts from the province have come."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Has Xuanxuan told anyone else about this?"

Gu Xuan shook her head and said, "I remember my little grandpa's advice to me, but I never told anyone about it."

Lin Mudao: "Xuanxuan is the most obedient."

After finishing talking, Lin Mu flipped his palm, took out a piece of jade pendant, and said, "Xuanxuan put this on, and there will be no such thing that dares to approach Xuanxuan in the future."

Gu Xuan stared at the jade pendant that appeared out of nowhere in Lin Mu's hand, looked at Lin Mu's hand with big eyes in surprise, and said, "Little grandpa, you can do magic tricks so well!"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "If Xuanxuan likes to watch it, grandpa will often show it to Xuanxuan in the future."

Gu Xuan kissed Lin Mu's face again, and said, "Xuan Xuan loves little grandpa the most."

"It turns out that uncle is here. I asked why Xuanxuan is so quiet?" Gu Meiru walked out of the room with a smile in her home clothes.

Seeing her mother, Gu Xuan crawled next to Lin Mu's ear again, and said in a low voice, "Little Grandpa, recently there is a very annoying person who always pesters mother, and now he is still in the house, Xuanxuan is so annoying He, he obviously doesn't like Xuanxuan, but he still pretends to like Xuanxuan very much."

When Lin Mu heard Gu Xuan's words, he smiled and pinched Gu Xuan's little nose.

(End of this chapter)

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