Supreme Chef

Chapter 290 The Doctor's Kindness

Chapter 290 The Doctor's Kindness

Gu Meiru was already bored with Du Zhong, so when Du Zhong greeted her, Gu Meiru just pretended not to see it.

Du Zhong also didn't expect that Gu Meiru's face would be a little ugly when she didn't give her face so much.

"Who are these three Doctors?" A middle-aged doctor asked Du Zhong beside him.

Du Zhong smiled and said, "These two are my friends, this is Miss Gu Meiru, and this is her daughter Gu Xuan."

After a pause, Du Zhong looked at Lin Mu, made a contemplative expression, and said, "What's the name of this gentleman, I'm sorry, please forgive me, I never remember the name of a friend."

Lin Mu knew that Eucommia was trying to make himself look bad, but Lin Mu really didn't care about it, he was as knowledgeable as such a small person, smiled slightly, and said, "My name is Lin Mu."

Du Zhong showed a look of sudden realization, and said: "Yes! I remembered that this Mr. Lin is also a Chinese medicine doctor, and he is also a very powerful Chinese medicine doctor. I think this Mr. Lin should be invited by your hospital. ?”

When the middle-aged doctor heard what Eucommia said, he couldn't see that there was a conflict between Eucommia and Lin Mu. However, Eucommia's family is a family of traditional Chinese medicine. The Du family is very prestigious.The old man of the Du family is also a health care doctor appointed by the central leadership. His status is basically equivalent to that of an imperial physician in ancient times. His status in the entire medical world is naturally quite respected.

It can be said that if he offends the Du family in the medical field, it is tantamount to cutting off his own career in the medical field.Besides, I still begged for help this time, so I had to buy favors for Eucommia no matter what.

The middle-aged doctor followed Du Zhong's words and said: "We have never heard of Mr. Lin's name, and our hospital has not invited Mr. Lin to cooperate. Besides, the medical skills of Du's family are beyond Xinglin, so there is no need for us to go there again." Ask an outsider to help."

These few words of the middle-aged doctor made Eucommia feel elated for a while, and at the same time, he looked at the trees in his eyes, full of complacency.

But Du Zhong didn't expect that his so-called arrogance was just a clown in Gu Meiru's eyes, not to mention her ability to see Lin Mu, it was the things she heard about Lin Mu from her mother, it was not Du Zhong who jumped the bridge The clown can do it.

Lin Mu smiled slightly and said, "I am..."

"Brother Lin, why are you here?" Before Lin Mu finished speaking, he was interrupted by a crisp voice.

Everyone followed the prestige, and happened to see Wang Xue, who was pretty and lively, walking towards this side with Wang Weiping.

Seeing Wang Xue, Du Zhong's eyes couldn't help but brighten up, but when he thought that such a beautiful girl knew Lin Mu, Du Zhong couldn't help feeling resentful for a while.

But the middle-aged doctor beside Du Zhong didn't have this idea at this time. He knew who Wang Xue was best, and he was the daughter of the director of the provincial hospital.

Although the Provincial Hospital and the Binhai City Hospital are two-level units and have no serious relationship, Wang Weiping also serves as the deputy director of the Provincial Health Department, and he is in charge of it.

But in the scene in front of him, it is obvious that Wang Xue has a very good relationship with Lin Shu, who was hit by him just now.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged doctor's mouth twitched unnaturally.

Just as the middle-aged doctor was about to say something, Wang Weiping swallowed his words abruptly in shock.

"Ling Mu, it's good if you come, it seems that those children have been saved!" Wang Weiping also said excitedly.

Wang Weiping's words surprised everyone present except for Wang Xue and Gu Meiru's mother and daughter.

How could Wang Weiping admire such an unknown young man like Lin Mu?

Especially Eucommia, he couldn't figure it out the most, because in his opinion, these praises from others should all belong to him.

The middle-aged doctor looked at Lin Mu timidly, and then tentatively asked Wang Weiping for confirmation, "Who is Mr. Lin, Dean Wang?"

Wang Weiping has been working in the system for many years, and at a glance, he can see that the middle-aged doctor should have conflicts with Lin Mu.

Not to mention Lin Mu's contribution to the Provincial Hospital, but the fact that Lin Mu recommended himself to Fang Hongyi that day, Wang Weiping could not repay this favor.

Immediately, Wang Weiping's face darkened, and he said in a bad tone: "Lin Mu is the specially appointed director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of our provincial hospital, and also the leader of the Chinese Medicine Research Group organized by the Provincial Health Department, and the main member of the provincial medical team. You said that Lin Mu is who?"

Lin Mu knew about the special director, but Lin Mu really didn't know about the latter two titles, but after thinking about it, he knew that Wang Weiping must have arranged for him. Of course, Lin Mu didn't care about these false titles at all, and Wang Weiping It is also a good intention.

After listening to Wang Weiping's words, the middle-aged doctor shivered involuntarily from fright.

He really didn't expect Lin Mu to have so many titles, and looking at Wang Weiping's appearance, it was obvious that he liked Lin Mu very much. Now he was really miserable. He wanted to flatter him, but he didn't expect to be photographed on the horse's hoof.

Although the Du family has a very high status in the entire medical field, the county magistrate is not as good as the current management, and your high status in the medical field does not mean that you have a high administrative level. Wang Weiping is a cadre at the deputy department level, and he is only a deputy director. Wang Weiping If you want to pinch yourself to death, it's not the same as playing.

Du Zhong obviously did not expect that Lin Mu would have such an identity, but in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, Du Zhong has never convinced others.

Du Zhong raised his eyebrows, and said: "I didn't expect Mr. Lin to be a real person, but this is just right, we can have a discussion, and let me see what special skills Mr. Lin, the top Chinese medicine doctor in the provincial hospital, has. .”

Wang Weiping frowned, snorted coldly, and said, "If it's your grandfather who said Du Zhong, I think it's justifiable, you're a little tender!"

When Du Zhong heard what Wang Weiping said, he also knew that he had hit too much just now and offended Wang Weiping.But at this time, Du Zhong didn't care anymore. Anyway, he couldn't ask Wang Weiping for anything, so if he offended, he would be offended.

Du Zhong glanced at Lin Mu provocatively, and said: "Mr. Lin, do you dare to discuss it? It happens that there are these critically ill patients here. How about we see who can be cured first?"

"Bijibi, little grandpa is not afraid of him, Xuanxuan supports you!" Gu Xuan was the first to jump out and said.

Lin Mu smiled and scratched Gu Xuan's little nose, then looked at Du Zhong, and said, "I won't engage in this kind of meaningless competition with you."

Seeing that Lin Mu didn't dare to compare with himself, Du Zhong was even more frightened: "I don't think you dare, are you afraid of losing? Are you afraid that you will fall from the altar and let everyone see your true colors of deceiving the world?"

Lin Mu is unwilling to be as knowledgeable as this kind of person, but it doesn't mean that Lin Mu will restrain himself blindly.

Lin Mu took a step forward, forced Du Zhong back a step, and said: "First, let me tell you, doctors are benevolent, I will not use my patients as tools for my competition, if you don't have this benevolence, I advise you You'd better not go on being a doctor, because even if you did, you'd be nothing but a quack.

Second, I don't compare with you because Dean Wang is right. Your elders may still be qualified to compare with me, but you are exempted. I don't want anyone to say that I bully the juniors in the future! "

"It's a good word about the benevolence of a doctor. Competing with your own patients can only show your cold blood. It seems that your Du family has chosen the wrong heir!" Wang Weiping also said mercilessly.

Du Zhong blushed when Lin Mu and Wang Weiping said it, but he was not ashamed, but because of anger.

Eucommia clenched his fists with a 'crack bang' and 'crack bang', and suddenly raised his head, the gentle and gentlemanly look in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a beast-like light.

"If Lin Mu has the guts, you agree to compete with me. If anyone loses, he will kowtow three times to the other party on the spot and call him master!" Du Zhong said almost growling.

Today, his Eucommia's face is completely lost. If he doesn't break out, from today on, he, Eucommia, will become a joke in the entire Binhai, and even in the entire medical field.

"Brother Lin, don't talk to such a boring person!" Wang Xue stepped forward, pulled Lin Mu contemptuously and said.

Lin Mu turned his head, saw the worry in Wang Xue's eyes, smiled slightly, then turned to Du Zhong, and said, "I'm not interested in being your master at all, but I'm willing to accept your three loud heads."

When Du Zhong heard Lin Mu's words, he immediately said, "So you agreed to compete with me?"

Lin Mudao: "For some people who don't know the so-called, sometimes what they need is an unforgettable lesson."

Du Zhong snorted coldly and said: "I don't talk to people like you. When you lose, I will wait for you to kowtow to me!"

After finishing speaking, Eucommia walked over to the other side of the ward first.

"Brother Lin, let's not get to know this kind of person anymore?" Wang Xue said, pulling Lin Mu's arm.

Lin Mu turned his head to look at Wang Xue, showing a characteristic smile, and said, "Don't worry, I won't lose."

Seeing Lin Mu's smile, Wang Xue felt at ease for a while, nodded vigorously, and said, "Brother Lin, I believe in you!"

Gu Meiru naturally saw all of this in her eyes. Although there was a bit of sourness in her heart, she didn't say anything, but her eyes were a little lonely.

The middle-aged doctor didn't expect things to turn out like this, so he came to Wang Weiping at a loss and said, "President Wang, look at this..."

Wang Weiping stared at him coldly, and said in a cold voice, "What is this?"

The middle-aged doctor bit his bullet and said, "President Wang, what do you think should be done?"

Wang Weiping said: "It happened to you in your hospital, we were only invited to help, what to do is your business, not mine?"

The middle-aged doctor knew that he had offended Wang Weiping to death, so he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he could only go back and arrange people to prepare for the competition.

(End of this chapter)

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