Supreme Chef

Chapter 291

Chapter 291
The competition was quickly arranged, and coincidentally, the kid chosen by the hospital was the friend Gu Xuan mentioned.

Seeing her good friend lying on the bed with very weak breath, Gu Xuan said to Lin Mu with teary eyes, "Grandpa, you must save my friend."

Lin Mu glanced at the child lying on the bed with a sallow face, nodded and said, "Xuanxuan, don't worry, little grandpa will definitely cure him."

Du Zhong glanced at Lin Mu sideways, and said: "Don't talk too much, or you won't be able to take it back when the time comes, and you will smash your own foot."

Lin Mudao: "Whether I hit my foot or not is my own business, what does it have to do with you, why do you still want to be my stepping stone, worried that I will hurt my foot?"

"You!" In terms of tongue, Du Zhong is really no match for Lin Mu.

"Hmph! You just wait to kowtow to me later!" Du Zhong said angrily, throwing his hands down forcefully.

After speaking, Du Zhong turned to the middle-aged doctor and said, "President Xue, although a patient is fair, how should we compare?"

Dean Xue said, "We discussed it. You and Mr. Lin will treat this kid separately. In the end, whoever can treat him the most effectively will win."

Du Zhong said: "This rule is of course good, but if I treat it first, but the effect is not immediately apparent, but the effect of my treatment will be shown when he treats it, then who is to blame for this? Or me If he is cured on the spot, then he doesn’t need to continue the treatment, so what about this?”

"This..." Dean Xue really didn't think about it.

Lin Mu smiled and said: "You don't have to think so complicated, you come to the treatment first, if you are cured, I will lose, if you can't be cured immediately, I will treat you after you are sure that your method is ineffective, so that Is it okay?"

Lin Mu's proposal is beneficial to Du Zhong no matter what, so Du Zhong will naturally not be polite: "You said this, don't wait until you lose to find any excuses."

Lin Mu chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I won't make excuses. I brought this up myself."

Du Zhong said: "It's a good deal!"

Wang Xue was not happy to hear it, she flattened her mouth and said: "The villain gets his ambition, and if he gets a bargain, he will act like a good boy!"

Du Zhong looked at Wang Xue, smiled slightly, and said, "This was proposed by Lin Mu himself, and I didn't force him!"


Just as Wang Xue was about to defend herself angrily, Lin Mu stopped her with her eyes.

After everything has been discussed, the game will officially start.

Dean Xue had communicated with the patient's family members before, saying that this was an expert consultation organized by the hospital, and he did not tell the parents about the competition, otherwise, some parents would agree that the hospital would compete with their own children.

Du Zhong came to the front of the patient and took out the needle box he carried with him.

Du Zhong's needle box looks very simple, obviously it has been around for a long time, which shows that the heritage of Du Zhong's family is really good.

Du Zhong took out the silver needle from the needle box, and explained to everyone proudly: "Everyone should know that my Du family's most proud acupuncture method is the Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate, but today if I use my family's most proud acupuncture method to defeat Mr. Lin , Mr. Lin is definitely not convinced."

After a pause, Du Zhong looked at Wang Weiping and said, "President Wang, I heard that there is a doctor Qin from the provincial hospital who has inherited the five-dragon acupuncture method. I think Mr. Lin will also do it. Today I will use the five-dragon acupuncture method. Come and compete with Mr. Lin."

Seeing Du Zhong's frightened look, Wang Xue couldn't help but get angry: "The Wulong acupuncture method is Brother Lin..."

"Xue'er, don't interrupt!" Wang Weiping called to stop Wang Xue.

Lin Mu taught Qin Hong the five-dragon acupuncture technique. Only a few people in the hospital knew about it, and Lin Mu specifically told him not to tell anyone else.

Wang Xue was interrupted by her father, so she naturally understood her father's intentions, but Wang Xue just couldn't understand Du Zhong's frightened look.

"What did this beautiful lady want to say just now?" Du Zhong asked Wang Xue, turning his head.

Lin Mu smiled slightly, and said: "It's nothing, you can start, everyone is waiting to appreciate your five-dragon acupuncture?"

Seeing Lin Mu, Du Zhong was also furious, raised his eyebrows, and said, "You don't need to say that!"

After speaking, Du Zhong turned around and came to the patient.

I have to say that Eucommia really has two brushes, from drawing needles to dropping needles, all in one go, without the slightest sloppiness, and the Du family obviously has the inheritance of inner strength and mental methods. The Wulong needle method used by Eucommia is also Use Qi to control the needle.

Others were amazed when they saw Eucommia dropping the needle so quickly.Especially Wang Weiping, he didn't expect that in this world, apart from trees, there would be people who also know the five-dragon needling technique. Only Lin Mu can do it alone.

Seeing Eucommia dropping the needle quickly, Wang Xue grabbed Lin Shu's clothes nervously.

Although Gu Meiru didn't know much about medicine, seeing everyone's nervous expressions, she was also worried about Lin Mu, and subconsciously grabbed Lin Mu's clothes.

Lin Mu may be the only one who is not nervous, because Lin Mu knows that the child lying on the bed is not sick at all, not to mention Wulong acupuncture, even if Lin Mu only uses Jiulong acupuncture, it is impossible to cure this child.

Du Zhong was delighted to see that the child's complexion improved a little with his own injection of the needle.

But just when Eucommia was about to see the dawn of victory, the child's face suddenly changed, and then his body trembled involuntarily, as if he was having a seizure.

Seeing this sudden change, Du Zhong was a little panicked, and he was quicker to attack.

However, after all the needles were dropped, the child indeed recovered, but his condition remained unchanged, and his face was even paler than before.

Du Zhong saw that the child hadn't changed a bit, and his forehead was sweating, but he didn't want to admit defeat.

Eucommia stretched out his hand on the child's wrist, felt the pulse with the left and the right, but there was no change at all, and the condition did not improve at all.

Ten minutes later, Lin Mu looked at Du Zhong, who was frowning, and said, "How about it, is it my turn?"

Du Zhong confirmed again that his method was indeed ineffective, then let go of his hand, gave Lin Mu a blank look, and said: "It's your turn, I can't cure it, and you can't cure it either."

Lin Mu said: "Whether I can cure it or not is my business, please let me go now?"

Du Zhong snorted coldly, moved away from his seat, and let Lin Mu handle it.

Lin Mu unhurriedly took out his needle box, opened it, and said, "Your Du family is famous for the Thirteen Needles of Ghost Gate, so you should know that this acupuncture method is effective in treating epilepsy, epilepsy, and evil diseases." Unique effect, right?"

Du Zhong rolled his eyes and said, "This is inherited from my family, so you don't need to teach me? Could it be that you are still planning to treat him with ghost gate thirteen needles?"

Lin Mudao: "If you use the thirteen needles of the ghost gate to treat it, it will lose my status as an elder. Since this is passed down from your family, then you should know that the thirteen needles of the ghost gate are born out of the eight ghost hands. needle?"

Ghost hand eight needles!

For this noun, some of the Chinese medicine practitioners present all showed a look of bewilderment, but Du Zhong's body trembled violently, looked at Lin Shu as if he had seen a ghost, and said, "You... how do you know that the ghost hand eight needles ?”

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Why can't I know?"

Du Zhong said in shock: "The eight needles of the ghost hand are the top secret of our Du family. It is impossible for outsiders to know about them. Moreover, the eight needles of the ghost hand only exist in legends. How could you?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "As an elder, isn't it normal for me to order something you don't know?"

After the shock, Eucommia finally calmed down.

Du Zhong looked at Lin Mu and suddenly sneered, "I hope you didn't hear this legend from somewhere, don't let me down?"

Lin Mu smiled at Du Zhong, who was a dead duck with a stiff mouth, and didn't say anything. Instead, he turned around and prepared to give the needle.

Soon Lin Mu started to do it, but to everyone's surprise, they only saw silver needles appearing on the child's acupuncture points, but they couldn't see Lin Mu's needles coming out at all.

From the beginning to the end, the trees seemed to stand there without moving.

"Ghost hand! It's really a ghost hand!"

An elderly Chinese doctor sighed in shock.

Du Zhong's eyes were wide open, and he couldn't believe what he saw.He never thought that his Du family's acupuncture method, which only existed in legends, would actually be known by someone!

In less than 5 minutes, Lin Mu had put away all the needles on the patient.

And the people in the room were still staring at Lin Mu in a daze, completely unaware of what happened just now.

"Mom! I'm hungry!"

In the end, it was the weak business of the kid lying on the bed that broke the silence of the room.

"Uncle! Who are you?" The child weakly opened his eyes, looked at the trees in front of him and asked weakly.

Gu Xuan broke free from her mother's hand, came to the child, looked at the child lying on the bed, and said pleasantly: "Xiaopeng is my little grandfather, it was my little grandfather who saved you!"

The kid named Xiaopeng saw that it was Gu Xuan, and also showed a cute smile, saying: "Xuanxuan is you, thank you for coming to see me, and thank you little grandpa for saving me!"

Seeing Xiaopeng being so sensible, Lin Mu also smiled slightly, stroked the child's hair, and said, "Little friend Xiaopeng, I'll have someone call your father and mother right now, but you've just recovered, so you can't If you eat too good food, you can only drink some porridge, okay?"

Xiaopeng nodded lightly and said, "I'll listen to my grandpa!"

During the whole process, no one in the room spoke.

"Miracle! It's really a miracle!" Wang Weiping said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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