Supreme Chef

Chapter 289

Chapter 289
Gu Meiru looked at Gu Xuan and Lin Mu biting their ears, and said with a smile, "What did Xuan Xuan say to grandpa? Can't mother listen?"

Gu Xuan turned her head, stuck out her tongue playfully, and said, "This is a secret that Xuan Xuan and Grandpa can't tell you."

Gu Meiru smiled helplessly, and said, "With my little grandpa, I don't even want my mother."

After talking about Gu Xuan, Gu Meiru looked at Lin Mu and said, "Uncle, come in and sit down."

Lin Mu nodded, hugged Gu Xuan and followed Gu Meiru into the living room.

Coming to the living room, Lin Mu immediately saw the young man sitting on the sofa with Lin Xue.

The age of this man is about thirty, he is dressed very delicately, he wears a famous brand, and it can be seen that he is a person who is very particular about taste, the trademark on the suit has been carefully cut off, and Lin Xue Conversation is also relaxed.

But the only shortcoming is that this person feels very unreliable, or more directly, this person feels very hypocritical.

"It turns out that my brother is here, why didn't I notify you in advance." Seeing Lin Mu coming, Lin Xue quickly got up and said.

Lin Mu said: "I just came back, so I stopped by to have a look."

Lin Xue glanced at the young man sitting on the sofa, and introduced: "This is Eucommia, a friend of Meiru."

"Du Zhong is your uncle's sworn brother I mentioned to you, and he is also a very powerful Chinese medicine practitioner." Lin Xue introduced Du Zhong.

Du Zhong looked at Lin Mu who was dressed in ordinary clothes, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, but he concealed it very well, and no one could see it.

Du Zhong stretched out his hand, showing a friendly smile, and said: "Hello, I am Du Zhong, and my family is also a family of Chinese medicine. I heard that Mr. Lin is also proficient in Chinese medicine. We can discuss it in the future."

Lin Mu smiled and said: "I don't dare to be proficient, I just know a little bit. In front of Brother Du, I don't dare to play tricks."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Du Zhong didn't even show politeness, but directly said: "Mr. Lin, my Du family has opened medical clinics in Binhai, Fengyang and other places. If Mr. Lin is willing, you can come to my house for a visit. "

Hearing Du Zhong's words, Lin Xue and Gu Meiru frowned.

Especially Lin Xue, the good impression that Eucommia gave him originally, of course, is gone now.

Du Zhong didn't seem to realize that Lin Xue's mother and daughter were both offended by his words, but began to tease Gu Xuan on his own.

Du Zhong wanted to reach out to pinch Gu Xuan's face, but Gu Xuan avoided it: "Don't touch me, you don't like me at all, so don't touch me!"

Du Zhong didn't expect Gu Xuan to be so straightforward, and she was a little embarrassed. She didn't know whether to retract her outstretched hand or continue to hold it.

Du Zhong laughed awkwardly, and said: "Xuanxuan is just for fun, and she knows how to joke with uncle at such a young age."

Gu Xuan snorted through her nose and said, "I'm not joking. What I said is true. You obviously don't like me. You pretended to like me just to pursue my mother."

When Gu Meiru heard Gu Xuan's words, her pretty face blushed slightly, and at the same time she took a sneak look at Lin Mu, seeing that Lin Mu didn't show anything unusual, so Gu Meiru glared at Gu Xuan, and said, "Xuanxuan, don't nonsense!"

Gu Xuan glanced at her mother, then snorted dissatisfied.

Du Zhong seemed to ease the embarrassment in front of him, and said: "Auntie, don't forget to boil the traditional Chinese medicine I brought to Xuanxuan. Xuanxuan and her kindergarten are suffering from infectious diseases. The medicine can improve Xuanxuan's immunity. Do your best to prevent Xuanxuan from being infected."

Gu Xuan put her arms around Lin Mu's neck, turned her head to look at Du Zhong, and said, "I don't need your medicine. Even if I'm sick, my little grandpa will help me. My little grandpa is much better than you."

Being choked by Gu Xuan again and again, a trace of anger flashed in Du Zhong's eyes.

Unfortunately, this trace of anger happened to be seen by Gu Meiru.

Gu Meiru may not marry for the rest of her life, but she will never allow someone to treat her daughter badly.

Gu Meiru's face turned cold, and said: "Mr. Du, if there is nothing else, I want to carry Xuanxuan upstairs first."

Gu Meiru has issued an order to evict customers, which made Du Zhong even more embarrassed, but Du Zhong didn't find the reason on himself, but felt that his current embarrassment was all because of Lin Shu, which made Du Zhong feel bad about this and himself. Lin Mu, who had just met for the first time, developed great resentment.

"Jingle Bell!"

Just when Du Zhong didn't know how to resolve his embarrassment, his phone rang very timely.

Hearing the ringing of the phone, Du Zhong also heaved a sigh of relief, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I have to answer a call first."

Picking up the phone, Du Zhong listened to a few sentences and answered casually, then hung up.

"I'm sorry that there is something wrong with the hospital. Xuanxuan and her kindergarten have a few seriously ill children who were sent to the city hospital. The city hospital couldn't find a good treatment plan. I hope we can help!" Du Zhong said.

After finishing speaking, Du Zhong did not forget to look at Lin Shu provocatively.

Seeing Eucommia provoking him, Lin Mu also smiled noncommittally.

At this moment, Lin Xue didn't have any good impression of Du Zhong, so she said bluntly, "Since you have something to do, go and do it first, and we won't delay you."

Du Zhong didn't seem to hear the displeasure in Lin Xue's tone, but smiled very gentlemanly, and said: "Auntie, I'll go first, don't forget to make medicine for Xuanxuan."

Lin Xue responded noncommittally, and then said nothing.

At this time, Du Zhong also found out that Lin Xue didn't want to see him anymore, and he didn't dare to stay here any longer, and left in a hurry.

After Du Zhong walked away, Lin Xue apologized to Lin Mu, "Brother Lin, I'm really sorry, I made you laugh."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? I have nothing to laugh at."

When Lin Mu said this, Lin Xue was even more embarrassed, and said: "I thought that Eucommia's family background was a good match for Meiru, and I thought he was a good person, but I didn't expect his character..."

"Ah!" Lin Xue didn't continue, but sighed deeply.

Gu Meiru comforted her mother, saying: "Mom, I can't blame you for this, you are doing it for my own good. But Mom, I can handle my affairs by myself in the future. Besides, Mom, I really don't have any thoughts now. Think about these things."

Lin Xue glanced at Gu Meiru, and said, "Okay, you can handle these things yourself in the future."

Gu Xuan also spoke at this time, saying: "That's right, grandma, if you want to find someone like little grandpa, you can do it."

Gu Xuan is childish, but when Gu Xuan's words came out, both of the two people involved blushed.

But the embarrassment didn't last, Gu Xuan put her arms around Lin Mu's neck and said, "Grandpa, Xuanxuan has something to ask of Grandpa, can Grandpa promise Xuanxuan?"

Lin Mudao: "Xuanxuan, just tell me if you have anything to say? Grandpa will definitely promise you."

Gu Xuan said: "Grandpa, Xuanxuan has a very good friend in the kindergarten, but he is also sick, and he is very sick. Xuanxuan hopes that Grandpa can help me save him. Xuanxuan doesn't want anything to happen to him."

Seeing Gu Xuan's pitiful look, even Lin Mu couldn't bear to reject Gu Xuan even if he had a hard heart, not to mention that Lin Mu loves Gu Xuan the most.

Lin Mu pinched Gu Xuan's little nose, and said with a smile, "Okay, little grandpa promises you, little grandpa will accompany you to visit your friends right now, okay?"

"Okay! Thank you, little grandpa!" Gu Xuan was so excited that she almost jumped up in Lin Mu's arms.

Seeing Gu Xuan's happy face, Gu Meiru also smiled, and said, "Mom will drive you and grandpa to the hospital, okay?"

Gu Xuan pulled Gu Meiru away, then kissed Gu Meiru heavily on the face, and said, "Mom is the best too."

There was nothing wrong with Gu Xuan's kiss, but she pulled Gu Meiru over, and Gu Meiru's chest was pressed against Lin Mu's hand.

At the beginning, Gu Meiru didn't react much, but soon Gu Meiru felt a strangeness in her chest, but at this time she obviously couldn't react too aggressively.

Lin Mu naturally felt a soft pressure on his hand, and Lin Mu naturally knew what it was, but at this time, obviously Lin Mu couldn't react.

In this way, the two stalemate for about ten seconds before separating.

"Mom, why are you blushing? Is mom feeling well?" Gu Xuan looked at her mother's blushing face and asked with concern.

It's okay for Gu Xuan not to ask, but Gu Meiru's face turned even redder when she asked.

Lin Mu didn't want to embarrass Gu Meiru, so he said to Gu Xuan, "Xuanxuan, let's go see your good friend first, shall we?"

"Okay!" Gu Xuan happily agreed, and temporarily put her mother's affairs behind.

Lin Xue naturally saw all of this in her eyes. Seeing the three of them leaving in harmony, Lin Xue's eyes also flashed a hint of comprehension.

Lin Xue drove the car, and the three of them arrived at the hospital very quickly. After asking which floors the children were on, the three of them took the elevator upstairs.

Arriving at the intensive care floor, as soon as the elevator door opened, the three of Lin Mu saw Eucommia surrounded by a group of doctors in white coats.

"Meiru, why are you here?" Du Zhong had sharp eyes, saw Gu Meiru at a glance, and asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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